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So after we came home, all tired and some a little wounded, we were going straight to bed. No excuse.

The next morning Ada and Arwen left. She was a little sad to leave Legolas but he promised her to visit her when he was finished here. Also Gandalf left. He was going to see our Hobbits. Tell them what happened after they had left Minas Tirith.

Gimli stayed to. Exploring Gondor with Faramir and Legolas.

Faramir and Éowyn are soon to be wedded! And that I am thankful for. They deserve to be happy.

– 3 month later –

'Aragorn?' Where is that man? He is not with Legolas or Faramir. And he is also not sitting on his throne. 'Aragorn?' I shout again. Roaming through the corridors of the Kings house shouting my husband's name. 'My queen?' A young maiden appears behind me, stepping out of a room. 'Do you know where the king is? Or where he went?' She smiles at me. 'He is in the secret Garden your Highness' She curtsy to me and walks away in the opposite way I came from. The Secret Garden it is then and I hurry through the corridors.

I am out of breath when I reach the door.

In and out. Breathe.

Okay, here I go. I open the door and I see him standing already. Is back is facing me so he doesn't see me coming. I slip through the door and walk on my toes.

With a movement faster than light I am suddenly in his arms, his lips on mine. When he takes his lips off mine to take a breath, I step back. But I am still in his arms. 'Melamin' He says in a whisper. I grin sheepishly at Aragorn. 'Hi'

'Hi' He says and kisses me again. I slap on his chest. 'Aragorn! Be careful!' I laugh. Immediately he stops and steps back, looking with worry at me. 'What? Are you hurt? Are your wounds reopened?' I shake my head. 'No, no. That is not it' He signs and wraps his arms again tighter around my waist. 'What is it then?' He looks at me and I melt. His grey eyes filled with worry and love.

So much love.

'I am pregnant' I say in one breath. His eyes widen and a smile appears on his handsome face. 'You are having a child!' He says loudly. 'Yes' He lifts me up in the air and spins us around. 'We are becoming parents!' He laughs. Still looking at me. He sets me on my feet again, holding me close. 'Melamin, you have no idea how happy you made me today' He says and kisses me. 'You have worked on this child to you know' I say when he pulls back.

-5 years later-

'Eldarion! Watch your sisters please' I order my oldest and only son. He is our pride and joy, our heir for the Reunited Kingdom. He is now 5 years old but for his age already wise. A year after him we had our first born daughter. Eruanna meaning Grace. Because grace was giving to us from the mighty valar above and we are still in peace. And six months ago we welcomed another little girl; Cuilwen meaning life, because her birth was difficult and Aragorn almost lost me and our little girl.

I smile at the thought of my children playing in the secret garden, safe.

'Melamin!' Aragorn is walking towards me in the corridor, a small party behind him. 'Look who are coming to visit us!'

'Merry, Pip!' I shout at my hobbits and run towards them, crushing them in a hug. I hear their laughter and when we pull away they smile at me. 'We heard you and Aragorn had another daughter and we came to see her!'

'Of course! Follow me' I lead them to the secret Garden and when they see our children they run towards them. Greeting them and they look at our youngest child, laying in a small soft crib. It is more a bag if you look at it. Aragorn sneaks his arms around my waist. 'Legolas and Arwen are coming to and they take Calanon and Eleniel with them'

'And Gimli?'

'I think he is coming, but he hasn't answered yet' I sign and Aragorn kisses my temple. 'I know you wished Elrond was here'

'Yes I miss them, Gandalf, Frodo, Ada.. But they are somewhere better now'

'And we?' Aragorn asks me, looking at the sight of our children. 'We, we have the most beautiful life here in middle earth' I say, thinking of how the destruction of one tiny ring changed my life is the best possible way.

'Gi Melin Elarinya' Aragorn whispers softly and kisses me.


So this was it.

I am a Dúnedain is finished! I hope you all enjoyed it!

Thank you all!

lots of love


I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now