Chapter 61 - Baby Shower

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Natalie's P.O.V

"Ok honey, time to take your pills," my new nurse said. I kinda liked the new one, she was nice and smelt of lavender.

Opening my mouth, she drops three pills in and gives me water.

"Oh dear! I have news!" She said excited.


"You have good progress, so I think they are gonna let you go to your friends baby shower."

Finally, I'm able to get out of the hospital and go to my goddaughters baby shower. I miss seeing the sun and smelling the fresh air.

As I smile at the nurse, I just had to say this to her,"Thank you for being so nice to me."

The brown eyed lady looked at me and nodded her head."You're welcome. Now go get ready for the baby shower. I like you kid, so I bought you a dress and a gift for the baby."

I have her a huge smile and hugged,"thank you," I whispered.

I really can't believe someone is being nice to me. I don't deserve it.


Sitting in the tub, I have to let them wash me. I can't do it myself self. They said something about me trying to hurt myself with soap or something like that. I just think it's just stupid.

Getting out of the tub, I slip on the blue dress that ended a little bit above my knees. The nurse did my hair and makeup. Looking at myself in the mirror, the voice started to say stuff again.

You look pretty.

Did it actually say that to me? It couldn't be my mothers voice. It was like her voice was just gone, and was replaced by a much kinder one. Who is the voice now? I shrugged, I have more things to worry about then this.

This is going to be the first time everyone will see me with all my problems pulled together. So, I am going to try really hard to keep everything together and just relax.

While I sit on my bed, I pull out the gift to see what the nurse bought. It was a cute little outfit. There was a pink tank top, with a white skirt, that came with a bow headband. How prefect is this outfit? I thought to myself.

"So how am I getting there?" I ask the nurse who just entered into the room.

"Oh, um...that Maddie girl is going to take you."

"Oh, okay."

As I sit on my bed, I think about the baby and about Nash, Cameron, and everyone that I have hurt because of my selfish ways. I never told anyone how bad I was truly hurting when I could have got help. But I chose the wrong past, and the kidnap changed my whole life.

"When is Maddie coming?" I ask.

"In one hour, be ready." I smile and look at the window.

I'll be out of here soon,

But I just have to remember that...

I'll be back.


Carly's P.O.V

"Damn it! None of these clothes fit me!" I yell.

Nash looks at me and wraps his arms gently around my body."You will look beautiful in anything." He smiles and goes out the door.

No guys are coming to the baby shower, so Nash and all the guys are going out somewhere.

I pull on my long purple dress with some brown sandals. Now I just curl my hair and do my make up for the finishing touches.

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