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I wake up from yelling outside my door. I hear my name, my elvish and ranger name. what is going on? The voices disappear and become distant. They are in the Hall. Quickly I put on my clothes; my red tunic, brown tight jeans and my leather boots. Also my breastplate and my forearm protection. I make a braid in my long brown hair and walk out of the room, my sword in his holder. I walk fast and I see Aragorn shouting at Gandalf. 'She stays with me Mithrandir!'

'gwann' Is all Gandalf answers. Dead. Me? 'Mani marte?' (What is happening?)' I ask when I step forward. Aragorn looks shocked, if he wasn't expecting me. 'Melamin' I raise my hand at him. 'Daro' (stop) I look at Gandalf, a smile appearing on his face. 'Elarinya, you are going with me and Pippin to the White city. And no more words are spoken about this Estel!' He warns Aragorn. Gandalf walks out of the hall. 'Say you're goodbyes because you are nog going to see each other in a long time!' He yells at us. 'Why are you angry at Gandalf?'

'He has no right to take you away, to take you somewhere where I can't protect you' He says in a small voice. I make my way to him and lay my head against his shoulder, and still I am standing on my toes. My hands find their way around his neck. A tight embrace. We stand like this for a while.

Aragorn takes my chin with his hand, so I look up at him. 'Promise me that you come back to me. promise me that we see each other before the fight begins' His eyes are full with love and he looks so afraid. 'I promise' And then we kiss. Long and passionate. 'Verya!' Gandalf. I let Aragorn go, but his hands are still around my waist. He pushes me back and kisses me again. 'We see each other in Gondor'

'Gondor' I see breathlessly. Then I turn around and run. Running towards Gandalf. Legolas is standing with a horse and he smiles sadly at me. I hug him. 'Namaarie Mellon, may the Valar with you till we meet again'

'And with you Legolas' I look into his blue eyes. Sad, but with hope. Hope is what keeps us going. 'Lassie!' Gimli hugs me, his strong arms around my waist, crushing me. 'It is okay Gimli, we see each other in Gondor!'

'Yes, we do! Good luck lassie!' he says. Then I climb on the horse and wait on Gandalf.

'Merry?' I hear Pippins voice panicking. Shadowfax thunders out of the stables, and I spur mine horse to do the same. My horse is fast and soon I ride beside Gandalf with Pippin behind him. I look behind, to see Merry and Aragorn standing on the watchtower. Both with sad faces. I wave. This is not the last time I see them again! I promised you Aragorn.

After a three day ride we enter the realm of Gondor. And when the sun rises we see the White city. Standing in all his glory, shining in the morning sun. 'Minas Tirith ... City of the Kings' Gandalf says to us. we drive under the gates, up the streets of Minas Tirith. The people look at fear as we ride past them. Our horses carrying us to the 7th level. There were the steward lives. We arrive, finally, at the citadel. We jump of our horses and leave them to be taken care of. A white dead tree stands in the middle of the court. Pippin seems anxious.

'It's the tree' He whispers. 'Gandalf! Gandalf!'

'Yes, the White Tree of Gondor. The tree of the King' Gandalf answers him. Gandalf leads us towards a great hall. 'Lord Denethor, however, is not the king. He is a steward, only. A caretaker of the throne' Gandalf lowers his voice, as they approach the hall. 'Now, listen carefully. Lord Denethor is Boromir's father. To give him news of his beloved son's death would be most unwise ... And do not mention Frodo ...Or the Ring ... And say nothing of Aragorn, either' Gandalf warns us quietly. 'In fact, it's better if you two don't speak at all' I sign and Pippin nods. The great black doors open and I see a man sitting on an small stone chair, behind him stands a large empty throne. The throne where Aragorn shall sit.

'Hail Denethor, son of Ecthelion, Lord and Steward of Gondor' Gandalf calls to him. But Denethor does not look up. 'I come with tidings in this dark hour - and with counsel' Denethor slowly raises his cold eyes at Gandalf words. 'Perhaps you come to explain this?' He says bitter and shows us Boromir's broken horn. I gasp and I see Gandalf looking at me. Pippin takes my hand and squeezes it. Trying to comfort me. 'Perhaps you come to tell me why my son is dead' Denethor continues. Pippin steps forward, looking for words and letting go of my hand. 'Boromir died to save us ... my kinsman and me ... he fell, defending us from many foes' I see the pain flicker in Denethors eyes. 'He was also protecting me, my lord' and I drop to my knees. Pippin does the same and offers also his sword. 'Pippin, Verya' I hear Gandalf his. I look at Pippin and he nods. 'We offer you our service, such as it is, in payment of this debt' Pippin says for the both of us. Gandalf takes me by the arm and pulls me up. 'My Lord, there will be a time to grieve for Boromir, but it is not now. War is coming, the Enemy is on your doorstep. As Steward, you are charged with the defense of this city. Where are Gondor's armies?' Denethor who was looking at Pippin and me turns now slowly his gaze on Gandalf. Pippin is again standing next to me, now more courageous then before. 'You still have friends - You are not alone in this fight. Send word to Théoden of Rohan. Light the beacons!' Gandalf urges him. But Denethor only smiles, like this is one big show. 'You think you are wise, Mithrandir, yet for all your subtleties you have not wisdom. Do you think the eyes of the White Tower are blind? I have seen more than you know. With your left hand you would use me as a shield against Mordor, and with your right you would seek to supplant me' He says cold. What? Gandalf is also shocked. Denethor's eyes narrow. 'I know who rides with Théoden of Rohan. Oh, yes. Word has reached my ears of this Aragorn, son of Arathorn, and I tell you now, I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of Lordship' He sneers at us. 'Authority is not given you to deny the return of the King – Steward!' Gandalf now says more impatience . 'The rule of Gondor is mine, and no other's!' Denethor screams. Fear creeps up from my spine. I feel cold when Denethor's eyes fall on me. 'And yes the women. The women of the king. You shall never be Gondors queen! You have pledged an alliance to me now!' I look horrified from his words at Pippin. He just squeezes my hand. But Gandalf is done with all of this, so he turns on his heel and we follow closely behind. 'Come' Is all Gandalf says. He leads us to the beacon of Minas Tirith. 'Pippin, Hobbits are light on their feet. That is why I choose Bilbo as burglar' I smile at the thought. Pippin only nods. 'So I want you to lit the beacon' Pippin's face become pale. 'Now go boy, be quickly' Gandalf gives him a bottle with oil.

'You can do it Pip!' I say. Then he makes his way to the tower. Gandalf and I are hiding behind a wall. Pippin climbs to the top and he stealthily manages to pour oil on the wood and set a flame to it! Within second the pyre is alight. The guards look on in total surprise as the flames erupt in the twilight sky. Pippin is making his way down when the guards begin to scream. 'The beacons are lit!' I look at Gandalf and his eyes flash with triumph. Pippin is with us again and we hurry to the battlement, looking further west along the white mountains. 'Amon Dîn ... come on' Gandalf whispers to himself. Then on the distant mountain peak a bright fire ignites. Now the people of Gondor see it to. 'The beacon! The beacon at Amon Dîn is lit!' They yell with hope in their voices. 'Hope is kindled' I say to the two men standing next to me. And they nod. Because hope is stronger than fear.

After the beacon was lit, Pippin and I were called over by Denethor. We were sworn in. Both of us clothed in Gondorian armour, we kneel on the ground before Denethor. 'Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor, in peace or war, in living or dying, from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death take me' We both say at the same time. 'And I shall not forget it, nor fail to reward that which is given-' He stops and proffers us his ring, pip kisses the ring first and then Denethor holds the ring before me. I look at him and I see him smile. Again a shiver runs along my spine. But I kiss the ring and so I took an oath to Denethor. The same oath Aragorn and I swore to his father. '-fealty with love' Denethor continues. So Pip and I are now Gondorian knights. Great!

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now