Chapter 11 - The Phone

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Carly's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of the slamming door. Cameron came crashing in and headed to the bathroom. I looked at the bathroom door confused. I ignored it and looked at Nash who still was asleep. I rubbed his cheek, and slowly his eyes fluttered open

"hey beautiful" I smiled.

"Hi" I said blushing.

Soon after Cam arrived, Natalie came in with Shawn. That's when all the pieces fell into place. Cameron came in by himself, and Natalie came in after him, with Shawn. What a wonderful date. I rolled my eyes. What is wrong with Natalie. Can't she give Cameron a chance?

I turn over and grab my phone, but when I pressed the button my heart dropped. And so did my phone, once again. Nash popped up to ask me what was wrong. I wasn't functioning right to answer yet.

"Carly did you see it?" Mahogany and hayes said at the same time, as they came into the room, with the other guys.

"Carly are you okay? have you seen it?" all the guys said.

"see what" Nash asks, he grabs my phone and sees what it was.

All there was, was horrible things being said about me. And a hate page on Instagram, and twitter. Nash had a furious look on his face.

"look at this" Mahogany gave Nash her phone.

I could hear girls calling me fake and ugly and more things I couldn't really understand well. Is dating Nash really going to lead to all these things? Will I really have more problems?

everyone comes to me and hugs me but I sit there in shock trying not to believe what I just saw.


Nash's P.O.V

Seeing that hate page made me feel different about my fans, it made me feel like they really don't care. I'm sure there are ones who do, but the ones who don't, they make me angry. I hate to see my girlfriend in pain, the more sad she is, the more sad I get. I see Carly get up and walk to the door.

"should she even go to Magcon tomorrow?" mahogany asks. I sighed.

"I don't really know if she should" We both just smirk at each other.

Matt goes out the door to go find Carly, cause there is lots of girls in the hotel, who love me, or think they love me. I throw my head in my hands after each ding I herd. A new post or message or video would come up about her, and all it was, was hate.

Your ugly, your fake, your fat, your a slut.

That would pop up every 5 seconds. Looking at the words made me break inside. And it will hurt Carly even more. A door opens and closes, as I see Cameron finally coming out of the bathroom.

"dude have you been online?" I asked.

"yeah. Does that explain why Carly's not here"


"so how was your date?" I asked changing the subject. He looks at me and laughs.

"horrible" He probably needed me there to guide him.

"she ended up with shawn" I look over to the next bed and see Shawn and Natalie sleeping in the same bed.

"looks like you lost your cuddle buddy" I joked.

"yea I did, and one of my best friends" I did feel bad for Cam, but what could I do to stop it?

We just talk for awhile and then the question I should probably find an answer to comes up.

"so should Carly even come to Magcon" Cameron asked. I shrug and look down. I'll just ask Bart tomorrow.

Everyone came in safe and sound. No more black eyes or tears. Carly found her way to the bed and wrapped her arms around me, and Buried her head in my chest. Again another ding went off, cam reached over in a annoyed way and shut off the phone. Carly would sniffle once in awhile or move closer to me. I think half of it was because she was trying to block the words she saw and herd. I pulled her closer and kissed her forehead.

My eyelids almost fall, when another body got in the bed. Cam came and threw one arm around Carly and tried to sleep. He was probably sad too.

I wouldn't think it's a good feeling to see the person you love, sleeping in someone else's bed.



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Sorry for the short chapter and if it was not that good.

Anyways thank you guys so so so so so so much for all the reads!!!

Love you! Xxx

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