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The flames become wings on my back. I fly and burn everything in my pad. Dead is everywhere. I go through walls and stone and then I am outside the tower. They eye of Sauron fixed upon my love and his army. And then on me. He sees me. 'Give the flame to me now!' He screams and everyone can hear him. I can see Aragorn looking at me. He smiles, seeing me alive. 'Never!' I yell back and fly to my fellowship, who are fighting bravely. I burn Uruks and other horrible creatures from Sauron to ashes. But still the come. Hundreds, thousands of orcs are coming to the black gate at us. As we kill ten, hundred come in their place. This fight has no end, only dead. A hideous screech rends the air. The Nazgúl. Gandalf looks at me and I nod. My fire wings spread out and I shoot into the air. I fire fireballs at them, only fixed on the nagzúl. They are around me, I feel suddenly weak. As If my flame is dying. Another cry rends the air and suddenly the eagles are protecting me! They smashes the Nazúl and its claws ripping into the neck of the hideous monster. 'The Eagles are coming! The Eagles are coming!' I hear Pippin scream. I fly to the ground, falling on my knees and see my flames go out. I'm exhausted.

Legolas runs past me, racing to... Aragorn! Aragorn lays on the ground, the foot of armored troll on his chest. I can see him stab the foot, but it has no use. A huge bang sounds and everyone is looking to mount doom. The troll is distracted and looks at the volcano. He turns in terror and runs of. Mount doom is imploding!'



I can see the tower of Sauron crumble into pieces, the eye falling to his doom. Goodbye Sauron. At the end, you don't have the internal flame and you don't have the ring you desired. The foundations of the tower explode and black pieces of the once great tower falling around us. The black gates also collapse in a huge cloud of ash and the orcs are fleeing in all directions, Mordor is collapsing. And they creatures run in terror, trying to escape they doom. I look at Aragorn, at Legolas, Gimli, Pip, Merry and Gandalf. And we all know what the reason for all this terror is, Frodo and Sam can never ever have survived this.

I feel the panic rise again.

There it goes, my record is now set on maybe a month or two without panic attacks? I don't know anymore, I never counted it anyway. Black dots appear for my eyes. And twenty minutes before this, I found myself weak. Now I am happy I can fall in this dark place I go. maybe never to wake up. And on this very moment I don't matter if that is the case. I let myself fall, laying on my back, looking up to the now bright sky. The eagles are flying the Mountain.

Valar, let them live! I beg you!


I wake up. Peaceful and laying in a real bed! I am not used to it anymore, I prefer a hard ground better then this. But I slept like a rose. A knock on my door alerts me. 'My Lady?' A feminine voice sounds.

I know this voice! It is Éowyn! The door opens and there she is. Healthy and smiling. 'Elarinya!' She says loudly and runs to my bed. She embraces me in a tight huge. I hear myself chuckle and wrap my arms around her waist as well. 'Éowyn! You are healthy!' She releases me and sits next to me on the bed. 'Yes, thanks to Lord Aragorn I am not on the edge of dead any longer'

'Thanks to the Valar. Aragorn told me what happened to you. You are so brave Éowyn!' Her eyes become sad. 'Yes, but I didn't save my uncle'

'You tried and you spoke to him, before he died. That is good, right?'

'Yes, he was happy to see me' I hear the tears in her voice and take her hand in mine and squeeze. She looks at me, smiling a little. 'But you, Elarinya, tell me what you did!'

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now