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'Melamin why did you have to die?' I cry till I have no tears left. And I am angry. Angry because I don't know the answers to the questions I have. Why am I special? Who am I? I doubting myself. I am still in the tower in Helms Deep. Ican hear the children cry out in fear. And a part of me wants to join them in their sorrow and the fear of a coming dead. But I am emotionless. No time for crying anymore. I made a vow to Frodo. I go down from the watchtower and join Éowyn with her tasks. She is feeding the children. 'Are you okay?' She looks worried. 'Yes my Lady. And thank you'

'Why?' She smiles. 'You found me in that prison and if you' I stop. If she hasn't found me, I was still there. Half-dead and bound to chains. 'My friend, I have to thank you. Your fellowship saved my uncles life. I shall never forget that. And we, women has so support each other' I laugh. 'Yes you are right!' Our conversation stops when people begin to whisper, to talk. Some begin to sheer. And then Gimli's voice echoing; Where is he? Where is he? Get out of the way! I'm gonna kill him!'

Who is he gonna kill? I look at Éowyn and she looks bewildered. Together we walk down the road. I see a horse and Gimli and Legolas talking to a man.

A man.

'You are the luckiest, the canniest and the most reckless man I ever knew!' Gimli embraces the man. He begins to walk through the crowd. 'Gimli, where is the king?' The man asks Gimli in a deep voice. I recognize that voice. Is it true? I see Gimli nod at the Hall of Helm's Deep and his eyes meet mine. Gimli begins to laugh. 'Lassie, look who is back!' He yells at me. Legolas walks past me and he looks amused. 'Le ab-dollen' He says. Who is late? Haldir? Elladan or maybe Elrohir? 'You look terrible' The man laughs. And then it hits me. No this can't be. Legolas moves aside to let Aragorn pass. And he makes his way straight at me. 'Melamin' I hear Éowyn gasp for breath. She wants to move to him, but she hesitates. She looks at me. 'Go!' She says in a whisper.She demands me to go. But my body doesn't move. I stand there, frozen to the ground. Éowyn takes a few steps back. Now I am the one who gasp for breath. I want to say his name. And then he is before me, my knees give in. I let a shriek and fall to the ground. But his arms are around me and we fall together on the stones. I burry my head in the crook of his neck. I breath in his sent. He is back! Thank you Valar! Hannon le, hannon le'(thank you)

Aragorn takes my head in his hands and kisses me. I blush. He kisses me in front of the whole crowd. And that is all of Rohan.. Legolas hands Aragorn a neckless. It is the evenstar. The neckless of my sister. I look at him. 'She gave it to me, so I can give it to you, to remember her. But I had the chance yet to give it to you. And he slides the neckless around my neck. I laugh. 'Hannon le!' We stand up together and Aragorn keeps me close to his side. His arm around my waist. I like it. We walk with Legolas and Gimli into the hall were Théoden sits on his throne, with Gamling at his side. Aragorn begins to tells his story. He saw the army of Isengard marching their way to us. 'A great host, you say?' Théoden asks Aragorn a bit unsure. Like he don't believes the story. 'All Isengard is emptied' Aragorn answers.

'How many?' Théoden walks around in the hall, arms on his back.

'Ten thousand strong at least' Aragorn tells him, tells us. I feel the hairs on my arm rise. Goosebumps. And not the excitement kind of way. The king turns to Aragorn. 'Ten thousand?' He asks in disbelief.

'It is an army bred for a single purpose, to destroy the world of Men' Aragorn says in a grim way. 'They will be here by nightfall' I can see the king considering his options, which he doesn't have. He has only one. 'Let them come!'

We follow the king down the stairs, walking to the main gate. 'I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall' He orders Gamling.

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now