Chapter 78 - News

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Hayes' P.O.V

"Hey Nash?" I said as I came down the stairs."Tell mom that I'm going Haley's!" Before he could answer, I was already out the door.

We were planning on watching movies tonight at her place. I didn't want anyone to drive me, I just wanted to walk and be alone.

Natalie's death had effected us all, especially Carly and Cameron. But mostly Carly. The last time I saw her was probably a month ago. She doesn't talk to anyone anymore. She spends most of her time in her and Natalie's apartment.

Cameron just wants to be left alone too. He's always at her grave. I came with him one time and he kept blaming himself. But it wasn't his fault. Maddie try's to cheer him up and tell him that everything is going to be okay, even though she knows that it is not going to be okay because she's not okay. And I know that her and Natalie were staring to get close, and then this happens.

I wish I would of known Natalie, and I wish I could of helped her, like I did with Carly.

No one was really there for her most of the time. And I always feel guilty about that. It wasn't fair for her.

I sighed and walked past an alley, I backed up and my eyes went wide at what I saw. I quickly moved away and stood somewhere next to the alley. I took my phone out and called 911.

"911, what's you emergency?"

"I just caught someone that got out of jail a while ago, doing a drug deal."

"Can you tell me where you are?" I told her where I was, and then I hung up.

I called Haley. "Hey Hayes."

"Uh, I'm gonna have to cancel. Something came up."

"Oh, well what happened?"

"I promise that I'll you tomorrow." I heard the police sirens, and then I saw Carly's dad trying to make a run for it. "Gotta go bye." I said quickly and hung up.

I ran up to Carly's dad, and tackled him to the ground. A few seconds passed, and he was on top of me. I saw a fist coming my way. I tried to stop it but he was much stronger then me. I could already feel the blood coming out if my nose.

He was going in for another punch, but he was lifted off of me. "Hands behind your back!" I heard the cops yell at Carly's dad. "You're under arrest for selling illegal drugs. And for breaking out of prison. " They put the hand cuffs on him while saying, "You have the right to remain silent when questioned. Anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law..."

They shoved him in a car, and slammed the door shut. The cop turned to me and smiled. "Thanks for telling us. We've been trying to find him for a while now."

"Wait, so he escaped? I thought he was let out."

She shook her head. "We don't know how he managed to escaped. But all we know is that he did." She paused for a moment. "Anyways, thanks again kid."

"No problem." I turned around and ran back home.

I burst through the door and found Nash on the couch. "You would not believe what just happened!" I screamed.

Nash jumped at the sound of my voice. "Gosh, Hayes."

I roll my eyes. "Now is not the time for that, Nash."

"What happened?"

"I just saw Carly's dad selling drugs. Did you know he escaped prison?"

Nash's eyes were wide open."Well did you call the cops?!"

"Yeah. He's being send back to prison."

"We have to tell Carly." Nash got up and grabbed his keys.

"She's not gonna listen, Nash. She won't talk to anyone."

He sighed. "She has a right to now. And I know she won't talk to me, but I know she'll listen."

I sighed, "Okay, fine. Lets go."

I locked the door and joined Nash in the car. It was silent the whole way to the apartment.

Once we got there, we found the extra key and opened the door. We went into Natalie's room and Carly was not there. We then went into her room, and found her sitting in front of the window, frozen.

"Carly." Nash said softly. She didn't even bother to turn her head. She just pretended like no one was there. "I have some good news about your dad." I looked at Carly closely. I saw her mouth open a little, but then she closed it.

"Your dad went back to jail."

That caught her attention. She slowly turned her head and looked at Nash, then me, and then back to the window. I heard her sigh. "That's great." She just barley said it. Her voice was scratchy and low.

I looked at Nash with my eyes wide open. He turned to me and stared at me. "She talked." He whispered.

Walking out of the room Nash went in and told Carly goodbye, but of course she just ignored him.

"Nash what are we gonna do about this birthday party for baby Natalie? Do you think you can get Carly to go?" I ask worried.

Nash just looks down. "Hayes I'm gonna do my best. Natalie is gonna need her mom there and I need her there too, so I'm gonna try."

Looking down at my feet I just think of how baby Natalie feels or if she even notices that her mom is gone.


Only 2 more chapters left!!!!!!

The next chapter is like the last one but then the other one is the epilogue.

Thanks for reading!
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-Carly and Mery 

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