it's just a prank

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Yo yo yo whut up my faithfull brethren.
Here's a special chapter dedicated to April fool's. I was going to prank everyone by "discontinuing" this book but almost everyone of the authors I read have done it so I was on YouTube and was watching alot of boyfriend/girlfriend cheats pranks. So here we are.
Sorry for the long wait.

Uke Levi x Seme Male Reader

Today is the day. The day you've been waiting for. The day you prank your beloved. And the day your probably going to get your ass beat.

It took some convincing but you got Eren to play along with it.

"You ready Levi should be home any minute now." You said taking off your shirt.

"If he gets violent your my human meat shield" Eren said with a laugh, also taking off his shirt.

"I know the consequences." You checked outside and saw Levi pull into the driveway.

"Ok show time." You said clapping your hands together.

Een got into the bed and you got on top of him. "Remember make it convincing" "yeah I know" Eren replied with a grin. You tried not to laugh so hard now. This position was so cringy and awkward.

You heard the front door close and Levi yell "(M/n)!! You home?"

You threw the duvet over your lover halves and Eren put his arms around your shoulders. You got between his legs.

"3...2...1... Go"

"Aaaahhhhh!!!!!~ (M/N)!! Faster! h-harder! Please~~!"

You had to admit he was giving a pretty convincing performance. But you could see he was trying not to laugh.

"Mor- MORE! Giv-ve me more~!"

*Levi POV*

"Aaaahhhhh!!!!!~ (M/N)!! Faster! h-harder! Please~~!"

What the fuck?!

Why does that sound like eren. I started to jog up the stairs. I slammed open the door.

*(M/n) POV*

Just as Levi opened the door Eren threw his head back and gave the most pleasured (ahegao?) look he could muster. Full display to Levi's eyes. His expression went from shocked to angry to a teary look of disbelief and betrayal.

"HOW COULD YOU!!" Tears were streaming down his face. He turned around and ran.

*Levi POV*

How could he? After 4 years. And with the stupid brat Eren. My vision was blurry  because of all the tears. Before I could get to the door I was pulled back into a mascular chest. I knew it was (m/n), I punched and struggled and tried to pull free. But he was stronger than me.

"Why?" Is all what I said, tears streaming down my red cheeks.

"Pffft- hahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahah!!" He pulled me into a hug while in a fit of laughter. Is my pain amusing to him? Does he enjoy seeing me cry?

"HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S!!!" Both he and Eren said. So it was a prank... A prank?

My sadness turned into relief to anger.
As Eren and (m/n) were laughing they're asses of I got my broom....

*(M/n) POV*

"Aah shit (M/N) RUN!" Eren screamed.

"What why- OWWW!!" You were hit over the head by a broom. And a very angry looking Levi holding said broom.

"Eren-" you saw nothing, the bitch had ditched you.

"Levi I can explain!"you put your hands in defence.


Yeah you knew this was going to happen. And you were ready to except your consiques. You put your hands down and took a broom to the face like a man.

*Time skip*

You and Levi were on the couch watching lady and the tramp. You pulled Levi closer and he snuggled into your side. "Don't ever scare me like that again." Levi said with a frown. "Don't worry I won't." You said closing your eyes and let out a sigh of content. " You better otherwise I'll shove a broom up your ass."  He warned. "Yeah that's more than enough reason for me to never do that again." You said. You knew you will be sore and bruised tomorrow from the broom of death's wrath earlier.

But right now was calm and relaxed. Closing your eyes once more, and let out one more sigh enjoying the soft sound of the movie and Levi's breathing.


It's been a while hasn't it? Yeah I need a new co author but I'll manage on my own. I hope you liked it and if you didn't then well..... Shit not my problem. Well hope all of you had an amazing April fool's. I sure did. And that's all for now see you in the next chapter bye~ and remember I love all of you beautiful people.

 And that's all for now see you in the next chapter bye~ and remember I love all of you beautiful people

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