Chapter 21 - Chances

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Cameron's P.O.V

While I hold Natalie, I decide that we all should stay at Carly and Natalie's apartment. except Skylynn will drop her off at home.

I let Natalie cry it out. I pick her up and carry her to the car, trying to make sure she won't jump out of my hands.

"Guys let's all just spend the night at Carly and Natalie's place." I finally say them, as I open the car door.

They look at each other with a weird expression on their face. After a few minutes they agree.

Plopping Natalie in the car I start to drive to the apartment, while Hayes, Taylor and Matt drive sky home.

"Natalie are you gonna be okay?" Carly asks her.

She quietly responded, "I don't want you guys to stay with me."

Carly ignores her answer and begs me to turn the music up, and so I did. Nash on the other hand was quite and sad. I could tell he was nervous.


Pulling into the drive way, I see Standing by his car. I roll my eyes and take the keys out. Everyone gets out and I go and get Natalie.

"Where has Natalie been? Why is she so dirty? And why is she crying?" Shawn snapped once he saw Natalie.

"Because she ran away and almost got hit by a car." Nash snapped back before I had the chance to say anything.

"Gosh. give it a break for once." Carly said. Shawn grabbed Natalie, but she pulled away and ran to the apartment.

"You should leave." I say. He shakes his head in disgust and gets in his car. I watched as he speeds off into the dark.

Hayes and the guys came back, they all went to the beach again for the Bonfire. Later I followed, leaving Natalie and Carly to talk.


Carly's P.O.V

Gosh I just wanna choke her sometimes. Like what the hell is she doing, is she trying to kill herself? or what?

Walking into my bedroom I find nothing out of place, not one thing was touched. It felt so good to lay on my bed again, my feathered blankets comforted me as I moved around trying to find a comfy spot.

As I was about to shut my eyes, I hear Natalie's voice. "Carly I'm... I'm... sorry for what I said to you. I'm just really stressed out right now okay?"

She sounded like she was almost in tears, as tried talking to me. I rolled over and ignored her words.

"Please talk to me." I rolled my eyes and finally looked at her.

"Natalie, I don't wanna give up on you. I love you. Your like my sister, but you and I are not getting along right now. And you told me you never wanted anything to do with me." She frowned at my speech and moved her lips.

"I'm sorry." was all she said before it was silent again.

I wanted to think sometimes sorry doesn't help, but her and I can't stay mad at each other forever.

"It's fine, I'm just tired." I roll over again and let the tears slip out of my eyes. I heard her sigh, and then I heard the door slam shut.

I checked my phone. There were new tweets about me, new videos, new photos. It all was hate, they would edit my face, photoshop pictures, and the one that really got to me, was the video.

"She made Nash leave Magcon, and now he won't come back. What. A. Slut."

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt. Yeah, well that's a straight out lie. Words hurt more than anything. It hurts even worse when you start to believe them.

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