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Yo. T's me. I'm currently enjoying the warmth of mine own sleep chamber, because t's mine own minion weath'r outside. Bitter cold and raining. I loveth t. So instead of the warmth of a big bosom'd mistress yond i so doth yearn f'r. But instead mine own sleep chamber is giving me the pleasure of welcoming warmth and mine own dog who is't is did seat and nuzzl'd into mine own backeth.

I doth loveth the fact yond mine own dog is soft and velutinous.

I desire thee enjoyeth this quick w'rd'd chapt'r. I wroteth this at which hour i wast monotonous. And i doth sinc'rely apologise f'r mine own absence on this platf'rm. The sooth is i've been humour jad'd in t'rms of writing. But doth not w'rry i shall beest backeth to mine own usually updates.

Thy rampallian can cometh up with a Seme f'r yourself.

Uke reader



There you were, snuggled in thick fluffy blankets. The heavy rain falling on the window was slowly lulling you to a deep and blissful sleep. The sudden thunder and lightning now and again was oddly calming. Dark cumulonimbus hung heavy in the sky, giving the illusion of a sombre and darkening dusk.

Just as you were drifting off to a very welcomed sleep, the very familiar sound of your phone chime rung through the sound of the thunder and rain. Softly cursing whoever had gall to disturb your long awaited respite.

As you pulled the warm blankets off of your warm form. The cold almost immediately induced horripilation all over your body. Shivering slightly you quickly hoped over to where your phone was on charge. Pulling it from the charger and swiftly crawling under the thick blankets and letting a sigh of relief. The comfortable blankets doing a exquisite job of keeping the warm under them isolated, and giving you your own warm little paradise in your bed.

But no, somebody had to think about you so much they had to bother you at that exact moment. The gall of some the people you associate yourself with. However you unlock the phone and read the notification that rudely interrupted that respite of yours.

The notification was from the instant messenge app. And the annoyance you felt before was fading when you read it was from the contract you appropriately set as "❤️Darling❤️".(Or whatev'r pet nameth thee giveth thy lov'rs)

Opening the message you read the sentence that was the end of your cozy alone time.

Opening the message you read the sentence that was the end of your cozy alone time

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At the door. Freezing my ass off. Wet AF. Don't tell me you forgot that I was coming over.?(*'・д・)ノ

You did forget

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You did forget. Shit. And with that you quickly hoping out of bed and was running down stairs to the front door, were your darling dearest was soaked and waiting patiently in the cold for you.
You were gonna smack him for that later. He could atleast have waited for the rain to lighten or get a ride from someone.

Opening the door and looking up at your boyfriend who's hair was soaking wet and dripping onto his face. His face somewhat flushed from the cold and the bored expression he gave you was oddly alluring. But then again if you love someone immensely, they could be covered in mud and sweat or look like death itself and you'd still find them alluring or attractive.

"You gonna let me in or just stare at me like an idiot?" Your boyfriend stated as he looked at the dumbstruck expression you wore.

Your face was flushed red in embarrassment as you stood aside and motioned for him to come in. Walking past you and into the house you shut the door and locked it again.

You looked over to see your boyfriend had already taken off his wet clothing, and was in his underwear and solid colour long sleeve shirt.

"You could have called. I was about to fall asleep when you showed up." You stated as you shivered slightly already missing the warmth of your bed. You turned around to walk to the bathroom to get him a towel.

"So you did forget?" He laughed slightly as he ran a hand threw his wet (h/c) hair.

"Today's been stressful. And stress tends to make you forget." You handed him a towel as you began to pick up his soaking wet clothes.

"I can do that." He said gesturing to his clothes.

"Nah. Just get yourself dry. I don't want you soaking my bed." You were already halfway to the dryer at the end of you sentence.

Not long after your boyfriend walks in and hands you the damp towel. After tossing the wet clothes and towel into the dryer you both walk upstairs to your bedroom.

After you both had gotten into your soothing warm bed you let out a pleasured moan when your body was covered in a welcoming warmth. Your boyfriend had pulled you against him, with your back against his chest. You both were basically spooning. You playing the role of little spoon, which was a common occurrence with him being bigger than you and all.

Your neck was soon covered in shivers as you felt his warm breath on the surface of your skin. He pulled you closer if that was ever possible and buried his face in between your neck and shoulder. It was soon before he started to lightly pepper kiss across the thin exposed skin of your trapezius.

Your breath hitched as you felt his hands travel up under the soft fabric of your shirt. His hand moved up and was timidly groping and playing with your chest. You let out a gasp as his soft kisses escalated to more harsher biting and sucking.

The hand that was currently on your chest moved down to between your legs and his other hand that was wedged under you in the spooning position moved up to grope en play with your chest. He started to gently palm you through your underwear.

It wasn't long before you felt his hard member pressing up against your back side. The heat around you was intense and your mind was floggy with lust.

But out of the blue your darling dearest had suddenly retracted his hands and rolled onto his back, his arms behind his head as he let out a yawn.

"I think that's enough teasing for one night, don't you think? We'll it's cold and I'm tired." He said with a bright smile and rolled over pulling the covers over his shoulders.

You were to shocked to say anything at the moment. You just layed there, face red and aroused. And your boyfriend had the audacity to just pull that stunt and go to sleep. And what mad it worse is that even before you could mutter a single word, you heard his soft snoring and calmed breathing.

And the peaceful expression on his face got you infuriated, infuriated because of the fact he looked to calm and cute to get mad at now. It pissed you off so much you just turned around and went to sleep yourself, And you can bet that he was going to get an earful later.

And that's how your already cold and stressful day ended. With your boyfriend teasing you to the point of climax, but then stopping and declaring he just teased you a little and then proceed to take a nap.

Oh well, atleast you got something. But you were going to get him back, and with just as much teasing and edging. You went to sleep thinking of a mischievous plan on your mind.


Desire thee did enjoy yond sh'rt lime with a submissive readeth'r. I wilt admiteth these lasteth few updates and mine own longeth absence from this platf'rm hast hath brought me most wondrous shame. I humbly begeth thy f'rgiveness. Till next timeth. Farewell thee m'rtals.

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