Uke!YouTuber!Reader x Fanboy!Jeremy

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Requested by DONTESTME
This is gonna be split in two parts.
Sorry if it sucks.😅
YouTube name=(yt/n)

"That's it for now guys. I will see all you beautiful people in the next video. Bye~"
Jeremy just finished (yt/n)'s latest video.
"Ohhh, he's Soo cute~!" Jeremy started to fanboy in his head. "I just want to snuggle and squeeze him.... Maybe some other things~" Jeremy shaked his head trying not to get hard on the job. He then went back to keeping the animatronics away from him.


You just finished uploading your new video. You sat back stretching and yawning. Making videos can be exhausting, it wouldn't be so exhausting if you hadn't been up all night on Tumblr and tinder. You were looking for someone to be with for a while now. You weren't lonely, but you wanted to finally be with someone that would support/appreciate you and your work , most girlfriends/boyfriends that was with you wanted you to "find a real job". Well it can't be helped you recently reached 18 million subscribers. You still hadn't decided on what to do.

You got up from your gaming setup.

You walked to the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed and got something to eat

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You walked to the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed and got something to eat. You plopped down on your bed and watched some Netflix/Crunchyroll. About halfway through your first episode/movie, you got a text from your (insert friend name) that they were going to Freddy fazbears pizza and wanted you to join them. You thought about it for awhile. But you finally decided to go, so you brushed your hair and put on some shoes. It was about 22:15 when you got there.

You locked your car and started walking up to the pizzeria. As you opened the door you were nearly tacked by (insert friend name)."What the hell!?" You said suprised. "What tooook you soo long!!!?" (She/he/zhe) complained but quickly got up and dragged you to a table. You noticed that there was some one you hadn't seen before. (He/she/zhe) pushed you infront of the mystery man and said. " Jeremy,(m/n).(m/n), Jeremy. Now that you know each other's names, you can get to know each other." It was obvious that (insert friend name) set you up on a blind date.

'OHMYGODIT(YT/N)!!ICAN'TBELIEVEIT'SRRALLYHIM!!!' Jeremy was screaming in his head. But his body was frozen."Hi Jeremy" 'he knows my name I'm freaking out!!'. Jeremy had to force a sentence out, "Your (yt/n)...." He stared at you with a shocked expression. "Yeah, you a fanboy or something?" "Hahaha......yeah" Jeremy got bright red.(Jeremy is seme. I just read he's shy.) We then ordered some pizza (obviously) and we got to know each other more. Like he already knew im a YouTuber, I found out he was the night gaurd here which was cool....

"(M/n) you wanna stay on watch with me tonight?" Jeremy had a sly grin on his face."Meh, sure why not" you replied, 'whats the worst that can happen?' you thought as you took a bite of (f/p).(favourite pizza)

*Time skip to 12am*

You clung to Jeremy like your life depended on it,well it did by this point. It started out fine until Jeremy told you the animatronics wanted to kill you and stuff your fragile human body into a animatronic suit. You thought these things were child friendly."AAAHH-" you scream was cut short with Jeremy pressing his lips against yours at an attempt to calm you down.

Your eyes slowly closed as you stated to kiss back. After awhile you both pulled back because of lack of oxygen. You stared into his green eyes and him into your (e/c) ones."I won't let anything happen to you (M/n)." Jeremy said as he pulled you closer to him. "I love you (M/n), I've always had a crush on you. Ever since I saw you." Jeremy said with a red tint on his face."I love you too Jeremy." You said as your hands cupped his face. He leaned into your touch as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

You both started like that until 6am. You were surprised that none of the animatronics tried to get you, while you were sittng there and snuggling into each other. You were finally happy that you have found your perfect match.

Yay this took me awhile. To think of a plot and everything!😌 Well I kinda enjoyed how this turned out. We'll still gotta say thanks to DONTESTME for giving me the idea for this and there will be a part 2 lemon. So that's it for now guys. Bye~


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