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Dear Tom,

I think you're really cute and your eyes are really mesmerizing. I hope I don't scare you off with my cliche compliments. I love the way your eyes crinkle whenever you smile and the way you bring a ray of sunshine with you wherever you go. Your happiness is my happiness, even if that means you being happy with someone else. I'll always love you from a distance.


"No!" Leia groaned in frustration as she crumpled the tenth letter she has written, tossing it into the small garbage can at the corner of her room, failing at the process. Leia has been writing letters for Tom ever since her admiration towards him have developed. Although she never actually gave any of the letters to him, she kept on writing anyway.

"Why are you even trying, Leia? He's never going to appreciate your efforts anyway" Leia's best friend, Carmen, rolled her eyes at the said girl, wondering why she was so hung up over a highschool 'cutie'.

"plus, he has a girlfriend. It's not like you didn't already know that" Carmen pointed out with disappointment laced in her voice.

Carmen wasn't really the typical 'supportive' best friend. She showed her love through hateful comments and crude honesty which most people would find disrespectful, but Leia knew she only ever means well when she does so. Despite her tendencies in being mean, Carmen will surely beat up, without hesitations, anyone whoever does the people she loves wrong. And in this case, she hated the lucky boy her best friend was wholeheartedly crushing on.

"but his girlfriend is a really really bad person-"

"you mean a bitch?"

"-don't say that word!" Leia shrieked.

Leia hated crude words. She hated it whenever anyone cursed around her. In complete contrast to Carmen, Leia was a living angel. Together with her innocence and naivety, she was a precious gem to everyone.

"anyway, she treats him so badly. He doesn't deserve it" Leia pouts, her chin on the palm of her hand.

"It's his choice, Leia. He could easily just leave Samantha and save himself from suffering but he didn't. So he's also to blame" Carmen says, getting up from Leia's bed, picking up her backpack from the floor before leaning against the bedroom door. Carmen had been keeping up with Leia and her rant about how badly Tom's girlfriend was treating him. Little did Leia know, Carmen didn't really care about the boy or his lovelife. She only ever managed to listen to Leia's thoughts because she cared about her.

“that's called 'love', Cams.” Leia defends, using the nickname only she gets to use. “He chooses to endure the pain just to be with her. Don't you think that's sweet?" Leia crumples the letter she had then again written before grabbing her own bag from the floor next to her computer desk.

"it's not sweet. It's stupid" She disagrees bitterly, hooking arms with Leia and making their way downstairs towards the kitchen.

"well, I think it's sweet." Leia sighs dreamily as she grabs herself an apple from the fruit basket.

"you think everything he does is sweet. He could probably fart in front of you and you'd still think he's sweet" She teases with a mixture of annoyance. “I'm driving, by the way.” Carmen demands, before Leia tossed her the car keys.

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now