Like groceries

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This is a lime.
You are the seme. (Don't worry next up is uke reader.)
But I'm trying to update as much as I can. Hope you like this, if you don't then.. well... shit. Not really my problem 😂🤣
This is not edited so there may be grammar errors.

*Nobody's POV*

You were sitting in math class bored af. Atleast you could stare at the teacher's ass.(legit me) Your teacher was Erwin Smith, or as everyone calls him Mr. Eyebrows. And your long time crush.

Erwin noticed that you were staring off into space. "Mr.(L/N)! What is the answer to question 8?" Now the entire class is staring. "Fuck do I know" you answered with a bored expression.

You sat back happy with your smartass reply,"DETENTION!". Mr. Smith yelled clearly pissed. 'Just as I was hoping to leave early today' you let out a sigh.

Class was over quickly, but you were still sitting by your desk. You had closed Your eyes and laid your head down on the desk. It's always annoyed you that the desk's surfaces were so small. Just as you were about to fall asleep, the door opened and Mr. Smith walked in.

"Don't tell me you were sleeping." Erwin asked with annoyance clearly heard in his voice. You deciding on being a smartass again because you're already in detention. "What if I was" you answered sarcastically.

"I swear it's like you hate me." Erwin said with his brows furrowed.

"I don't hate you I hate your class." You were getting annoyed. Annoyed with the fact that you could have been home watching south park, or playing Grand theft auto V.

"I thought you hated me" Erwin's hard look had softened. 

You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You liked Mr. Smith but the whole detention thing was annoying. You would of been fine with it but today was a bad day. First you could get enough sleep, then your mother started to bitch about how you sleep to much, then you were late and forgot your history book, then you were yelled at by Mr. Ackerman for said book, and now this.

So detention went on with you sitting at your desk and Erwin filling in some paperwork. Unknown to you Erwin was deep in thought. He always thought you had hated him. He actually liked you, like really alot. Sometimes he would get hard at the thought of you. He would even sometimes touch himself by his desk when everyone is at lunch. He even fingers himself smelling your sweaty gym shirt when you forgot to take it home.

His face got red and his body grew hot at those thoughts. Before he knew it he was hard. You were of course oblivious to this as you were staring at the clock. The fact that you would see him touching himself excited Erwin. Before he knew it he was a panting, sweating mess. He was trying so hard to not moan your name, or let out any moans.

Then it slipped."(m/n)...~" it was a mere whisper, but you still heard it. You looked over and saw an erotic display of your teacher touching himself. You too got hard at the soft moans and whispers of your name. As silently as you could muster, you got up and quietly walked behind your moaning teacher.

Before he could notice bent down and started jerking him off and biting his neck. Erwin let out a shocked yelp, he was caught off guard by you sudden actions. This had escalated to him being bent over on his desk and you being on your knees kneading his ass.

"(M/n)~....ah!~" he let out a surprisingly loud moan once you started rimming him. But it was music to your ears. His soft then sudden loud moans. Him gripping the desk and grinding onto your face, not 15 seconds later you had found his prostate and started to press your tongue onto it. Erwin's knees started to shake and his cock started to throb. "Aaaahhhhh!! I'm gonn-" he got tense and started to shake lightly as he came on the foor and side of the desk.

Removing your tongue from him you got up and leaned over him, your still clothed erection pressing up into his hole.

"You can't be tired yet." You whispered and started grinding your clothed cock into him.

Erwin knew this was going to be one  long afternoon.


Yay! Another one! Next is probably going to be a uke reader. But who knows? It actually depends on what inspiration I get or idea I come up with. But I hope you enjoyed this quick lime. I really need some ideas. But that's all for now I'll see you in the next chapter. And remember I love all of you gorgeous people bye bye~~

 And remember I love all of you gorgeous people bye bye~~

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