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The day has come to fight for our freedom, the freedom of Middle Earth. I am standing on the second level of Minas Tirith. Together with the soldiers of Gondor I am by the battlement. Looking with fear at the sight; Thousands of orcs moving towards the walls of Minas Tirith. I hear the big gates open and people are carrying a men towards the seventh floor; he looks like Boromir.

Boromir told me about his family, he had a younger brother, called.. Faramir! I want to walk after them but the orcs are stopping. They stand still on the field of Pelennor. I can see them preparing their catapult. Fear creeps up. How are we going to survive this? How am I going to survive this?

I battled before, and have conquered many foes. But this. This seems impossible. The orcs spread out across Pelennor fields like a sea of black ants. So many of them are here. Thousands of flickering torches give the army a spooky look. A big objects is suddenly flying towards us. A huge boulder smashes into a wall. Another boulder smashes into a balcony full of people; women, children and elderly people. I can hear their screams. 'Abandon you posts!' Denethor yells. 'Flee! Flee for your lives!' And they go. The soldiers of Gondor flee for their lives to the upper levels. 'No! Stand your ground!' I scream at them. But my command is lost in all the terror. 'Prepare for battle!' A bright voice yells. Gandalf! He gallops on Shadowfax down the streets. Against the flow of fleeing soldiers. He jumps of his horse and looks at the approaching orc army, now less than fifty yards from the walls of the city.  'Send these foul beasts into the abyss!' Gandalf yells angry. His command is heard because the mighty wooden catapults positioned within the walls of the city are fired! The catapults send huge rocks into the air, over the battlement.

It is a great sight to see, to see the rock smash the orcs. But the keep standing on their spot, they don't move. More rocks are flying over the battlement. And the soldiers cheer. Gandalf walks closer to the battlement and he gestures that I have to stand with him. I do so and together we stand. Silent, waiting on the next move. 'Aragorn took the pass to the mountain' Gandalf tells me. I look at Gandalf. 'Why? Those are all traitors!'

'They only listen to the king of Gondor. And the sword is remade'

'The sword? How?'

'Elrond did it, so you shall have a future together' Gandalf looks at me with a cheeky smile. 'It was your sisters idea'


'She knows you Elarinya. Maybe better then you do'

Before I can answer him, that he is right, a horrible screech sound in the air. The nine nazgúl fly over. The soldiers of Gondor covering their ears and run for shelter in panic. 'Stand to your posts! Do not give in to fear. Fight!' Gandalf rally's. Again the wooden catapults fire. This time to hit the nazgúl, but they fail. The nazgúl circle low over the city, it seems that the seeking men flesh. They pluck soldiers from the ground into the air and then dropping them to their death hundreds of feet below. Towers and building are collapsing, the people of Gondor seek their refugee on the higher levels. The orcs are moving again, this time trolls pushing towers towards the wall. The soldiers aiming their arrows at them. 'Not at the towers! Aim for the Trolls! Kill the Trolls! Bring them down!' Gandalf yells. But is too late, the towers reach the walls, their doors crashing down. De orcs running onto the lower levels of the city. Finally, time to kill. A huge orc comes towards me, I dive away and put my sword in his abdomen. He groans and then falls down. First one dead, many to go! I look over the battlement en see that the orcs have a new weapon or something like that. The push a great tube with a massive iron head towards the gates. I feel a pain in my right arm and I see blood running. I turn quickly around and see an orc, he smiles maliciously and strikes. I block his attack. I try to stab him in his stomach but he stops me. I dive away and put my sword in his side. He growls and waves his sword. I roll away but claps against a wall. I am stuck! I try to stand but his sword is already in my side. Suddenly the orc falls with a blow. Gandalf is behind him. 'Are you okay?' He looks at the sword that is still sticking out of my side. I'll take it out and groan. "I'm fine, do not worry Gandalf. I've been through worse! "

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now