Chapter 49 - Dead?

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Cameron's P.O.V

Walking into Natalie's apartment, I find no one home. There was not one sound, not a light on in the house. I sighed and went into the kitchen. I grab a glass from the cupboard, and filled it with water. I hate myself for lying to Nash, Hayes, and Carly 'cause now I have no friends. I want to be there for my best friend and now I can't. I lost my brother, all because Maddie made me lie. God, why did I have to fall in love with Natalie?! Why?!

I angrily throw my glass on the floor. As I do that, I find out that the bathroom light is on. I was about to go and shut it off, until I find something I didn't want to see. I couldn't move or breath. I was in complete silence, this couldn't be happening, this had to be a nightmare. Wake up Cameron, wake up!

But this was no nightmare, this was real life. Looking at the girl on the floor made me cry. Tell me this is not real.

I was terribly wrong, it was real. I was not having a nightmare. The girl I fell in love with was lying dead on the floor and I couldn't find the strength to save her. "Natalie?" I say. No answer.

"Natalie, please talk to me," I cry. Again, no answer. Letting each tear slip out my eyes, I catch a glimpse of something, it was two bottles of sleeping pills. One was empty, and one was half gone.

"No! No! Natalie!" I screamed. I tried everything. I tried mouth to mouth, and I did everything I could think off, but she was cold and not breathing.

Okay Cameron, call 911. I thought to myself. My hand was shaking as I grabbed my phone and dial the three numbers I never wanted to call.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Um, girl friend tried killing her self by taking to much sleeping pills. And she's not breathing," I cried out,

"Help is on the way sir. Stay clam, it will be okay." She nicely said.

I let go of Natalie's hand and dial Nash's number,"hey man, um...Na-Natalie tired killing herself and I'm going to the hospital. Will you meet me there?" I say.

He said nothing."Nash I'm really sorry, but I need you," I begged.

"O-Okay, I'm c-coming," he said. I hang the phone up fast, and I text Maddie, but she doesn't answer.

Soon enough, the police and ambulance were here hauling her away. I couldn't answer any question they asked me, I was in complete silence. I couldn't hear anything, but Natalie's sweet voice haunting my head.

Getting to the hospital, I stood by the door waiting for them to tell me what's going on, but they said nothing to me so far.

Behind me I hear crying, then somebody pulls me into a hug. I knew who's touch it was, it was Carly and the second person was Nash. The whole crew was here, all but Maddie. I couldn't understand where she might be and why she's not here, but where ever she is, I hope she gets here quick.


Carly's P.O.V

Hearing that your best friend is dead, is not a good feeling. Something snapped inside me, everything hurt. Every little thing we did together popped into my head. From our fights, to sleepovers, we were and always will be sisters at heart, nothing will ever change that.

"Cameron, got any news?" I ask.

He shakes his head sadly. My heart hurt for him. I hugged him, and rub his back.

"She's a fighter, she will make it out of this battle." I felt his tears run down my neck. And suddenly, mine started to form. I love Natalie and I know she will make it out, but there's a chance I'm wrong.

"Mr. Dallas, will you please come with me?" The doctor asks.

Cameron follows him into a room, and I hear a screaming come from outside the door...




Hey y'all we are so sad but there is only one chapter left😭

We have come so far and I can't thank all of you enough.
We love you and we always will you guys helped us were we are now.

We are gonna post the next chapter based on what you comment and how active you are, we wanna hear from you guys!


But we are coming out with a new book soon, it's called Our Secret Life, sorry it's not a fanfic but I think you guys will love it!



-Carly and Mery

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