Chapter 55 - Depressed

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Taylor's P.O.V

"Party buckwild, we gonna party buck wild," I sang into the mic.

Every girl was screaming my name and it felt good. Just something was different. Something changed in everyone. Most of the girls smiles was only half and none really were really showing there real smile.

Ever snice this whole Natalie thing, Cameron has been there helping her the whole way. He only came to one magcon in the past 6 months. Now we have school starting so it's getting harder.

Also Nash has been busy with the Natalie situation too. Plus he had Carly to take care of. But I have to give him credit, he made it to almost all of the magcon tours, this is the only one he had missed.

Dancing around, girls call out my name causing me to go and hug them, and also taking picture's with them. Mahogany was singing next with Aaron. and they were singing problem. Hearing them so happy was like hearing wedding bells ring. But the only thing nobody knew was...

That I fell for mahogany.

It was a long time ago when I fell for her curls and ears about the second week of the magcon tour. She looked at me with her pretty eyes and said to me,"Taylor you know, I kinda like you, but only a little, so don't freak out."

That almost all went to my head, I loved the way she looked at me, and when she talked and dance. But I'll never be with her, I know she doesn't like me anymore anyway. I waited too long to tell her that I liked her too. Now she will never know and I'll have to learn to let go.

As I was walking back to the hotel, Mahogany was singing problem again, she was such an amazing singer.

"Hey Mahogany. Have you talked to Carly lately?" I asked her.

"Yeah I did an hour ago. Her baby shower is in two weeks!" She squeals.

I chuckled,"Oh yeah." It was silent for a moment, until I started to talk again."Well, um...I'm gonna go look for some things for the baby later. Wanna come?"

She nods her head and smiled at me."Ok, I'll see you later!" Says says as she heads into her room and I head into mine.

"Yo dude! What's up!" I heard Matt say as I felt him jump on me. I threw him on the ground and starting Softly punching him. We both kept hitting each other hearing all the laugher filling the room.

"Nothing really. I'm just going shopping for baby Grier later."

Matt smiled,"Cool. With who?" He smirked at me and by the look on his face, he knew who I was going with.

"Lox," he gave me that look again, I told him awhile ago that I liked her.

"Make a move Taylor, you have to." I just ignored him and started to pack up my things.

While I was walking out the door, I find Jacob kissing Mahogany.


Carly's P.O.V

The baby keeps kicking so hard, I have never felt this kind of pain before. How bad is it gonna hurt when I go into labor?

Mrs.Grier was down stairs trying to help plan my baby shower. I love Elizabeth, but I feel so bad for doing this to her. It's her house and this is me and Nash's responsibility. We should be getting our own apartment and getting ready for the baby, and maybe even get married.

Oh wait, I almost forgot were sixteen and we have school. I hated going to school, everyone just stares at me and Nash. Or girls laugh at me and snicker mean things. How am I going to handle school and the baby? This is such a stupid mistake. How did I get myself into this?

Now I have to worry about Natalie too, I don't know if I can handle all this.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" Nash says as he kissed me.

I nod my head and pull his hand down to my stomach,"We are gonna have a baby in a month. Our baby girl." He smiled and kissed my stomach. I loved how helpful Nash was and how much he loved me and the Baby already.

"Where's Hayes?" I asked.

"Not sure. I think he's with Melanie at the mall" I liked Melanie, she seemed like a nice girl. I'm Just not sure if that's a part she just plays in front of us.

I sighed, all these unanswered questions are really getting me stressed out.

"Nash? You know I love you right?"

"Yeah why?" He asked nervously.

"I just don't want you to think I don't love you and then you l-"

He cut me off,"Carly stop right now. I am not leaving you and I never will. I love you and always will." I guess my hormones are acting up.

"Can we go see how Natalie is?"

"Of course."

I herd Natalie was doing horrible, she is so depressed and I think she hates herself.


Wobbling into Natalie's room, I find her lying on the bed not saying a word, just staring at the wall.

"Hi," I say.

"Yeah, hi." Great she has another attitude today.

"What's up? How are you?"

"How am I? Well your stupid boyfriend and my idiot friend or whatever we are, put me in this hospital. I don't need help," she growled,

I know she needs help, she's just in denial, she cuts, and she hears voices in her head. But she's so stubborn and won't take any help.

"Listen Natalie you need help, just believe it. You get out in one month if you made progress. So get with it," I say sadly.

"Fine, Carly. But I'm just hurt inside, okay? Sometimes nobody can help you but yourself." She has a good point, but in this case she needs help.

I decided to change the subject, because I knew she would get pissed if I said anything else about how she needs help."I have good news! If you are doing good I can take you to my baby shower!" I say with a smile on my face.

Her eyes lite up like fireworks on the forth of July. I know if I can motivate her, her progress will be made. Looking at Nash, he smiled at me and I smiled back. While me and Natalie talked about the baby, Nash stained quiet most of the time.

"How's school going?" She asks.

"Pretty good I guess. But I think when the baby comes, I'll take Online school," I say.

Natalie just looks at me with this sad expression meaning it's time for me to go. Hugging her, I say goodbye and leave with Nash right behind me. I couldn't be there any longer, they have a curfew for visitors.

As we get into the car, I think about about the baby and Nash and Natalie.

I know this baby is going to be okay, I will be okay, and Nash will be okay.

But I'm not sure about Natalie.




Sorry it took so long for us to update!

but please please please be more active!!!!

We'll try to update faster this time!


-Carly and Mery

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