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"all he did was shake your hand, Lei"

"you don't understand, Bry. He talked to me! And h-he called me cute! Well, he called my blushing 'cute' but he complimented me! That's a big step" Leia exclaims, still not over the fact that the boy she had been crushing on talked to her.

Bryan, her only friend other than Carmen, on the other hand did not see the hype in the situation. If anything, it made him a tad bit upset.

It was lunch time, later that day and Leia was sat in their usual table with Bryan. The cafeteria was packed but that was nothing new. It was a typical highschool cafeteria scene, with the jocks on one table and the vixens on another. Scattered around were also your normal carefree highschool students who didn't really care about their popularity.

"you're making a big deal out of nothing. I mean, he talks to everyone anyway." Bryan rolls his eyes at Leia, not even being subtle about his irritancy, causing Leia to frown.

"why are you even so upset about this, Bry? He talked to me. That has never happened before!" she motions her arms around to point out how happy she was. "you and Carmen of all people should know how long I've waited for that to happen" She frowns.

"whatever. Where is Carmen anyway?" Bryan asks, in hopes of stirring the topic away from the infamous Tom Holland.

No matter how hard Bryan tried to understand what Leia saw in Tom, he never truly could see whatever it is that she sees. All he ever saw in him was a boy who is not very appreciative of people who admired him, specifically Leia. Otherwise, he would know how amazing and beautiful Leia truly is. To Bryan, at least.

"I don't know, really" she shrugs. "probably another math club meeting"

Silence took over them shortly after their conversation. It wasn't really an awkward silence for Bryan, more of a peaceful one. Both just busy with their own thoughts as they attempt to finish the nasty food the school's cafeteria has to offer.

"well, I'm going to go and head off, Bry. I have an essay about the 'feed the poor' event to submit " Leia excuses herself, dusting off any left crumbs on her clothes. She earns a simple nod and wave from Bryan before she took off.

Little did Bryan know, Leia didn't really have an essay to submit and there wasn't really a 'feed the poor' event coming up. She was just desperate to escape Bryan's awkward expectant stare. As if he was waiting for her to realize something. She shook her head at the thought.

For some reason, every time Tom would be mentioned in a conversation, something inside Bryan would tick. Almost like he had an intense hatred for the poor guy.

Bryan and Leia had been friends for the past three years. Not as long as Carmen's and Leia's friendship but it was a special friendship nonetheless.

Not knowing what to do after leaving the cafeteria, Leia decided to go and spend the remaining thirty minutes of their lunch break at the library. She figured that that would help stir her mind away from her doubts.

She entered the library, greeting the old but sweet librarian a good day. Keeping her company for a good ten minutes before heading towards the shelves to look for a good read. She skimmed through the neatly organized books, desperate on finding an eye catching title.

Leia found herself contemplating between Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' and Herman Melville's 'Moby-Dick'. Deep in thought, Leia did not notice that a certain dark brown haired boy had approached her.

"may I suggest a better read?" he asked suddenly causing Leia to jump in surprise. She turns around to face her new company only to see that it was none other than Tom Holland. Her eyes widened as it sunk into her that it was actually The Tom Holland who was talking to her. The one and only boy that she was so deeply in love with.

"you scared me" she chuckles nervously, clutching her chest in attempt to calm her heart from beating so strongly

"I'd say go for Emily Brontë's 'Wuthering Heights'. It's really intense" Tom smiled genuinely, pulling out the said book from the shelf

"I've read that already, though" Leia frowns at Tom's suggestion. She personally wasn't too fond of the book as she claims that it's too much for her to handle.

"oh? What did you think of it?" Tom asks curiously. Leia glanced around her, as if she wasn't sure if Tom was actually having a conversation with her, earning a chuckle from him.

"I-I.. It's not really my cup of tea" she cautiously admits, afraid that she would somehow offend Tom with her honest opinion.

"That's completely okay! Why not just go for Romeo and Juliet then?" He grins at Leia's nervous state. "do you mind if I sit with you while you read?" Leia's eyes widen at that question. After all this time, could he actually want to spend time with her? It all just felt surreal to her.

"that would be great" Leia nods a little too enthusiastically for her own sake.

The two of them stayed in the library for the remaining time, occasionally debating over one's opinion but both having a genuinely amazing time.

"I never knew that we had this much things in common" Tom pointed out with a toothy grin, almost causing Leia to melt right then. Why did he have to be so perfect all the time? She wondered.

"you're a really great friend, Leia. Samantha and you would really get along" Tom compliments obliviously and Leia was certain that she felt her heart drop.

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now