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'Mellonamin' (My friend) Aragorn says. His embrace is tight and warm. And I don't want to let go. But then he breaks our embrace and takes a step back. He looks at me. And I mean he really looks at me. He takes all of me in. His grey eyes flicker with worry. 'Manke nae lle?' (where were you?) He asks me with worry in his voice. 'Goheno nin' (forgive me) I look to the ground. Luckily the hobbits begin to speak again. 'Who are you?' the big one asks towards Aragorn. Frodo steps forward and lead them into the room. Aragorn takes my hand and lead me towards a chair by the fire. He gently pushes me in the chair and turns around to the hobbits. 'You are not save here Frodo. Gandalf is not coming. And the nine are on their way. Go to sleep now. You shall be save here' He says to the scared hobbits. They relax a little bit and then they are beginning with introducing themselves. The hobbit with the golden curly hair goes first. 'I am Peregrin Took, but you can call me Pippin' He smiles. Then the other hobbit with the brown curly hair goes. 'Meriadoc Brandybuck at your service! You can call me Merry' He says with a bow and I chuckle. 'Samwise Gamgee My Lady and Mister' He says a little shy. Last but not least is Frodo. 'My name is Frodo Baggins' He smiles and I can see his dimples. His blue eyes are tired and filled with fear. Something is bothering him. All of them.. 'My name is Strider' Says Aragorn. And then he turns to me and introduces me to the four hobbits. 'This is my friend Verya. She is also a friend of Gandalf the Grey and my oldest and closest friend' I wave awkwardly. 'Hello young ones' I say. Pippin waves happily back. 'But miss' Sam says. 'You called Strider Aragorn?' Aragorn looks at me and I feel my cheeks flush. 'Yes. That is what I call him. All of you have to call him Strider. Understood? And now no more questions. Go to sleep young ones. We have a long journey ahead of us' The Hobbits crawl into the bed and soon they fall in a deep sleep.

'Manke nae lle?' (where were you?) Asks Aragorn again. He sit before me on his knees with his hand in mine. 'I was taken by the white Istari' I whisper in common tong. 'Mani?!' (What?) Aragorn says loud, his voice suddenly full of anger. I squeeze in his hand. 'Iire? (when?) He says quiet now. I shiver. The memories are to fresh. To painful to tell. Aragorn sees my struggle. 'Mellon' (friend) 'Cin are save hi' (you are save now) he says and pulls me out of the chair into his arms. I am shaking. The memories flashing for my eyes. The whip, the beatings. The insults. I do not want to cry. Not right now with the hobbits. But in Aragorns arms I feel so save, so secure. I breath out shakily. Aragorn tills my head up with his hand so that I look right in his eyes. I can see his anger, his pain. But also love? He kisses my forehead and helps me on my feet again. A loud shriek fills the night sky and Frodo sits immediately up in bed. Aragorn walks to the chair by the window and sits down. He begins to smoke his pipe and I warm myself by the dying fire. Frodo moves to the edge of the bed. Another angry shriek fills the night and the other three wake up.

'What are they?' Asks Frodo.

'They were once Men' Aragorn begins to tell the story.

'Great kings of Men. Then Sauron the

Deceiver gave to them Nine Rings of

Power. Blinded by their greed they took

them without question, one by one

falling into darkness. Now they are

slaves to his will'

Aragorn looks from the window as the Ringwraith gallop away.  Aragorn turns back to the hobbits, his face lit faintly by the glowing embers of the fire.

'They are the Nazgûl, Ringwraiths,

neither living nor dead. At all times

they feel the presence of the Ring ...

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now