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After a short night sleep we move further into the wild. The day is long and when the evening falls again Aragorn stops before a distant hill, topped by an ancient ruin. 'This was once the great Watchtower of Amon Sûl. We shall rest here tonight' I just nod at him and begin to walk again. I help the hobbits to walk up the hill. After our short talk last night Aragorn seems distant to me.  When we are up on the hill Frodo, Merry, and Pippin collapse into a small hollow, halfway up weathertop. they are muddy and exhausted, I can see that. Aragorn and Sam are now also here with us. Bill is set loose I think. From now on it is just six or seven days to Rivendell. Aragorn drops 4 swords at the hobbits feet. 'These are for you. Keep them close. I'm going to have a look around. Stay here' He says and he walks away. Wait what? 'Estel!' I call after him. His Elvish name. 'Manke naa lle autien?' (where are you going?) I ask him. 'Ceri cin gar a magol an nin? (do you have a sword for me?) His eyes flicker. 'Im will tul- n'alaquel' (I will come back) He says and strokes a few hairs out of my face. I smile at him. 'When we are in Rivendell I shall explain everything' I say. 'You don't have to speak about it. I am here for you' Aragorn says. I hug him. When I let him go, he gives me a sword. 'where?' I asks wondering. 'lle anta est' (you must rest) And Verya keep a close eye on the hobbits. Especially Frodo. I am back for you now it' And then he sprints away.

He feels so distant to me. He acts different or is it just my imagination. I walk back to the hollow where the hobbits are resting. I sit back against the stone wall and after a while, when the hobbits are sleeping, my eyes are closing too.

'Put it out, you fools! put it out!' I hear Frodo suddenly yell. 'Oh, that's nice ... ash on my tomatoes!' Pippin says sarcastic. I open my eyes just in time to see Frodo stamp on the low fire to extinguish it.  A sudden shriek makes us all jump and I pull my sword.  Five Ringwraiths on foot, running up the steep slope unnaturally fast. 'Go!' Screams Frodo and we start running towards the top of the ruin. How did they find us? The hobbits stand back-to-back in the centre of the watch-tower, waiting for the first assault. Again I become dizzy and my head spins but I shake my head. I need to focus. I stand besides Frodo when they appear. Slowly and one by one, five of the nine appear. The move slowly towards us and in their center is their leader. I gasp. No. The witch king himself! 'Back, you devils!' screams Sam and he rushes forward with a cry. He swings his sword at the witch king. Who blocks the blow with his own sword. Sam's blade shatters and the witch king lashes out with his fist, sending Sam flying. I rush forward with a loud cry. I have to protect them. Sam is a brave hobbit. I need to save them. I swing my sword In every direction I see one of the wraiths. Block, swing, block, swing. The fighting goes automatic. And in the corner of my eye is see Merry and Pippin shaking with terror, lying on the ground. The ringwraiths move closer to Frodo, I try desperately to fight them of. But I feel myself getting weaker. How strange. I fall on my knees. And is see Frodo. The ring almost on his finger. His eyes are rolled back in his sockets. 'No!' Screams Sam and I feel tears falling. No! 'Frodo no!' I scream. But it is too late. Frodo slips the ring on and disappears. 'Verya!' Pippin and Merry suddenly scream. But I move too slow. One of the ringwraiths stands next to me. 'Sarumans slave. Sarons slave' he says in a deadly tone inside my head. I manage to dodge the sword. I roll to the right and prepare myself for impact. My head feels like it is going to explode.

And then when all hope seems lost, their he is! Aragorn charges at the ringwraiths, wielding his sword in one hand, a flaming torch in the other. He moves through the sea of mist. I see Frodo appearing from the shadow world he was in. Sam rushes over to him. 'Frodo!' He screams horrified. Another ringwraith is burning and screaming . Others screech fearfully at the flames, turn and flee from the Weathertop.

'Mr. Frodo!!' Sam is panicking. I need to help Frodo! I try to stand up. But my feet give in. I try it again. I have to! My head burst but I can't let the hobbits see my weakness. I have to be strong for them. Aragorn kneels before Frodo and snatches the Witch Kings dagger up from the ground. He stares at the long, thin blade. 'Help him Strider!' Sam asks with tears In his eyes. I kneel next to Aragorn and he gives me a quick look. I nod that I am fine. 'He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade' Aragorn says with a grim voice. The morgul blade suddenly melts. Vanishing into the air like smoke and Aragorn throws the hill down in disgust.

'Do something' begs Sam. 'This is beyond my skill to heal, he needs Elvish medicine' says Aragorn urgently. Aragorn lifts Frodo onto his shoulders. I help Sam up from the ground and gesture merry and pippin to come along.

Aragorn is jogging grimly, carrying an ailing Frodo on his back.

Sam, Merry, Pippin, and I are running to keep up. We are

carrying flaming torches for protection. 'Hurry!' Aragorn yells. 'We are six days from Rivendell!' I yell back at him. I hear Frodo groan. 'Hold on, Frodo' says Aragorn.

'He'll never make it!' Sam says sadly.

'Look, Frodo. It's Mr. Bilbo's trolls' Says Sam to Frodo when we rest for a short time. I sit next to Pippin, with my hand on his back for comfort. He is scared. We all are. 'Mr. Frodo? He's going cold!' Screams Sam suddenly. 'Is he going to die?' Pippin asks me fearfully. I shake my head. 'I don't know Pippin. Have hope and courage for him'

Frodo's breathing is getting shallow. Aragorn loks out into the darkness.

'He is passing into the Shadow World. He'll soon become a Wraith like them' Aragorn says to al of us. I feel a shiver run through my body. Oh Frodo. A distant cry of a ringwraith carries through the air. 'Their close' Merry says nervous. Suddenly Frodo gasps in sudden pain.

'Sam, do you know the Athelas plant?' Ask Aragorn to Sam. I bet he is thinking out loud. We are out of options. We have to go too Lord Elrond but we are too far away.

'Athelas?' Sam's voice sounds questioning.

'Kingsfoil' Aragorn answers sternly. 'Kingsfoil. Aye. It's a weed' Says Sam, he knows!

'It may help to slow the poisoning. Hurry!' Aragorn and Sam disappear into the dark woods. 'Verya keep them save, we will be back shortly!' Aragorn screams too me. I can't help but laugh. It is the nerves I think. Oh valar please let Frodo be alright.

'Frodo, Im Arwen ... Telin let thaed' (I am Arwen. I have come here to help you) Is that?! Yes my sweet sister! She sits next to Frodo, Aragorn stands next to them with Sam. Merry and Pippin sitting close to me, watching what is happening to their dear friend.

'Lasto beth nîn. Tolo dan na ngalad' She says in a calm voice. (Hear my voice. Return to the light)

'Who is she?' Asks Pippin me. 'She is an Elf Young one. And she is come to help us and Frodo' I answer him. 'He's fading. He's not going to last. We must get him to my father' Arwen says franticly.  Aragorn quickly lifts Frodo, placing him on Arwen's horse.

'Where are you taking him?' Pippin asks. Now more braver then before.

'I've been looking for you for two days. There are five Wraiths behind you. Where the other four are, I do not know' Arwen tells Aragorn. She sees me and smiles. I smile back. Later, then we can talk. First Frodo.

'Dartho guin Berian .rych le ad tolthathon' begs Aragorn her. (Stay with the Hobbits. I will send horses for you) Arwen grabbing the reins of the horse. 'Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im' (I am the faster rider. I'll take him)

'Andelu i ven' (The road is too dangerous) pleads Aragorn her. Pippin and Merry try to understand what is happening but It goes al so fast. And still my stupid head feels heavy and dizzy.  'Frodo fîr. Ae athradon i hir, turgwaith nin beriatha hon' She says sternly. (If I can get across the river, the power of my people will protect him) 'What are they saying?' Pippin asks again. 'I do not fear them' She says. I know dear Sister. You are brave and may the Valar protect you

'Be iest lîn' Aragorn sighs. (As you wish). Arwen  mounts her horse, Asfaloth.

'Arwen, ride hard. Don't look back' Aragorn says.

Arwen looks down at Aragorn as she supports Frodo with one hand.

'Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim!' (Ride fast, Asfaloth, ride fast!)

'What are you doing? Those Wraiths are still out there!' Sam yells in panic. Asfaloth springs away, bearing Arwen and Frodo into the night. I follow my sister with my eyes until she is disappeared behind the trees. I stand up and take the hands of Merry and Pippin. I look to Aragorn. 'Come on boys, she said she will send horses. But in the main time, we walk'

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now