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"I've talked to your teachers, I've talked to the principal. I've everything set and ready to go, darling. All I need to do is sign the paperwork and we'll get going" I didn't know what to feel. In fact, it felt like I was in a trance; unable to move, unable to speak, unable to process anything that happened after I laid eyes on the man I have been dreading to see since the day he stepped foot out of our lives, -my life.

"How about mom? Did you talk to her?" I asked, trying my very best to sound reasonably respectful, despite the burning fire which was the anger that I felt within me.

His mouth formed a stiff, thin line at my question. Honestly, I'd thought that today would be a lot more tolerable, especially after the moment I had with Tom a few minutes ago. But now I just felt like crying again. Like I was back to square one.

"Leia, dear-

"Don't call me that" I cut him off, finally letting go of the control I'd worked so hard on preparing for whenever this day would come.

"You lost all of your rights to call me that. In fact, you lost not just that; you lost your rights to be here, you lost your rights to tell me how my life is going to be! You don't have any rights at all, to plan my future." I spat venomously, my finger pointing angrily at his face. This wasn't me. This isn't me. Even I was surprised at how quickly I had snapped at him. But after everything he's done to me and my mother, I think I've got every right in this world to stand my ground and have a say in this.

"Don't talk to me like that, Leia. I left you for a few years and this is what you've become? Seems to me that I should've taken you back earlier to prevent all of this. Look at you" he judged with disgust. I was trying- God knows how hard I was trying, but this man before me was testing me. He was testing every ounce of self control and patience that I had. Someone had to stop me or so help me, I'll end up doing things I'd never imagine that I'd do.

"A few years!? You're even more delusional than I thought you were! You left me and mom here to rot! I can't even stand to be in the same room as you anymore!" It wasn't a surprise to me when tears started to fall down my eyes, it's always been a problem of mine. Whenever I get angry- no, whenever I get infuriated, I cry. In fact, It feels like that's the only thing I've been doing lately. Cry.

"Dropping down this low and being broke was not a choice I made, Leia. I left your mother a strong woman. She should've been able to get up and work hard after I left. If she loved you enough she'd put her own needs aside and put you first" I could take him judging me all day, but my mother? There wasn't a chance that I'd encourage this

"You're one to say that. At least she's still here" I scoffed at his ridiculousness.

He was growing angrier every passing moment and I was scared of what he'd do. He was always known to be quite dangerous whenever he didn't get things his way. The thought of the things he'd do terrified me. Most especially now that he had all the money and power that he'd accomplished.

"You are going with me. As my daughter, you are going to do as I say" he spoke so sternly and low that my back began to tingle, goosebumps erupting against my skin.

"With all due respect, sir. I don't think I'm letting that happen" both of our heads snapped towards the direction of that voice. His voice.

I don't know how he does it, how he's always in time to save me when I need him to, but he does it so well that it makes me fall even deeper than I already had.

He wasn't your typical 'bad boy', but he was brave enough to stay by my side when everyone decided to go the other way. And for that I know for sure that I'd fight with my life to have him. Disregarding everything that goes in my way.

"And who do you think you are?" My father- or should I say, the devil, asked with a devilish smirk. His attention a hundred percent on Tom now.

"I'm Tom, sir. Tom Holland. Leia's friend" he introduced himself confidently, before standing by my right, holding my hand in his, as if to prove his point.

He's something special

"Friend, hm? Well, Tom, you're crossing your line as a 'friend'. This is a family matter, you shan't interfere" the audacity this old man had to just storm back into my life after he'd left it a mess bewildered me.

"I may not know a lot about what happened before, but I know well enough to say that enforcing her into coming with you is wrong" Tom spoke politely. I admired him more for that.

"Listen, dad, I'm not going anywhere with you. Not without mom knowing. The chance of me doing that is very slim, if not, almost nonexistent. Unless I hear it from my own mother, instructing me to go with you, then you best go back and live your rich and arrogant life once again. We're well off without you" I don't know where I mustered up the courage and bravery to speak that way, but I was thankful that I did.

"Well, then, why don't we come home to see what she'll say?" He grinned. It wasn't just a grin. It was a deep one. As if he knew something that I didn't.

My hand gripped Tom's in worry. Whatever it was he had under his sleeve, I didn't want to find out.




LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now