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   'One does not simply walk into Mordor'
That is what Boromir said ten months ago by the council. Ten months ago my life was a lot more different. I have always loved Aragorn, but I didn't even think he loved me to. And know I am his wife! And by all odds against us, we destroyed the ring.

The ring made with the blood of Norin.

The same blood that flows in mine veins.

After I made my choice and told Aragorn I was going to Mordor. I stormed out of the room. I wanted to be alone, and I am now.

I am sitting against the stone feet of Norin's statue. Letting my mind slip to beautiful memories; The day I saw Aragorn again after he left Rivendell to live by the Rangers for a while. And when he came back. The spark I felt deep inside me lit up. Making me fall deeply in love with him. And I am still falling in love with him. Everyday a bit more.


I have to focus.

I am scared yes, I am afraid to die. To let the soul of Sauron live and become flesh again. But I have to. I am the only one who can kill him.

So I stand up, bow before the statue and whisper a quick prayer to the Valar to be with me and I go. First I go to my room, dressing myself in my armour, but Aragorn is nowhere to see.


I am running towards the stables, Aragorn cannot come and Legolas and Gimli either. This is my fight.

Or so I thought.

'Lassie, we are going with you' Gimli says proudly, sitting behind Legolas on his horse. Aragorn smiles sadly at me. 'Did you really think I was letting you go alone? On maybe the most dangerous quest we have ever been on? I don't think so'


'No buts and no's. Elarinya we are your family and we are going with you' Legolas says ending this already finished discussion. I step on my horse and the four of us ride to the lowest level of Minas Tirith. The gates are open and the field of Pellenor is green again, farmers are busy with their work, children are playing and as they see us, the run after us. screaming Aragorn's name. Teenage girls wave a bit dreamy at Legolas and he grins. 'If they know where we were going' Gimli mutters under his breath. 'And that is why this is a secret Gimli' I say softly. He nods.

We go on, letting the horses ride faster, we are not stopping. I want this to be done. So after a hour or three, we reach the black gates of Mordor. The abyss before the gates is still there. Also are the skeletons of the dead orcs. The smell of rotten flesh fills my nostrils. I gag. I let my horse stop and go down. The boys do the same. We are dead silent as we walk to the gates, of trying to. The thin line of ground towards the gates is difficult to cross. But we did it. Aragorn is walking next to me, holding my right hand in his. The air becomes thicker and I becomes difficult to breathe.

It is Mount Doom.

So there he is. I point towards Mount Doom and the boys nod. Knowing what I mean.
We are walking faster, still saying noting towards the mountain. When we reach the top I turn around. 'This is it' I say. 'Till here and no further you may go' Aragorn steps forward to protest but I lay my hand on his. 'This was my destiny, this I for what I was born. If I need your help, I call you' He nods and then he grips my waist firmly, slamming our lips together. 'You know, I need at heir remember?' I laugh. 'Yes, I remember' 'Mellon' Legolas hugs me tight. Gimli does the same. 'Lassie, scream loud and we come to your aid!'

'I know you do Gimli' And then it is time.

I didn't even say goodbye to father and Arwen! I remember at a sudden. I look back, trying to see Minas Tirith between the clouds of smoke.


I look at Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli and then I walk inside.


My hand palms light up and with my fists closed I walk into the dark cave. The lave is gone, a black floor Is visible on the place.

And a man.

Soul, he is a soul.

'My queen' His dark voice says. 'Sauron'

'You are back with me' He says, his voice sounds lovingly. 'No. I am not. I am not her'

'Yes, you are Norin!'

'I look like her, yes, and I have her powers. But I do not have her thought or memories. She is gone Sauron. And so are you!' And with that I fire at him. Fireball after Fireball. But it has no use. He dodge them so easily. 'Do you not think Melamin I now your tricks?' Still he is in a happy mood, laughing. Like this is a game. He doesn't believe me.   

Or he is crazy.

No, he is not.

He is a man who lost everything. He lost his wife. He wanted the ring so badly because, okay yes, the power, but also because of her. The ring was the only thing he had from her. I think. And know I understand why I am reincarnated into the flesh. Why I look like her. I have bring them together again. But how? I stop firing at him and listen to the sounds around me. I do not know what I seek, I only know that I have to stop fighting him.

I have fought enough.

He has to.

'He misses me' a voice deep inside me whisper in my head. 'and I miss him. Listen to me child, I am Norin and together we shall end this' I freeze in my tracks and let her keep control over me. I fall on my knees and I shut my eyes. Her face appears in front of my eyes. 'His soul is broken' Norin says and with that I feel myself fall on my back and Aragorn's voice screaming my name. I feel the fire spread over me again. like I burn up. Little by little the dying fire reaches my heart and I open my eyes, just to see a flame appears out of my chest. Flying towards the soul of Sauron and melting together.

A bright light appears and there they are. Standing together, his hands around her waist. I feel a hand at a sudden around my neck and waist and I am lifted up. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli. Of course. 'Elarinya. You did what I could not' Sauron says. 'You excepted the peace'

'Thankyou child' Norin whispers. 'The Internal Flame shall always be needed in Middle earth and I am proud of your choices. May your life be blessed' She says joyfully and with a smile on both of their faces they disappear in thin air.

It is over.

The shock comes crushing in. I begin to laugh. This was it? Not a legendary fight between good and evil?

No. Frodo and Sam did that already. This was the ending, a little exited but then their it is. The peace we all waited for.

A new beginning.

A fresh start.

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now