Romantic AF

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Dragon age inquisition is back. I finally got all the extra content on the game. So im in a good mood and feeling like a female reader. And i was thinking that ill do Cassandra or Dorian. But i ended with Cassandra. She reminds me of myself alot.

Note: i only used some of the actual courting route for this, i added alot of my own ideas for this. And added my own dialog. So don't come at me.

Cassandra x female reader.


You were currently at Val Royeaux  ordering flowers for Cassandra. You had already gotten the romantic poetry books and candles. Cassandra wanted you to court her but more of a sweep her of her feet romance with poetry and flowers. So you were putting in a effort to do just that. You had thought about going to iron bull for tips but decided against it. Seeing that he didn't seem like the overly romantic type. He'd probably just tell you to say her tits look nice. Not that you would disagree.


So there you were in the woods setting everything up, lighting the candles, finding the right poem and setting up a blanket to finish it all off. All you could do now is wait for Cassandra to arrive. As you flipped through the poetry book you heard footsteps cracking leaves and sticks. Before getting ahead of yourself you waited some more, you heard soft complaints coming from said person and you knew it was her.

As she stepped into sight you had started reading the poem outloud for her. She had a shocked expression as you swayed around her repeating the words of the poem. She looked around and saw candles, flowers and a blanket with a few other poetry books next to it. You were halfway through the poem shen you had handed her a bouquet of flowers.

Cassandra stood there silently waiting for you to finish the beautiful poem. It wasn't long before you had finished it. She had a calm smile on her face with a light red hue dusting her cheeks. She was looking down at the flowers.

"That was beautiful"

"So I figure you liked it."

"You really did it. Everything i said about romance with candles, flowers and poetry. You did it all."

"Well thats what you said you wanted."

It was like time stood still. And the only people on this planet was you both. Before you knew it you both were in a passionate lip lock. On the blanket her arms wrapped around your shoulder and your hands placed gently on her w

aist. At that moment it felt like there was no worries. No Corypheus, no demons, no breach. Nothing.

It was just the two of you.

The two of you for the rest of eternity.


There just a little something for you lovely people. I freaking sick. My cousin. Little asshole infected me with his nasty ass flue. I feel like a dogs anus. Well look on the bright side all ive been doing is basically playing dragon age inquisition, outlast and DOOM. And watching a butt load of anime. BUT it still sucks. Winter. Is. A. Butt. And my wifi is fucked again. But what can i do. So bye bye all you beautiful people i love you all.~

To make up for my absence heres some stupid memes.

To make up for my absence heres some stupid memes

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