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Worry make you walk faster. We make it in four days to Rivendell. Sam, Pippin and Merry are worried sick for Frodo and to be honest. I am too. I am still praying to the Valar that he may live. And that the wound he has from the Morgul Blade heals. When we arrive by the gate of Rivendell, the first I see is my adoption father. 'Ada!' I yell and run to him. I throw my arm around him and he laughs. 'iell nín' (my daughter) He says. I let him go and he looks at me. His face is a façade. He know what happened to me. I shiver. 'You room is the same when you left. Go now. The hobbit is alright. And so are you' My ada whispers. I nod and walk to my room. Leaving my small party behind, knowing there cared for.

My room is indeed still the same. I throw out my dirty leather boots and my ranger clothing and throw everything on the ground. A bad is running and I slip in. the warm water relaxes my tired body. When the water is cooled down I step out of the tub. My clothing and boots are gone. They have given me a simple blue elven dress. I put It on and let my hair dry. My dark brown hair comes to my hip bone. Just like al elf-maidens. And I am one of them. Sort of. I crawl in bed under my blankets and I fall asleep.

'Elarinya?' A knock on my door wakes me up. 'Do you have time to talk?' I slip out bed and open the door for him. His strong arms embrace me and for a while we stand like this in the middle of my room. 'Frodo is awake and well' Tells Aragorn me when he releases me. He guides me to the bed and we sit down. He takes my hand in his. 'Can you tell it now? Tell me what happened to you!' He pleases me. I sigh. I don't want to cry. 'Okay, I tell it this time. This time only' He nods and looks at me. Waiting for me to tell my story.

'So I was looking for you. And I heard you were seen in the wilds close by Sarumans tower. But know I now it was a false story. A trap to catch me. As soon I saw the tower the captured me and brought me to the white wizard. At first he was kind and asked me about the heir of Isildur' I feel Aragorn froze and his eyes become hard. 'I said that there was no heir of Isildur. That the last heir was killed a long time ago. But he didn't believe me. He said that I knew the truth. So he order to beat me with a whip. And they did. The give me a beating with a whip. Many times. I fainted. I couldn't stand the pain. When I woke up they did it again. But I told him nothing. When I was almost half dead he marked me and throw me out of the tower. I crawled into the forest so I could die. But when the night fell I was sore and the blood dried up. That was when my hope returned. The next days following I let myself heal and when I was sure to make the journey to Bree I went. I stole clothing that lay somewhere outside a shop and then I after a three days walk I arrived in Bree. When I was on the road I heard that Gandalf was going to be there. So I thought if I could tell him about Saruman, Gandalf could bring me home. But I found you instead'

Aragorn looks at me with a eyes full of pain. 'Amin hiraetha Meleth nín' (I'm Sorry My love) I feel I begin to blush. But Aragorn doesn't seem to notice. 'I shall protect you from now one he says' Then he stands up and walks out of my room. Leaving me confused.

I make the decision to follow him. I just, I just have to. He walks to the hall were the shattered sword Narsil lies. Aragorn sits down on a stone bench. Next to him lies a book. He starts reading it and I hide behind a pillar. A man with blond hair with the symbol of Gondor on his tunic comes in. I see that Aragorn is watching him from the shadows. The man strolls through the darkened gallery. His eyes are drawn to an old fresco on the wall, depicting Isildur defeating Sauron. The man turns suddenly and notice Aragorn, he looks at him.

'You are no Elf' the man says.

'Men of the South are welcome here' Answers Aragorn.

'Who are you?' Asks the man on a demanding tone. Should I come forward?

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now