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Leia Cravalho
31 Seaview street

November 12, 2017

Tom Holland
10 Somestreet
Queens, NY 4567

Dear Tom,

Hey Tommy! I just finished unpacking but you're probably not going to receive this letter until three or four days time so... Anyway, room is huge! I mean the house itself is a mansion and you know how I feel about mansions. I hate them. I mean, remember those horror movies we watched? Mansions are always haunted. How are you? I hope you're doing well. I miss you.. So much. And I kinda wish that you were here with me. Just a little though! Because if I said 'a lot' you'd get ahead of yourself and tease me endlessly for it. You know.. My dad has butlers and maids!! And cooks! Can you imagine? And they're told to call me 'miss'! I mean?? Of course I refused. I'm just Leia, you know?

Anyway, please do take care of yourself there... And write back as soon as possible, otherwise I might just admit that I miss you more than a little. Just a little above a little.

P.s I kinda regret enforcing the whole 'letter' thing because it's going to take forever before I receive the one you'll send me. But for arguments sake, we're sticking with old school.


Just as Leia had stated in the letter, it's been exactly three days after it has been sent, and Tom was sat by the kitchen counter, smiles and all, as he read it.

Everyday after Leia had left, Tom had been extra observant of their front gate, constantly waiting for the mailman to come about and drop the anticipated letter. And as soon as Tom had seen him, he ran immediately to grab it from the clueless mailman, not even letting him put it in the mailbox.

"is that from Leia?" Tom's mother asked, chuckling at the boy for being so excited over something as simple as a letter.

Assuming by his huge grin, Tom's brother— sam, teased "well, it's about time". Causing Tom to glare his way, and sending him an eye roll

Although Leia never had the opportunity to meet Tom's family, they knew well enough about her from his daily mention of her name. In fact, Tom has been a target of constant brotherly bullying. With his brothers repeatedly teasing him about how he's fallen in love and how whipped he was for being on edge over a letter.

Tom was somehow digging the whole thing though, because he feels as if his family approves of Leia even without personally meeting her. It was in complete contrast to how they were when he was dating Samantha. Not that they were against her, but they were just never too fond of her daily change of highly branded bags. They treated her fairly nonetheless.

"I still don't get the whole 'letter' thing, Tom. Is she aware of the 'social media' thing we have going on in the present?" Tom's other brother, Harry, teased as well upon entering the kitchen.

"she thinks it's romantic. I think it's cute" Tom defended, concentrating on the letter he was writing back, making sure that the address he wrote down was correct.

"And I think it's cliché" Sam chimed in, making Tom chuckle

"hey now, boys. You know your father and I used to write each other letters at one point" their mother stated, pouring her sons a cup of tea each, a genuine smile on her face.

"that's because you and dad are old, mom" Harry remarked, making his other two siblings burst out laughing, earning a glare from their mother, just as Tom signed the letter with love.

"well, I'll leave you all here for today, I have to go send this to the love of my life" Tom got up with much grace, obviously in a complete better mood that day compared to the others before.

"Tom has a date with the postal worker" he heard his brothers tease as he made his way out of the house, leaving a smile on his face as he pictured a day of Leia bonding with his family, all having a genuine good time.

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now