yo whut up

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Okay im almost done with an long ass smut filled one-shot for you all. Im just giving some life update. I just need to get this off my chest. My therapist said it was healthy to talk about shit like this and not keep it bundled up inside my head.


Im sure some of my longer readers know about my homophobic older sibling. Ya know bitch dat screamed at me in my kitchen dat im going to hell and im disgusting because I like women too. And then went on a rant because I don't believe in god. Yeah that one.

Okay so she stayes basically in my room. I live in a huge living toom with a divider i between me and the door. So now today she played her "ratchet ass" rap music in the sun room next to both our rooms and on the fucking loudest setting(she usually does this)

I ask het nicely to lower the volume. This bitch (who is nearly 30 mind you) ignores me. I walk over and shut the door. Because I'm playing Skyrim and not in the mood to listen to some ratchet ass rap music. Not 5 seconds after I sit down to fucking beat alduin's scaly ass, she burst out yelling at me that I'm this selfish and mean, hateful person. Me being on my period and extra irritable. I take a deep breat (And i really at this point in my life couldn't care anymore about het opinions.) I'm not exaggerating. I just sat there and said she's the selfish, inconsiderate asshole that's screaming at a 16 year old for closing the door because she ignored me when i asked her to lower her music. She then tells me she keeps the door open to listen to her 3 Month old baby.

I then said if you want to hear him then lower the music.(but she's obviously brain dead) and then before she says anything else i tell her to go f herself, and i thought it was over i went on Spotify and put on powerwolf's new album the sacrament of sin. So I keep the sound at a low and tolerable sound level as I'm listening to Fire & Forgive and Demon's are a girls best friend.

Then. Ooohhh. Then she(a almost 30 year old woman) goes into then sun room and first calls up het ex husband and then our father crying. She goes on about how I'm so mean to her and how she feels so attacked because I closed the door, and her child could have choked and died and it would have been my fault. So she then goes and says she doesn't even feels safe because of how satanic I am and how the music I listen to is evil. Goes on the exact same rant she had a month ago when she found out a I like girls and I'm an atheist. (Even tho I know shes only doing all this because she didn't get the reaction she wanted out of me. That being me backing off and telling her she's right and apologizing. I literally couldn't care less if she screamed at me.)

I literally couldn't care less about what she thought of me or how she felt about me. So I call my dad explaining everything, then he says he really isn't in the mood for our fight (understandable because hes on a business trip about 4 hours away from use right now) Then he tries to tell me how i should just ignore her because she's moving out soon. I just say 'whatever' and our conversation ends.

So yeah my almost 30 year old sister tried to get me in trouble because she didn't get the reaction she wanted out of me. And now as i write this she's called everyone on her phone all 26+ old people and telling them how mean,selfish and disrespectful me a 16 year old bisexual/pansexual girls is. I honestly this she's pathetic.

I'm so over people


A pic of my cat(rubbish) and dog(chloe) sleeping on me whilst I'm playing Skyrim

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A pic of my cat(rubbish) and dog(chloe) sleeping on me whilst I'm playing Skyrim.

A pic of my cat(rubbish) and dog(chloe) sleeping on me whilst I'm playing Skyrim

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Okay but im almost done with a very special "im back" chapter. Im trying to make it 6 000+ words. So yeah good night/morning

Peace out lads

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