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I wake up and the first I see is that I am moving. Moving across Rohan, home of the horse lords. Merry and Pippin are bound on the backs of two Uruk-Hai. I see that Merry has a gash on his brow and he is unconscious. 'Merry!' I whisper. No response. Pip sees that I am wake. 'Verya!' he says happily. 'You and Merry were long out. I think we are running straight for three days now'

My eyes widen. Three days! Aragorn?! Is he still following our trails. And how is it possible that the orcs can run this long? Mostly they move by night? My thoughts are interrupted by a loud sniff from the leading Uruk. He signals to stop. I see from the north another group of orcs emerge. They are led by a short, crook-legged Orc. His arms are almost hanging to the ground. I chuckle. Idiots. They are all idiots. If they know who was following them..

''You're late. Our master grows impatient. He wants the Shire-rats now' The Orc says.

'I don't take orders from Orc-maggots' The Uruk who is leading us answers him. 'Saruman will have his prize. We will deliver them'

'And the girl?' The Orc from the North asks. My head flies up by his words. Me? What do they want with me? 'She is not for Saruman. She is special for someone. She shall go to him' The Uruk says.

No! No! Valar please not him! I muffle a cry. Fear comes over me. Not him.
Pippin luckily doesn't see mine mood change. He is busy to rouse Merry again.

'Merry! Merry? Wake up' Merry's head lolls around, but still he is not responding. Pip is looking around and sees an Orc drinking his draught. 'No!' I make the words with my lips, but he doesn't see or hears me.

'My friend is sick!' Pippin yells. 'He needs water. Please!' The leading Uruk hears his plea's and makes his way through the ranks to us. 'Sick, is he? Give him some medicine,

boys!' He laughs. They all begin to laugh and one starts dumping his draught into merry's throat. Merry starts to choke. 'Stop it!' I scream. 'Can't take his draught' The Uruk says laughing, making his way to me. 'Here maybe you are more manly then your little friends' And forces me to drink the draught. I start coughing and al the Uruk's and Orcs laugh their heads off. Very funny boys, very funny.

'Leave them alone!' Pippin screams angry. 'Why?' Pippin is afraid to respond.

'You want some?' The Uruk asks again. Pip doesn't respond, still afraid. 'Then keep your mouth shut' Then the Uruk turns and walks away. 'Hello, Pip. Hello Verya' I hear. Merry! 'You're hurt' Pip says.

'I'm fine. It was just an act'

'An act?' I say disbelieving. Yea right Merry. I don't believe you.

'See? I fooled you too' Merry is smiling. But Pip doesn't believe him and so do I. Again an Uruk sniffs the air. The leading Uruk appears behind him. 'What is it? What do you smell?'



'They've picked up our trail'


'Let's move!' He screams to the company. And they break into a run, harder than before. The Orcs from the North follow. I see that Pip is struggling to remove his Elven Brooch from his cloak with his teeth. And when he had it, he spits it onto the ground. The brooch lands in the grass, but is trampled on. But it is still visible and unbroken.

Aragorn is coming!

At the end of the day, when night is falling, we are suddenly thrown onto the ground. The Uruk and Orcs collapse with exhaustion beneath the boughs of the trees on the very brink that seems to be Fangorn Forest. 'We are not going further till we have had a breather!' One Orc screams. 'Get a fire going!' The Leading Uruk yells. Serveral Uruk Hai stands up and run into Fangorn Forest. Pippin crawls over to Merry and me. Our hands are still bound. 'Merry, Verya!'

Merry opens his eyes. 'I think we might have made a mistake leaving the Shire, Pippin' Pip and I laugh. Dear Merry, hold on.

A group of orcs chops down the trees inside the forest for wood. I hear the forest groaning and rumble. 'what is making that noise!?' Pip asks in fear. Merry understands and he smiles. 'It's the trees' He answers wisely. 'What?'

'Do you remember the Old Forest, on the borders of Buckland? Folk used to say there was something in the water that made the trees grow tall...and come alive!' Merry tells. 'Alive?' Pippin asks a bit unsure. His question is answered by the groans from the forest. 'Yes' I say. 'Trees that could move, whisper and talk to each other, even more'

'I am starving! We haven't had nothing but maggoty bread for three stinking days' And Uruk says in a whiny voice. Other orcs look to him in agreement.

Valar please help us!

'Yeah! Why can't we have some meat?!' Another Orc says. His eyes grow wide and hungry when he looks at us. 'What about them? They're fresh' He clacks with his tong. 'They are not for eating. And the Girl is forbidden!' The leading Uruk tells them. We are moved to the side. But the Orc who looked at us, is still watching us with hungry eyes. 'What about their legs? They don't need those. They look tasty' He makes a move towards us. But the leading Uruk shoves him back. 'Get back, scum!' The Northern orcs spring forward and scowl at the Uruk.

The prisoners go to Saruman. Alive and unspoiled. And the girl is for him. The master said so'

'Alive?' I see we are looked at. 'Why alive? Do they give good sport?' He looks hungry to the Uruk but he doesn't seem to notice. 'They have something. An Elvish weapon. The master wants it for the war'

'They think we have the ring' I whisper to the boys. 'And soon as they find out we don't, were dead'

'Just a mouthful. A bit of the flank' We hear suddenly behind us. The orc who was looking at us, stands now with is sword drawn. Ready to strike. We gasp for breath. So does it end.

But then his head tumbles to the ground. His body stands for a moment and then falls. 'Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!' Uruk yells. They all cheer and shove us back to the side and begin to tear the body into pieces.

'Merry, Pippin. Let's go' I whisper and begin to crawl away. But then a foot comes down on my back. 'go on, call for help' An Orc says. 'Go!' I scream to the boys. They look at me and then they crawl further. He grasps my face. 'Squeal. No one's going to save you now' But then a spear pierces into his back. I see Merry and Pippin look, but I nod and they crawl further. Please boys, be save! Valar go with them.

The spear belongs to a horsemen, because hundreds burst onto the camp. We are save! But no of course not. I am taken again by the leading Uruk and he sits me on a horse. The rider lays dead by his feet. 'You are his' He whispers and he let the horse go. I have goosebumps al over my body. What? The horse makes an impossible speed and is making his way to the city of Rohan. I see the numbers of the Orcs become lesser. And Merry and Pippin!

They freed themselves and are now running into Fangorn forest, with a Orc on their heels.

That is the last I see before my head begins to spin. And the pain I felt earlier comes back. 'You are mine Elarinya Galadwen'

And then pitch blackness. 

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now