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Shuu Tsukiyama x uke reader this is a (almost) Halloween special. So like obsession this gonna be gory and somewhat of a tragedy.? Idk I'll see where this goes and what I can come up with.


Fluff-ish fucked up lime.

Warning this has elements of self-cannibalism, gore, rape, mentiones of necrophilia and grim dark aspect.

Hope this creeps you out.



Shuu walked down the hallway and into the room that you were cept in. He smiled and chuckled to himself as he pushed the door open and walked in. Your dull eyes met his as he walked up to you. Your once (s/c) skin was nou a pale and blue hue and was covered in bruises and scars. Pieces of your flesh was missing and your body frail.

Shuu noticed that there were fresh pieces missing from your body and frowned. He grabbed your neck harshly and pulled you up to his face.

"Did you eat from yourself again?!" Shuu scolded as he gripped your throat. He raised his left hand and struck you across the face again and again. Tears were streaming down your face as you fell down onto the saitin sheets. And yet not a sound had left your mouth. Your vocal cords long gone, you lost them when you 'talked back' to Shuu.

But you knew you didn't have much time left. But at this point death would be a sweet relief. Your head was pushed into the pillows. Shuu leaned close to your ear and whisper the last sentence that you will hear in your misrable life.

"I'm going to teach you what happens when you dissobay me."


"Your so perfect (m/n)!" Shuu exclaimed happily as he stared at your lifeless body. Your corpse was beginning to rot and was cold to the touch. Shuu leaned over your lifeless form and ran his right hand over the side of your body. Shuu's pants tightened at the sight. Your dead expression was a sign of submission to him. Your everlasting silence obedience.

He bit his lip tugging your legs open, Shuu could barely control himself at this point. Your (e/c) eyes were now grey hues, your hair matted and your skin cold, rotting, pale and blue. Your scars and marks were his achievements. Your silence music to his ears. And to him, you were perfect. To him you were the perfect obedient lover.

His favy thing about you was the fact that you didn't cry when he touches you anymore. He ran a hand through your dull matted (h/l) (h/c) hair. You once smelled of (Jasmine/mint/lavender/vanilla), now you smelled of death and rot. But to Shuu, you smelled absolutely delicious.

Shuu couldn't take it anymore and pulled you closer and spread your legs. He tugged off his pants as drool dripped from his mouth. Shuu had completely lost it. Not that he was sane to begin with but this, this is just sick.


Welp this was about the most fucked up one-shot I've written in a loooong time. I've written more fucked up shit for creative writing for fuck sake. But it's a Halloween special so I decided that since Halloween is my favourite time of the year to watch really gory and generally fucked up anime/movies I would include it on here.

Hope you enjoyed.

Ps. Gonna delete all the rants and a/n ok.

🎃🎃🎃Happy (almost) Halloween.🎃🎃🎃


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