Chapter 45 - Freak Out

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Carly's P.O.V

Gosh, I'm so tired. I sigh and walk out of the car. As I do that, I feel a bump inside me. I throw my hand over my stomach and yell for Nash.

"Babe? You okay?!" he says running to me.

I rest his hand on my stomach,"feel that?"

His smile grows bigger,"Yes." I pull him into a hug and smash my lips on his.

Hand and hand, we walk through the door. Hayes was asleep on the couch, I smile at him. He looked so peaceful sleeping, like an angle on a cloud.

"I got him," Nash says while picking him up.

Kissing Nash's cheek, I go into the kitchen to get some goldfish. My craving were acting up already. I Chomped on the little fish as I hear Nash yell my name. I move up the stairs fast and see what he wants, but Nash doesn't need to speak to tell me why he needed me.

Looking into Hayes' room I find three body's; Cameron's, Maddie's, and, Natalie's...

Why was she here? What happened to her? Are her and Cameron together? What? How is she back? I move away from the door as all these question came to me.

I shake Hayes awake."Hayes! What is going on?!" I yell.

He just kinda shrugs his shoulders."I don't know. They just came, and I'll just... wake Maddie up."

I roll my eyes and I shake Maddie awake. Her eyes get really wide and she swallows,"hi." She whispers.

"Hi,"I reply. I grab her arm and pull her out of the room.

"What the hell is going on?! Where was Natalie all this time?! And why is she beat up?!" I yell.

Her head falls and she sighs."Umm... She kinda got... kidnapped. I mean... I worked in this bad business and they found Natalie and kidnapped her. I knew for awhile and thought I was protecting you to not know about this."

This made me angry. Why would they be protecting me by not telling me that my best friend got kidnapped? All this time I have been stressing and worrying about this. I always thought she had killed herself, but she was actually always alive. I could of helped find her. I could of been doing all this stuff to help, but they decided not to tell me.

"How is that protecting me? And did Cameron know about it too?" I ask.

"Well...yes he did. And, I don't know. I didn't want you to worry."

What the hell?! They didn't want me to worry?! I'm so pissed right now. How stupid is that excuse? My best friend could have actually been dead and I wouldn't even have known. Then when I found out, I would of felt more horrible then I already do.

Shaking my head, I walk down the stairs."Oh and will you please wake them up, I want to talk to you all." I say.

I'm sad, mad, and happy all at the same freaking time. Plus, the baby has been kicking so I'm not feeling to hot. I probably don't like the spicy chicken I ate for lunch. Holding my stomach I see Cameron, Maddie, Hayes, Nash and Natalie stumble down the stairs.
Nash put his arm around me making sure I was okay. Seeing Natalie's beaten face made little drips of water fall down my face one at a time.

"So what's the story?" Nash asks.

"We told you she got kidnapped 'cause the people that Maddie worked for got mad and came after Natalie. And then stuff happened to Natalie." I shivered, thinking about what he meant when he said, stuff happened. "We did not wanna tell you 'cause you already have enough on your plate." Cameron explained.

Grabbing Nash's hand, I get up and go to Natalie,"I'm sorry." I cry.

I touched her shoulder and she pulls me in for a hug."I'm sorry too."

That made me feel really happy because I missed her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her senesce of humor, her everything. She was my best friend, wait, no she wasn't. She was my sister. The person who was there for me when nobody was. Natalie was and always will be my sister no matter what happens. To me, blood doesn't matter. You just happened to share the same DNA and you might look the same, it doesn't mean your really sisters. Natalie may not have the same DNA as me or look like me, but...

We're sisters at heart.


Nash's P.O.V

I had nothing to say to Cameron. We were best friends, I would have helped, I thought we told each other everything, but I guess not.

Turning to all of them, Maddie decided to open her big fat mouth."We are just gonna take Natalie home and spend the night there. We will be back tomorrow to talk." Rolling my eyes at her, I shove Cameron and Maddie both out the door.

"I thought we never kept secrets." I whispered to Cameron. He put his head down.

Finally, Carly and Natalie were done hugging and she went out the door as well.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. You?" She says. I shrug.

"And what about you Hayes?" He nods and runs up the stairs.

Grabbing Carly's hand, I pull her up the stairs. I open the door to my room and find my bed. and fall on top of it. Carly crawls over me and snuggles her head into my neck.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you both."




Hey guys!

So the book is almost done :(

How do you feel about that?

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( 5 more chapters left!)



-Carly and Mery


Even thought its almost done, there is sooooo much more to come in just for chapters you won't believe it!!! and We think you will be surprised in what happens in the last chapter! ;)

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