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'You are mine' A whisper, a voice that brings goosebumps all over my body. I wake up with wide searching eyes. I fly up and I see that I am lying on a straw mat in a stone cell. Brick walls and a muddy floor. The only light is see is from torches hanging on the walls. A door with bars, and a big lock keeps me prison. Where is Aragorn? Where is he? Panic comes over me. My chest is tight and is becoming tighter. Panic. Not again!

'My, such a beauty. Such a prize' A sinister voice says. I look but I can't find the man the voice belongs to.

But I don't have to seek for long. He steps out of the shadows. The same man who raped me in the tower of Saruman. The man with the sleek greasy black hair and dull eyes. The man who looks dead but isn't.

He walks slowly to me, with a sinister smile on his face. His hands are behind his back. I try to move away from him. But my hands and legs are chained. I close my eyes. I don't want to see, I don't want to feel.

'Open your eyes!' He yells at a sudden. And I open them, to see him sitting on my abdomen. Moving his hands all my body. I feel sick.

'Such a beauty, such a prize' He says over and over again. I shut my eyes again. And Valar be praised, I fall in a black abyss, and I hope I never wake up until Aragorn is back with me.

And so it goes on. For three days he comes, calls me his beauty, his prize instead of what a beauty. Because I am his, he says. I learn that is name is Gríma Wormtongue.

But on the fourth day he isn't there. He doesn't show up. But someone else comes. A man, who looks sickly and evil.

He smiles sinister. 'Master says you shall have a beating and a beating you shall have' He hits the ground with his whip, to scare me. But I sit still. I am frozen. Noting scares me anymore. The only thing that makes me afraid is the thought of Aragorn. That he never finds me. I am afraid for Frodo and Sam. For Merry and Pippin If they are well and reunited with the fellowship again.

The man begins his beating but I don't move. I only scream. I scream so everyone can hear I am here.

But no one comes.

The man leaves, my back bloody and broken.

Gríma tried to break me. But I am bending. I shall not be broken. I was already broken but Aragorn took the pieces of my broken soul and he made me whole again.

I feel the tears flow over my face onto the cold stone ground.

Aragorn, Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir and Elrond, the man I call Ada. My thoughts are becoming dreams. Dreams that keep me away from the painful reality. That I am still chained and broken and used.

'Who are your?' I jump at the sudden voice. The voice belongs to a women. It is sweet and clear. A strong voice.

I look up, I image my myself, how shall she see me? Dirty? Broken? The women behind the bars is young, with golden hair. She seems startled at my appearance. 'I am Verya' I say, hearing my voice for the first time in forever. I am happy my voice doesn't sound broken but steady. Her hands fold around the bars and she shakes them back and forth. 'Who put you in here?' I look at her and I know she knows. Her facial expression changed. 'I am Éowyn' A door closes and she looks at the right and then back at me. 'I'll get you out of here' She whispers. And runs away, her golden hair flowing behind her. Éowyn, the name, I heard that before.

Pain. You are not who you think you are. You shall feel the pain. The pain comes immediately when the voice appears in my head. And luckily I black out.

Battle sounds. I hear them above me. A fight has broken out. And a voice. 'Be gone!' The pain appears again and disappears at the same time. I feel lighter. 'I only served you my lord!' The awful voice of Gríma yells from above.  And then; 'Get out of my way!' After a few minutes I hear a new voice who screams; 'Hail, Théoden king!'

I close my eyes again. Mabey this is something good.

And I think after just a couple of minutes someone is running from the stone staircase into the hall were my cell is. 'Elarinya!' A voice calls out. The voice I long to hear. 'Mellethin!' He calls out. I hear him running like Mandos is on his heels. 'Elarinya!' I hear Legolas yell. 'Lassie!' Gimli screams my name. And then. He is here. He stands before me, or he stands before my cell. Éowyn stands behind him, the keys in her hand. And he snatches them out of her hands and tries to open the door with shaking hands. He shakes so much, that he does not manage to open the door and Legolas has to do it. Gimli stands a bit in the back. His hand tight around his axe. Legolas throws the door open and within a second Aragorn is on the ground next to me. Tears streaming over his beautiful face. His hands touching my wounds but he is scared. Legolas unlocks the chains. Even he, the princeling is shaking. And never, in my life I have seen an elf shocked. The chains fall off but Aragorn doesn't move. He doesn't say a word. 'Lassie' Gimli is the first to speak. 'Who did this?'

'Gríma' I manage to say. Gimli mumbles something in Khuzdul. Legolas turns around and walks away. He just walks away with Gimli soon after him. Éowyn smiles at me and follows Legolas as well. 'Melamin. Can I hold you?' Aragorn asks me in a whisper. I nod. He comes slowly forward and embraces me. First carefully and then more tight. 'I thought I lost you' He sobs, his tears falling on my shoulder. My hands find their way and I close our embrace. Pulling me closer towards me. I begin to cry. For the first time after I was captured. And I don't get It. why was I taken by Gríma. Why Galadriel told me I was special. I am so confused. But I have no more time to overthink because his lips find mine. They are demanding and loving. Full of fear and passion. I am back by my love. His hand roam over my broken and bloody back, but I don't feel pain. Only joy I am back with him, back with my fellowship. Aragorn stops the kiss and he takes my face in his hands. 'You are save' He mumbles more for himself than for me. 'We shall go upstairs to bandage your wounds' He tells me and looks at me. I nod. He helps me up and takes me bridal-style in his arms. I yelp because the pain is suddenly too much. Aragorn lays me down again and looks with fear in his grey eyes at me. 'Please Melamin, I need to get you upstairs' I nod only at his words. And he takes me again in his arms, the pain comes again but I bite on my lip. Aragorn looks at me and my heart breaks. He is so scared. And I am scared that I am losing him. But he Is afraid of losing me. He walks out of the room that was my torture chamber for a few days. But is feels like forever. Aragorn walks upstairs were Legolas is waiting together with Éowyn. She leads Aragorn the way to a room. Legolas follows closely behind. She opens a door and Aragorn goes inside and lays me on the bed. It feels soft and warm and the fireplace is burning. I close my eyes and when I open them again, Éowyn lays a soft cotton dress on the edge of the bed. Then she leaves and Aragorn and I are alone.
For just a second because the door opens and there stands Gandalf. 'Gandalf?'

'Yes my child. I am back for the turning of the tide' He smiles kindly. 'Saruman and Gríma shall be punished for what they have done to you' he tells me in a dark voice. It sounds more like a father who is angry at the bullies of his child. I smile back at him and because I smile, Aragorn smiles. Gandalf tells me to close my eyes so he and Aragorn can heal the wounds. In the following hour I hear chanting in Elvish both from Gandalf and Aragorn. They told me I have to heal before we can ride out again. After two hours Gandalf goes back at the hall were the king is. Éowyn came in and helped me to put the dress on and covers me in blankets. Aragorn is sitting in a chair by the fireplace. He is thinking. Outside I can hear Éowyn sing. She sings a song for her fallen cousin, the son of Théoden. The heir to the throne is dead. Legolas, Gandalf and Gimli are representing the fellowship. 'Merry and Pippin are save' Aragorn tells me at a sudden. He stands up and walks over to me. He waits. 'Estel' I use the name of his youth. 'Please do not be afraid to hurt me. You are the one who made me whole again. Without you I was already gone' The tears stream over my face. I begin to sob. Louder until I cry, I break. And Aragorn, my dear Aragorn. He is at my side and holds me. First a little bit afraid and the he holds me tight. 'Gi melin. Gi melin' He says. 'I love you to' I say to him before I burry my head in his shoulder again.

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now