Chapter 63 - New Chapter In Life✖

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Hayes P.O.V

It's been a couple of days since Carly had Natalie. Carly and Nash Came home two days ago, but Natalie had to stay at the hospital because she was born early.

As I was about to lay down on the couch, I heard foot steps coming down the stairs. I guess Carly and Nash are awake. I go over there, and only see Nash.

"Where's Carly?" I asked.

"She is still sleeping"

"So how does it feel like to finally be a dad?" I asked and went into the kitchen with him. He shrugged.

"I don't know how to describe it" He said, and suddenly he had this huge smile on his face. Seeing him so happy made me smile too.

After a couple minutes of silence, my phone rang. I took it out, thinking it was Melanie and was about to shut it till I saw that it was Haley. I got up from the stool, and went into the living room. I answer the phone.


"Hi Hayes. It's me Haley" I smiled. "I was wondering if you would like to see a movie with me?"

"Ok. What time?"

"Can you meet me a the movies and we can decide there?"

"Ok I'll be there in a little"

"Sounds great" I knew she was also smiling, because of the way she said it.

"Bye, I'll see you there"

"Bye" I said and hung up.

I put my phone back in my pocket, and went back into the kitchen. I saw that Carly was awake. Her and Nash were talking about something. They looked once I entered the room.

"Hey Nash, I was wondering if you could drive me to the movies?"

"Sorry bud, I can't today" I sighed.

"I could drive you" I looked at Carly.


"Yeah, why not?" She said and smiled. I smiled back. I ran up the stairs and went to my room to get ready.

I put on basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I got some shoes and put them on and then grabbed my phone and headed out. Carly was waiting for me by the door.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup" I said and opened the door.

I went out after Carly, and locked the door. I went into the Car and waited for Carly to start the car. Once we left the drive way I got a text from someone. I rolled my eyes it was Melanie.


"Bye Hayes! I'll see you in a little." Carly said. I waved goodbye to her as she drove off.

I went in and saw Haley sitting down on a chair. I went over to her.

"Hey" She looked up and smiled.


"So what movie do you want to watch?" I said and walked with her to see the movies.

"I don't know" She shrugged.

Looking at all the movie I come across the prefect one, the fault in our stars, it's prefect! I can hold her hand when she cries and then I'll make my move.

" How about the fault in our stars?",

"Yeah I have been waiting to see it",

Yes! we get our tickets and popcorn and all that stuff and have a race to theater 4. I keep my face down most of the time running cause I know girls will be chasing me later.

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