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Okay, I am going to collapse.

'Why didn't you tell me anything? And moments before you were going to lead me to that secret room, you said they didn't see anyone like me before. And they have!' I scream at Aragorn.

Again I am in our room. Alone, with Aragorn. I am sitting on the edge of the bed, screaming at him. 

And no this isn't in a romantic way, more an if you keep more secrets for me, I am going to kill you way. Aragorn only chuckles. 'Because we didn't want you to worry'

He chuckles for Valars sake!

That man has a dead wish.

But he is my man.

I shake my head, okay I have to think clear. What do I know?

'So, I am a reincarnation of Norin, the first Keeper of the Internal Flame? And she was wed to Sauron? Against her will?'

Aragorn shakes his head. 'No Melamin, they loved each other'

'Like I love you? So much?' Aragorn smiles and makes his way over to me. 'How much do you love me?' He asks and his arms slip around my waist, setting me on my feet. I lean against his chest. 'I love you more than my own life' I whisper.

Why do I whisper? I am still mad at him! Sort off.

I can't, he is too cute.

He kisses me softly and I moan a bit in our kiss. Aragorn laughs a little. 'Eager are we?' I hit his chest. 'Aragorn!' He let me go and turns around. 'Come, we have much to discuss'

Aragorn and I make our way to the Hall of the Throne. Or Throne room. Ada, Gandalf, Arwen, Legolas and Gimli are sitting in chairs around Aragorn's throne. Legolas gives me a funny look. 'Shut up' I mount at him and he grins. 'Not mad anymore?' Ada says to me in a laughing tone. 'No'

'Good' Ada says while Aragorn sits on his throne, he pats on his lap, a signal that I have to sit there. I sign a little annoyed but make my way over to him. I sit on his lap and then the council is begun. His left arm slips on my waist and holds me tight against his chest. 'So, we know Sauron survived the destruction of his tower and the ring. And that was our fault' Gandalf said, looking at Ada. Ada nods. 'He made the ring with blood of his wife, Norin. But at first we didn't know you were her reincarnation. But now we know and that is why he is still alive, because you are alive' Aragorn's grip tightens. 'Do not fear dear one, we don't want you dead' Gandalf says with a sad smile. 'But you Elarinya are the only one who can kill Saurons remains. His body is no more, even his spirit isn't here anymore. Only his soul. The faceless man of your visions' I swallow. 'Okay, what do you want me to do?'

'We shall unlease your powers. And with that you have to find him. because he is here already. I can feel his soul in these cambers. He is waiting to meet you Elarinya. He thinks you are his wife, or that you have her memory'

'So I train?'

'Yes, you are going to practice'

And so I practice. Every day, with Gandalf and Ada. Aragorn is always watching, if he is free from his duty's. And that is not much. He is proud of me he tells me. And little by little I am proud on myself too. I mean. Look what I can do!

'Elarinya now!' Gandalf yells. I put my arms up and fire wing appear. Burning everything in their way. We are in the secret room of the secret garden. The statue of Norin gives me strength every time I look at it. I move my arms forward and a fire ball comes out of my hand palms. I hit the wall and ashes fall on the floor. 'Again, try to put your whole body on fire!' Gandalf orders me. I sign but also try to do what he says. I let the image of my body on fire go through my head. Again.


And then I feel it, the fire creeps out of me, it is consuming me. I am a pillar of fire. I move my hands again and an enormous fire ball comes out and makes a big hole in the rock wall in front of me. 

'MINE!' A voice sounds through the room and suddenly I am on the cold rocky floor, trembling in fear.  

'Elarinya!' Gandalf yells and his staff shines a bright light. 'Come to me child!' He orders me and I crawl on my hand and feet towards him. He throws his cloak over me, hiding me from the voice.

'She is not yours and she shall never be! Go back to your crumbled tower, go back to your prison and scare her no more!'

'I shall punish her!' The voice screams with fury and at the sound of his voice. My body begins to burn. The cloak burns to ashes and I transform in a pillar of fire. But this time, it is not my own. It hurts. I feel the flames licking at my flesh, burning it. I scream, I can hear myself screaming in agony. I see Gandalf screaming spells at me, to help me. But it has no use. I am doomed. I am punished.

Gandalf, seeing he couldn't help me, is getting everyone to this chamber. And I can hear him running towards me, towards my screaming. I am calling him. Or I can hear myself calling his name. After a while I can't feel my body anymore. Only his voice, telling me I am his. Over and over again.

The door pushes open and everyone is rushing inside. At the sight of me Aragorn fall to his knees. Arwen her hands fly to her lips in shock and Legolas puts his arms around her. Gimli yells in Khuzdul at Sauron.

And so it stays like this, me in this state of barley awake and my family, crying and swearing at the sight of me.

Maybe it is an hour, or two but it stops. The burning stops and with a silent cry I am send back to the floor beneath me. And that goes –surprisingly- gentle. 'You come home, or I shall punish you more and pain fuller another time' Sauron's voice says and then he is gone.

And Aragorn's arms are around my waist. Holding me with a gentleness I never knew he had in him. He lays me carefully on the ground, looking at my wounds who are still burning and little clouds of smoke fly from my body in thin air.

'Melamin' He says in a broken voice. I can't say anything, because the pain comes back. Like I am hit with a big stone hammer, smashing me against the wall. And Valar be praised I faint.

'Elarinya' Manwë, King of the Valar, says to me. I am before the five greatest. Manwë and his wife Varda, Ulmo, king of the sea, Mandos, the judge of the dead and his wife Vairë. They are sitting on their golden thrones. 'Am I dead?'

'No Child' Varda says to me, her voice is like thousand little bells. 'You are here because on this very moment everyone you love is trying to bring you back to Arda. And we have seen your struggle' Ulmo says with a voice like a rumbling sea. 'Sauron the servant of Morgoth has to be punished. It is the same as five thousand years ago. That is why Norin became the keeper of the internal flame. She held good and evil in her hands and she was wise' Manwë tells me. 'Child, we shall heal you and strengthen you. If you wake up, you have to go to Mordor. There is still dwells. And you have to kill him' Vairë says with a humble voice. I don't have the guts to look them into the eyes. They all shine like a thousand stars.

'And don't say you can't kill him. because you can. You have the power of Norin, fire queen flowing in your veins. And your own power as well. Don't be frightened because we are with you' Manwë says in a hushing tone and I fall back in the black hole.

'Melamin!' His voice brings me back. And when I open my weary eyes he is here. His stormy grey eyes looking straight into mine. 'You are fully healed' He whispers and kisses my forehead softly. I look around, Ada and Ganfalf are standing at the edge of the bed. 'I saw them' I say in a soft voice. 'I say Manwë. Varda, Ulmo, Mandos and Vairë. They sat on their thrones and spoke with me' I see the faces of Ada and Gandalf light up in wonder. 'They told me they were going to heal and strengthen me' 

'And they did' Gandalf says in a praising tone. I look at my hands, my body. I see no wounds, no burns. I am healed!

'I have to go' I say and try to get out of bed. But I am buried in so many blankets! I wrestle myself out of it and Aragorn takes my hands. He pulls me out of bed. 'Where are you going?'


I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now