Chapter 75 - My Dad

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Nash's POV

" So does he wanna see little Nat" Carly asks me,

" I'm not sure yet, but if he does will you bring her down and stay with me while we talk?" I ask,

" Of course baby", Carly wraps her arms around me and the brushes her lips up against mine.

" Nash your dads here" my mom yelled,

I looked at Carly and she smiled at me,

" Were right here if you need us".

Walking down the stairs I find the blue eyed man standing next to my mom kinda smiling,

" Hi son" he said as I came down the stairs.

My mom left us alone as we slowly walked to the couch,

I wanted to yell at my dad so bad, he didn't support me he didn't even care!

He just thought I was a screw up.

" So why did you wanna talk?" I ask,

He looked down and then back up at me,

" Because I wanna get things cleared up for us Nash, I actually feel horrible for what I did but I'm just so disappointed in you son. How could you do something like this, your whole life is messed up now, you've already got a family. Your an adult now" he said kinda angry.

Shaking my head I stare at him and just smirk at him,

" You told me you'd love me no matter what, you told me you'd be there for me no matter what happens you said you'd never leave my side even if I did something stupid!!

You know what you are dad, your a lair, your missing out on your grandchild's life and she's so beautiful, yeah we didn't plan for this but it happened and I'm happy it did" I yell,

My dad just looks at his shoes in guilt and sadness trying to figure out what to say to me.

" So why are you even here?

Are you here to say your sorry

Are you here to see your granddaughter",

" Granddaughter?",

" Yeah I have a daughter and her name is Natalie Cameron mahogany Grier",

My dad half smiles and I see a tear roll down his face.

" Nash I was just so mad that you made a huge mistake like this I didn't know what to do, I didn't wanna be the dad with a screw up, and that was wrong of me to think cause I missed out on seeing my grandchild born, or being there for my son, or even meeting my sons girlfriend. I broke a promise and I feel horrible about it, and I promise this time I won't break it I will always be here for you no matter what",

" How do I know your not lying,

I mean can I trust you not to break me again?" I ask.

I'm gonna want my dad to prove to me that he is gonna be here no matter what , cause trust needs to be earned and he hasn't shown me anything for me to trust him.

" You have a point,

Well can I meet my granddaughter?",

" Yeah of course" I say,

I yell for Carly and smile at my dad hoping he is going to change and be here for her.

Carly comes down the stairs with Natalie wiggling around in her arms,

" Here you go" she says passing her to my dad,

" Dad this is Carly, Carly this is my dad chad",

He smiles at Carly and then looks at Natalie.

" She's beautiful like her mama", I see a tear roll down his cheek,

Quickly carly grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

" And she has her daddy's eyes",

I kiss Carly's cheek as we just watch my dad play with Natalie.

" Grandpas gonna be here for you, no matter what, hopefully Grammy will let grandpa take you sometimes" he laughs as my mom comes in the room.

Carly and I just look at each other and laugh, when a tear slid down my face as well,

Carly took her thumb and wiped it away smiling.

" So dad you gonna stick around?",

" Yeah son, I am, I mean I'm gonna have to break you and hayes and Cameron out of jail if someone breaks this little girls heart right" he laughs,

I nod.

Carly takes Natalie,

I knew she would cause right at that moment my dad and I were holding each other tight saying were sorry,

I can't lose my dad again.

It was hard the first time,

And I don't want there to be a last.

" So I'll see you soon?" I ask,

" Yeah you'll see me soon",

My dad was about to walk out the door,

" Dad, thank you, and tell nila I say hi",

He just puts a thumbs up and heads out the door.

" Your a great man Nash, you really are" my mom hugs me and goes outside,

" Thank you for being here" I say hugging Carly,

" I'm not going anywhere, I'm always gonna be here for you",

" It's funny carly, you used to be a fan that I loved cause you supported me, and now I am in love with you and always will be",

She smiled at me and hugged me tighter.

" Remember the first time we met" I say,

She nods her head and smashs her lips into mine,

I kiss her back and pick her up.

" I love you carly",

" Nash I have loved you snice the very first day I saw you, and I always will. nothing will change that".

I kiss carly again and I call for hayes to come down stairs,

" Come on hayes, let's all go out to eat, me you, carly, Natalie, mom, sky and Johnnie", hayes smiles

And we all walk out the door.

As a family.



Only 5 more chapter left till the end of the whole book!!!

Thanks for all the reads!

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-Carly and Mery

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