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The voices I hear are distant. They sound so far away. The snow fills mine mouth and nose with each time I try to take a breath. I am going to die. I see black dots appear for my eyes, and I hear myself gasp for breath. The last I hear is the distant voice, shouting.

'We must get off the mountain! Make for the Gap of Rohan and take the West road to my city!'

Be courageous my dear fellowship! And with that thought I say goodbye of the world and the friends I hold so dearly to my heart.

'Tiro!' (look!) Legolas his voice. My eyes flutter and I see grey eyes bore into mine. I take a sharp breath, but I a sharp pain stings in my chest. My head hurts. 'Melleth' Aragorn whispers In my ear. This time I open my eyes fully and I see all mine companions looking at me. Sadness makes way for joy in their eyes. 'Verya!' Pippin en Merry run towards me and throw their arms around my waist. 'easy boys!' Aragorn warns them. 'We thought that your were no longer with us my lady' I hear Sam say. He stands next to a smiling Boromir. 'At last my friend! We thought you were gone. But you're stronger than I thought!' He says and he bows his head lightly in respect. I do the same.

After al? Are we not the fellowship of the ring. On a quest. So it is normal to like each other and be friends and say my love to each other.


So I like Boromir, because he was like the rest of the fellowship sad for me. And now he is smiling. So he is okay. My head feels like it is swimming and my legs feel like jelly. Aragorn is still next to me on the ground. He smiles at me. The cutest smile and stands up. He lifts me up and steady's me, by putting his arm around my waist. 'Man agoreg?' (you saved me?) I wispher. His face becomes immediately worried. His grip around my waist is strengthening. 'come' he says. And pulls me away from the fellowship. I can see Gandalf shouting different kind of spells and phrases towards a shiny door.

Aragorn leads me to a tree, just behind the edge of the forest. So we can see the fellowship. Aragorn pushes me against the tree and places both of his hands next to my head. I am stuck between the man and a tree. 'Aragorn' I winces. Pain shooting through my head and chest. But I don't have the time to breath in or say something. Because Aragorn steps forward and lays his lips on mine. I am shocked. But still. I love him. But he loves Arwen! He steps away and we both take a deep breath. 'I thought I had lost you!' he says with a stern voice. 'don't do that ever to me again!' And with that he leaves me. Bewildered.

By the Valar. What was that?

But for I can react or something like that. Move from the spot I am standing right now is a good example. I see two great doors swing open. Revealing a blackness inside. 'Verya!' I hear Boromir shout. I force my feet to move and I walk out of the forest. Following my friends inside the mine. 'Soon, master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves; roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone! This, my friend is the home of my cousin Balin, and the call it a mine' Gimli snorts with a proud voice. 'A mine!' I chuckle on Gimli's words. But still, the shock from everything what happened lays as a stone on my chest. And Aragorn... I don't understand anymore. I walk inside the black hole and find the fellowship in a battle formation. 'We should have never come here!' Boromir screams with a drawing sword. We back away from something, towards the entrance. But ten; Frodo is suddenly pulled on the ground. A long tentacle is wrapped around his ankle and is dragging him towards the lake! Lake? I didn't see that before. But with a fast hack at the tentacle, Frodo is free. I help him stand up, but only to be smashed at the ground. Frodo is taken again and now we both are dragging to the lake.

Great. More dead scenario's.

Frodo cries out and I hack on every tentacle I see. As a mad women I move around. Boromir and Aragorn rush forward to help us, and Aragorn severs the tentacle holding Frodo. He pulls him to safety. More tentacles come from the deep and the beast is trying to take the whole fellowship down! Aragorn comes back and begins helping Boromir, what looks like a rescue mission for me. Legolas shoots an arrow at the hideous creature when Boromir calls for his aid. I fall to the water but instead I feel to warm arms around me. We run into the mine of Moria, again and now the tentacles seize the doors. With a shattering echo, the creature rips the doors away and tons of rocks are sealing the doorway. Within seconds, tons of rocks seal the doorway. We are surrounded in pitch blackness. A single flame, a faint light rises from Gandalf's staf. 'Now we have but one choice. We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard, there are older and fouler things than the orcs in the deep places of the world' he says in a dark voice. He begins to walk, the blackness consuming him. Nervous we follow the wizard. My eyes widen; Moria in all its glory. We walk over a beautiful carved bridge, with below us, the mine were the dwarves worked. Moria is a huge! I never now. I see Aragorn smile at me. I blush. Legolas sees and he mysteriously smiles at me. And I can see Aragorn looking at us. Now it is mine time to smile. Is he jealous? 'Quietly, now. It's a four day journey to the other side. Let us hope that our presence will go unnoticed' Gandalf says seriously. I can see the hobbits are looking with wonder at the inside of the mountain and all his riches. I walk closer to them. 'Boys, how are you holding up?'

'Verya! How are you?' Asks Pip me. I hear Frodo sign. 'I am fine, young one. My head hurts maybe a little. But I had worse' The hobbits look at me with the question burning in their eyes. But I decide to tell them later my tale. We continue up a steep stair, walking through Dwarves skeletons. I shiver. But soon the path splits into three passages, each disappearing into a dark tunnel. Gandalf pauses, I can see he is frowning. 'I have no memory of this place' He tells us. Wait what? Gandalf sits himself down on a large rock. So we going to sit too. Great.

Pippin, Merry and Sam are sitting very close in my direction. It's like their waiting. I can see Boromir and Legolas looking to.

'You said you had things worse than just a headache' Sam says wisely. I nod. The memories flashing for my eyes. But they are my fellowship. We all bearing the same sorrow. So I trust them. They have saved me. And they have to save me a lot more in the future, I think. And so do I have to save them sometimes.

'So before I met you guys in the Prancing Pony I was locked in a tower' I can see the eyes of Aragorn light up. I haven't told him everything. But here in this sinister place I have the feeling that I have to tell everything. Because it weighs on my shoulders like a ton of brick. 'The tower of Saruman. The white wizard. I was seeking Aragorn and I heard he was seen by the forest near the tower. So I went. But It was a trap. I was caught and brought to Saruman by his orcs. He asked me were the heir of Isildur was. But I told him he was dead, that there was no heir of Isildur anymore. But he said I was lying. So he ordered to give me a beating with a whip. Many times, but I kept saying that there was no heir. I fainted and after a while I was thrown outside the tower. Left to die. But' I take a deep breath and I hear mine own voice vibrating. 'There was someone in the tower. A man. A filthy man, with slink hair and he Is a betrayer. He follows Saruman. But he did something that even Saruman told him not to' Everyone looks at me, I feel their sadness and sorrow for me. I can feel it, all of it. 'What is it Verya?' Asks Boromir in a low voice. 'He raped me' I see in nothing more than a whisper. For anyone can react. We hear rocks falling down. A sudden glimpse of a creature in the darkness appears. 'there is something down there!' Frodo warns Gandalf. Frodo walks towards Gandalf and they have a short conversation and still no one says something to me. was it stupid to tell them? I look to the ground. And then a sudden brightness. 'Ah! It' that way!' Gandalf point to the right hand tunnel and we scramble to our feet. 'He remembered!' Merry says relieved with a sad undertone. No. But the air doesn't smell so foul down here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose!' Gandalf laughs, to brighten up the mood I think. How longer we are here, more sadder and anxiously we become. We pass an arched doorway into a black and empty space. 'Let risk a little more light' mumbles Gandalf. He taps his staff and a flash of lighting appears from his staff. 'Behold' Gandalf tells us. 'The great realm and Dwarf-city of Dwarrowdelf'

We gasp for breath, because.. it is just breathtaking. 'Gimli' Gandalf yells to the red haired dwarf. Gimli sprints to a wooden door with two goblin skeletons lying in the doorway. We follow Gimli when he rushes into another empty chamber. With a narrow shaft of sunlight. Beaming from a small hole near the roof. Dwarf and goblin skeletons are piled up. There is a stone well. The light falls on a stone table in the middle of the room. But Gimli falls before it on his knees. 'No! oh no!' he sobs. Gandalf quietly reads an inscription of runes, carved onto the stone table. 'Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria'' He is dead them, as I feared' Gimli is chanting softly into Dwarvish. Gandalf lifts a rotten book and begins to read it. 'They have taken the bridge and the second hall; we have barred the gates' I can see Legolas saying something to Aragorn but it is for me nothing more than whisper. Aragorn locks his eyes with mine. He looks at a wall in the corner; follow me. And I do. I walk to the wall and hide behind a pillar. Then Aragorn stand before me, hands next to my head. Blocking me for running away. 'You' he says. His voice full of pain. 'Elarinya' he breathes. 'I am sorry' My eyes widen. 'No Aragorn. It is not your fault!' I whisper. And then I bow forward. Locking my lips with his. At first we both are hesitating. But then he gives in and we kiss. 

I am a Dúnedain - Aragorn love storyWhere stories live. Discover now