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Haldir leads us onto a hill top. I look with wonderment at the sight before me. A beautiful city is built in the high crown of the trees. The city seems to gleam in the low rays of the late afternoon. 'Caras Galadon. The heart of Elvendom on earth. This is the city of Galadhrim where dwell the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of Light' Haldir says. Haldir leads is further, walking to a staircase. We follow silently.

We step onto a wide fleet filled with a soft light. We are standing in the middle, all of us, tired and weary from the journey. A man, elf, steps forward. His hair is long and silver, with no sign of age on his face. Next to him stands a women. Celeborn and Galadriel, the lady of the elves. I bow to them. Aragorn follows me, and Legolas does the same. With a nod from Celeborn we stand up. 'The enemy know you have entered here' Celeborn looks to Aragorn with a hard face. 'What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Nine there are here, yet ten there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar'

Galadriel look at Frodo back to us. 'Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into Shadow' She says softly. 'He was taken by both Shadow and flame.

A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria' Legolas tells her with a sad voice. I look down in sadness. I see in the corner of my eye that Boromir looks fearful and nervous. Why is he nervous?

'I know what you shall become. Elarinya Caladwen. You are not half what you thought you were. You are special and the enemy know that. That's why you feel the pain in your head, the feeling that you are about to faint, every time the ring slips on Frodo his finger. The ring wants you!'

I look op because of the sudden voice in my head and then. Galadriel is not the elf she was seconds before. She is grown and evil and dark. I start to shake. More heavier than the time in Ada's room. I feel drained from energy. And the last I see is that Galadriel comes closer. And one voice who calls my name.


'What happened to her?' Sam.

'Is she going to be alright?' Merry and Pippin.

'She is strong Mellon, have hope' Legolas.

'The lassie is not going anywhere soon' Gimli.

'She is just grieving over Gandalf' Boromir.

I wake up, lying on soft couches in the forest of Lothlorien. I hear the mournful singing of the elves. And there are his grey eyes. Behind him is standing the fellowship. Frodo is sleeping in a couch next to me. 'Did you sleep?' I ask. Boromir shakes his head while chuckling. 'Verya, we did sleep, except Aragorn. But the important thing Is, what happened to you?'

'I' I exhale. 'I was grieving and it became too much to bear. I am sorry I worried you all. I shall not happen again' I bow my head. And Boromir comes forward and kisses the top of my head. 'Easy little one, we are all grieving. Do not punish yourself for that. We are happy you are awake and well' Then he walks away, taking everyone with him. except grey eyes.

'What did she say to you Mellamin?' His voice, loving, worrying. I sign. 'She said I was not what I thought I was. That the enemy wants me' His eyes flicker. 'Not a change' He sits in a second next to me and takes me in his arms. His lips barley touching mine. 'You are mine' He growls. And he kisses me. He stops and looks at me, tracing his hands across my cheek. 'You are mine Elarinya. Please do never leave me'

'I shall never leave you' I say in a whisper before his lips finds mine again.

The mists of morning lay heavily along the river. Bare-branched trees arch through the fogs, stray beams of light falling on the cold, blue waters. We standing on the bank of the river. Elves are clasping green elven cloaks around us. 'Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people' Celeborn announced. 'May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes' We step into the boots. Aragorn, Sam, Frodo and I in one boot. And Gimli, Legolas, Merry and Pippin in a other. 'Every league you travel south, the danger will increase. Mordor Orcs now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin. Nor will you find safety on the western bank' Celeborn tells us. Thanks, very courageously Celeborn.

We drift of, Galadriel stands alone watching from the banks of the river. She smiles at us. We pass into the great Anduin river, the boats carrying us steadily southwards. A flock of birds circle high above. I see that Aragorn is watching them with a concerning face. After a while when I have my eyes closed. I hear Aragorn say; 'Frodo' I open my eyes and see Frodo look with eyes wide in amazement. I see it now too, two enormous rock statues. Towering like 300 foot pinnacles on either side of the river. Carved with images of Gondorian kings of old. My people. I see that Aragorn Is looking at me with a smile; our people. 'The Argonath' he mumbles. 'Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old. My kin, our kin' He says proudly. The stream takes us through the narrow gap at the statues feet.

After a while, we send our boats to the shore and we leap out of our boats. 'We cross the lake at nightfall, hide he boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the North' Aragorn instructs us. 'Oh, yes, just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil, an

impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks. And after that, it gets even better ... a festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see' Gimli says gloomy. I shake my head at his words, but Aragorn is faster. 'That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength Master Dwarf'

'Recover my.' Gimli walks away and I hear Pippin and Merry laugh. Even Boromir smiles. I walk to Sam, he yawns. 'Lay your head here Sam' I say and I tap on the ground next to me. 'You are save' He nods and slums in a sleep. I hear Legolas and Aragorn whispering with each other. They're afraid of something. 'Where's Frodo' Merry suddenly asks. What? I jump up, scanning the area. He is gone! Boromir's shield lies abandoned by his camp bed. I see Aragorn thinking the same. He starts running into the forest. I want to follow him but Legolas stops me. We have to protect the others Verya' I arrow flights past me. Uruk Hai! I draw my sword and I see that in fear Merry and pippin run into the forest. I follow them. 'Frodo!' They scream. 'Merry! Pippin! No, come back!' I yell. But they fall and stumble. Helping each other up. I see Uruk hai running. And Frodo! I run to the boys, shielding them from sight, dropping my sword in process. Frodo runs back to the shore. 'What is he doing?' Pippin whispers. 'He is going alone' I answer him. 'Then we must help him!' Merry says. Merry stands up from our hiding space. 'Hey you! Over here!'

Pippin does the same. 'Over here!' He yells. I make the decision to do the same, and I know we are dead men right now. Great. 'Over here you dump dog!' I scream at him. We run, leading the Uruk hai away from Frodo.

'It's working!' Pippin yells. 'I know it's working, run!' Merry screams back. And I, I laugh. We are so stupid. Why did I join this again?

We stop. More Uruk Hai approach from the other direction. We are trapped. I hear the echo of Boromir's horn as he charges up the hillside and blocks the stroke Uruk Hai from behind us. Many Uruk Hai fall to Boromir's sword as he tries to protect us. I search for my sword, but. O no. It lies on our hiding spot. Uruk hai are approaching me and I fight them of with my bare hand. They try to take Merry and Pippin away from us. 'Run! Run!' Boromir yells at me. But then, a black arrow suddenly thuds into Boromir's chest. He keeps fighting but there is another arrow, and another one. That one brings him to his knees. I stand there frozen. 'Boromir!' I scream in fear. No. Merry, Pippin and I are scooped off our feet by the Uruk Hai. 'Boromir! Boromir' The three of us scream. And the last I see is an arrow aiming at Boromir's heart. I hear a scream of anger and there is Aragorn, he flies through the trees, running at the Uruk Hai. With Legolas and Gimli behind him. But that is all I see before I am knocked out.

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now