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When the official part is over and every one of our fellowship goes to their chamber, ada stops me. He said farewell to the other men, dwarves and elves of the secret council and now, of course, he wants to talk with me. Or talk me out of it. 'Elarinya Caladwen' He calls me by mine whole name. And that means trouble. 'Father' I say a bit annoyed. 'Come with me' He says extremely calm.

By Manwë, what is it now.

I follow him to his study, were he closes the door. And there, why not, is also Aragorn. Great. 'What is this?' I ask the two men. 'Is this another secret council?'

'Elarinya!' Ada says angry. 'What were you thinking?' says Aragorn. He steps forward. I back off a little. Memories from the tower are flashing in front of my eyes. Aragorn looks at my father and then back at me. 'Mellonamin?'

'Henig? Are you alright?' Ada asks, his voice sounds worried. I want to answer them. I really do. But the memories moving fast and it is like I am pulled into them. And then. I see a great eye! Without a lid only the eye. With fire. And I feel him watching me. I feel him, I feel it burning, he looks just right inside me. I feel naked.

And I hear a scream. First it is far away, like if you are underwater. But the scream becomes harder and harder.

I am the one screaming?

'meleth'(love) Is that Aragorn? He calls me love again. Like before, in my room. He said it too. What does that mean?

'Isildur' the eye whispers.

'Go away!' I scream as hard as I can. I feel arms around me. A deep voice chanting I a language I don't recognize.

When I wake up. Irmo thank you! I see the worried faces of Ada, Gandalf, Legolas and Aragorn. I lay on the floor of my father's study. 'Elarinya?' Aragorn says a bit unsure. 'What happened?'

'I saw an eye' I whisper. The memories fresh in my mind. 'It was so real! It was like he saw right through me. I had the feeling I was naked en he was burning me. It was so real!' I whisper and a shiver runs through my body. Aragorn has my hand is his. And his eyes lock with mine. I feel immediately save. My body stops with the shivering and Aragorn helps me stand with the help of Legolas. 'I want to go' I say sternly. No one answers. 'I know I was here so you two could tell me it was too dangerous to go. But I have too ada. I made a vow to Frodo. I belong with the fellowship now. And I am a Dúnedain, a ranger. I am the same as you Estel' I turn to Aragorn. He looks at me, again with a look of love in his eyes. But he loves Arwen?

'Yes' Gandalf says. I turn at him. the grey Istari. A wise man and a great friend of mine. 'She is ready my Lord Elrond. Your Dúnedain daughter is right. She made a vow and it cannot be broken' My father looks at me and to Aragorn. 'You are right Mithrandir. She can go. If she promises me to be save and comes home to me'

'Yes! Thank you Ada! And of course I come home to you! I come always home!' I run to him and embrace him tightly. Not as custom the elves show their love but I am human.

After everything is packed, we are ready to go. I have said goodbye to Ada and Arwen. And she was very emotional and said to me I was right about what I thought about Aragorn. Does that mean he loves me instead of her?

Now we are only waiting on Frodo. I see him talking with my father and after a short talk Frodo joins us, now we are ready to depart. We are walking so the enemy doesn't see us coming. We have only Sam's pony Bill – who made it surprisingly to Rivendell – and he carries much of our baggage.

Father stands with other elves of Rivendell and Arwen to wave goodbye.

'The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further that you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you' speaks Ada.

'The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer' Gandalf says to Frodo. Frodo walks to the front, were Gandalf is standing. Ready to lead us. 'Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?' Frodo whispers. 'Left' Gandalf answers looking straight ahead. I turn around, to look at my home maybe for the last time. I wave at my father and sister and she gives me a sad smile.

'Tenna' ento lye omenta muinthel!' (until we meet again sister!' I shout to Arwen. She waves and Ada holds her by her arm, if she is about to fall. This is the last time I see them in a while.

Forty days. We are following Gandalf to the Misty Mountains and with luck the Gap of Rohan is open for us. And then from there to Mordor. That is de deal we made with each other.

After I think 30 days or so we stop by the hills of Eregion. We slept there and now the sun is rising. Sam is by the campfire and Boromir is giving Pippin sword tuition. The sound of clashing swords thunders through the hills.

'Get away from the blade, Pippin ... on your toes ... good, very good ... I want you to react, not think' Says Boromir. 'Should not be too hard' mumbles Sam. I chuckle. Poor pippin. I sit next to Aragorn, who is smoking is pipe and watches Boromir tutoring Pip. 'Move your feet' Aragorn says.

Gimli is in a deep conversation with Gandalf, I walk over to them.

'If anyone were to ask for my opinion, which I note they have not, I would say we are taking the long way round. Gandalf, we can pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome!' I look at Gandalf and on the look of his face he thinks this is clearly a bad idea. 'No, Gimli. I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice' he says calm. We hear kicking and laughter. Merry and Pippin are tackling Boromir to the ground. I smile. They are just so cute. Legolas is looking to the sky and Sam, who is sees is looks to me and then again to Legolas. 'What is that?'

'Nothing ... it's just a wisp of cloud' Gimli says.

'It's moving fast ... against the wind' Boromir shouts worried.

'Crebain from Dunland!' Legolas screams.

'Hide!' screams Aragorn. And then is everyone is trying to take cover. We are scrambling under little bushes for cover, and I can just I time slide next to Aragorn and Frodo when the large crows fly over us with great speed. They circling above us and then if their dark shadow passes over I crawl a little bit outside. And then Aragorn pushes me back because the crows fly over, back to the south, were they came from. Gandalf staggers to his feet. 'Spies of Saruman. The passage south is being watched! We must take the Pass of Caradhras!'

And so we go.

The mountainside is slippery and dangerous. The hobbits walk with their belly in the snow and it is difficult to see were you are walking. Except then for Legolas, because he wants to show of. The elf prince is walking on top of the snow.

I just want to drag him with his nose back in the snow. But then he throws me of the mountain. I see him grinning at me. Dork.

We walk in a row, in each other's footsteps. But then.

Frodo slips and the ring falls on the ground. Boromir picks it up by the chain. He stands, the ring dangling before his eyes. He seems to grow in stature, like he is in a trance. Aragorn warily approaches Boromir. His hands signaling me to stay back. 'Boromir?'

'It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing ... such a little thing' Boromir says in awe. 'Boromir ... give the Ring to Frodo' I say calm, or trying to be. I am panicking on the inside. I can see that Aragorn is reaching for his sword.

But then Boromir snaps out of his trance. 'As you wish. I care not!' He smiles at Frodo, ruffling his hair. Everyone escapes their breath and we walk further.

We are struggling through a blinding blizzard, up towards the pass of Caradhras. 'there is a fell voice on the air!' Legolas suddenly yells.'Cuiva nwalca Carnirasse; nai yarvaxea rasselya! (Wake up cruel Redhorn! May your horn be bloodstained!)'

'It's Saruman!' Gandalf screams. Rocks fall from above. 'He is trying to bring down the mountain Gandalf!' I scream with terror in my voice. I don't want to die here. We are not even begun yet.

'Gandalf! We must turn back!' Aragorn says.

'No!' Gandalf raises his staff and begins chanting into the wind.

'Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho I ruith! (Sleep, Caradhras, be still, lie still, hold your wrath)' He yells. But I look with horror when snow falls down at us. Buries us under a shield of cold. Pitch black and then noting. 

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now