My little brothers can't be this cute!

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Im using the live portrait app again. And this is a incest fanfiction. You are 17. And your step-brothers are both 16 (fraternal twins).



You don't need to be really tall. Just taller than them. So the story fits. Atleast about 4 inches taller.(But can be taller)

🦄-unicorns indicate a time skip. (Because im lazy)

**If you don't like yaoi incest then leave.**


Name: Akemi (L/n)
Height: 5'6

Name: Akeno (L/n)Height: 5'6Appearance:

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Name: Akeno (L/n)
Height: 5'6


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You were rudely interrupted and pulled away from your wonderful dream by Akeno pulling the warm duvet off of you. You briefly opened your eyes and were greated by the angry eyes of the twins. Closing your eyes you put the pillow over your head only for it to also be tugged aeay from your grip.

"Your gonna make us late!!" They screamed in sync. This happened often. One minute you were one with the unicorns and the next you were listening to them scream at you to get up.

You groaned rolling onto your back from your freefaller sleeping position. Only to have your pillow smack you in the face and the twins running out the room red faced and saying that you were a  "pervert".

This statement confused you but you soon realized what they meant when you looked down. Just lovely. Mini you in all his glory. Still very visible (if you know what i mean) even with your underwear.

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