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'So Elarinya, Queen of Gondor. We meet again'

I open my eyes and I am not in my bed. I am again in the dungeon I was when Aragorn came with the army to the Gates of Mordor. I am not chained but I am standing in the middle of the room. I am wearing my red tunic, black pants and my leather boots. I am also wearing my breastplate and my forearm protectors. A man steps out of the dark. A body without a face. He is clothed in dark armour.

But no face, not yet.

I feel a pain on my right cheek. I feel a stab in my side and see that blood is flowing out. Again.

I feel the pain physic but this can't be real.

'Answer me!' He screams and I feel his spit on my face. He stands before me, looking scary and demanding. 'Where do you keep the flame? Where is it!?'

But I am the flame.

He laughs sinister. 'If you don't answer me I shall punish you'

'I will punish you queen of Gondor. You shall fear me'

'No!' I shout. I sit straight up in bed, sweat drops are laying on my body. I breathe heavy. 'Melamin!?' I feel Aragorn hand sneak around my waist, he tries to pull me closer to him. But he notices that I am sitting upright instead of lying next to him. 'Melamin?' He says now louder. I try to get my breathing under control. It was real. I feel my own hand touching my right cheek. I hiss. My cheek burns.

Aragorn, now sitting also right up in bed, notices my fearful body language. 'What happened? Did you have a nightmare?' I shake my head. 'Did you hear the voice again?'

'I saw him!' Aragorn looks at me in shock. 'Who?'

'Sauron, he is still alive, or his body. I-I was again at the tower. I was not chained but I was I my armour. And he asked me where the flame was. But I didn't answer. So he said he shall punish me' Aragorn grip around my waist tightens. 'I sent a message to our friends now!' Is al he says before he kisses my forehead and jumps out of our bed. My heart flutters a bit if I see him like this; with his hair all messy and I muscular chest. Who am I kidding, this man is my man and the most handsome man of Middle earth, elves not included. 

Aragorn puts his clothes on. 'It is almost morning, I shall wake Elrond up and I shall send Arwen to you. I am back as soon as possible'

'Okay' I answer softly. Aragorn smiles and he is gone.

I sit like two more minutes and then I go out of bed. The moment my feet touch the wooden floor, Arwen storms into the room. 'Elarinya!' The crushes me into a bear hug. I wrap my arms around her shoulder. I begin to cry. At a sudden I am a mess, a mental breakdown. Arwen guides me to the bed, seriously this bed is my new best friend.

Sorry Legolas.

'I-I' I stutter. I lost al ability to speak. Or stop crying. Again Arwen hugs me, more tighter than before. 'Everything is going to be alright'

'No it is not!' I cry. 'He shall punish me' I sob. I am aware I am shaking with fear. Arwen pushes me gently back and looks at me. 'Aragorn told me what happened. But do not fear. We shall protect you!' Shall I tell her about that he can punish me mentally and that I can feel it physically. But instead of telling her that I smile. 'Yes, I know you all protect me and I am grateful for that'

Arwen helped me but on my clothes. And that is seriously a lot of work, not – I have my undergarment, my under dress in a white colour with straps and then a corset, and finally my dress. But I have to say to put on my corset is difficult without any help. Arwen also did my hair, she made a royal bun and put a tiara in it. She also choose my jewelry; a golden neckless, made by Mirkwood Elves, that fits my golden tiara. I see myself in the mirror and I really look like a queen.

'You look beautiful' I turn around and there's Aragorn. Arwen smiles at him. 'Estel! What did Ada say?' Aragorn walks to us and takes my hands in his. 'He told me he and Gandalf are going to search for answers' He looks at me. 'Because they have never seen anything like this before'

'They haven't seen anyone like me before?' I ask him. He shakes his head. 'No Melamin, they have seen the others who held the Internal Flame, but not one like you'

'I don't get it, what is so special about me?' I look at Aragorn and Arwen. They both seem to hide something. They haven't told me everything! And if Aragorn could read my mind he leads me to the door. 'Come' He says to Arwen and me. He leads us to the inner parts of the citadel. Here is a secret garden built into the heart of the mountain of Minas Tirith. 'Where are we going?' I ask them, because even Arwen seems to know the way. I visit this Garden often, here are a lot of healing flowers and spices and it smells like Rivendell. I come here to relax, to escape the queenly duty. But even a secret garden has another secret to hold. Aragorn leads us to the other side of the garden and lets go of my hand. He knocks a couple of times on the rock wall and then – a sound of falling rocks echoes trough the garden and a door appears. Aragorn walks in and Arwen follows him. I blink a few times with my eyes and go through the door. With a hard sound the door closes.

I am in a room, built deep in the heart of the mountain. And in the middle there is a statue of a women.

Or shall I say a statue of me.

Legolas, Gimli, Ada, Gandalf are standing around the statue. Looking at me. Arwen takes her place beside Legolas. 'Melamin' Aragorn takes my hand and we walk to the statue. 'I am- this is me?' I say bewildered.

'No' Gandalf kind voice sounds. 'This was the first keeper of the flame, your ancestor, the fire queen, her name was Norin'

'But she looks just like me'

'That is Henig, because you are her. You are the reincarnation of Norin, the Mighty Valar has send you back to us because you are needed' Ada tells me. 'And that is why Sauron wants you' Gandalf says on a stern tone but Aragorn looks at him. 'Why?' I ask but they ignore me. 'That is why your powers are more powerful than ever before' Arwen says smiling. I look again at the statue; a women with my features, the same length of hair, the same look in her eyes. She is me or I am her, but I don't feel it. 'But I can't remember everything' I say softly. 'That is because every time a new keeper is born, Norin reincarnates, or shall say her powers do. But this time she is reborn in flesh. You look like her, you have her powers, but you are not her, you don't have her memories' Ada says. 'But Sauron thinks you have' What? 'Why?' Ada holds me shoulders, like he is afraid I collapse.

'Sauron was Norin's husband'

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now