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"Leia, darling, it's nice to know that you've arrived safely." Matthew grinned upon seeing his youngest— Diana's side. "I would've appreciated it if you took time to inform me of your whereabouts beforehand, but let's not stress about it too much" Leia rolled her eyes at his snide comment, obviously anything but humorous.

"well, dad, I would've appreciated it if you took time to pick me up from the airport yourself, instead of sending one of your goons to do it for you." she paused to check his reaction before continuing, "because last time I checked, I flew all the way here for you, and not for your minions."

Matthew chuckled, finding it somewhat hilarious that Leia had inherited her mother's fiestyness. He remembered the arguments they had when they were young and dating.

"I'm sorry about that, Lei. You know your old man is a busy one"

"are you really?" she retorted, arching her brow

"sorry or busy?" he asked, for the sole purpose of getting the last word

"both, obviously" Leia rolled her eyes once again before entering the huge— probably not so humble— abode. Or mansion as most people would refer it as.

"you seem to be a little upset today, miss. Would you like me to show you to your room?" her father's butler— an old man in his late forties—offered politely, which got under Leia's skin more than it should've.

"I left everything I love behind to go here, and the person I came to visit couldn't even pick me up from the airport. You wouldn't be so happy yourself if you were in my place, would you.. Mr... Jimmy?" she trailed off as she read his name tag. How typical she thought. Of course he'd ask his little helpers to wear a name tag. She knew that he would most likely forget their names a few minutes after hiring them.

Leia's thoughts came to a halt as Keliana ran downstairs squealing at the sight of her younger sister. "Leia!" she screamed, squeezing the said girl's cheeks before engulfing her in a tight embrace, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"I can't breathe, Keli" Leia mumbled, caught off-guard by the sudden overwhelming show of affection.

"Oops.. Sorry. Do you want something to eat? I can ask Rose to make you some-

"I think I'll call it a night. I'm a little tired already" she dismissed the offer immediately, glancing around them, searching for her father's presence, upset to find out that he was no longer with them.

"oh." Keliana frowned, bummed at the dismissal. "okay, that's fine. Jimmy, show her to her room" she nodded towards Jimmy, showing authority.

"Keli?" Leia called before getting too far from eyesight.


"where are the.. Where are the rest of the...?" Leia asked, unsure of what to call them

"the rest of the gang?" Keliana assumed, chuckling at her sister's disability to ask her directly. "they went out to get dinner"

"without you and dad?"

"well, we knew you were coming. Where would you rather us be?" she smiled, genuinely happy that her sister was with them, making Leia blush at the sentiment

"thank you" was Leia's short response before nodding towards Jimmy, allowing him to lead the way as she followed suit.

The moment that Leia got in her room, her jaw fell open, unable to absorb the sight before her. Her room was bigger than their house back in New York after all, it'd be more surprising if she wasn't as speechless as she was then.

"will you be okay alone, miss Leia?" the old man asked, concerned about Leia's state.

"hm?" Leia jumped at his voice, completely unaware that he was still in company. "yeah.. I think I'll be just fine" she smiled sweetly at the the old man. "oh! And please, it's just Leia" she reminded, earning a look of surprise from Jimmy himself. "why?" Leia asked, noticing the odd look she was getting.

"nothing, miss- I mean, it's nothing, Leia. It's just that.. You were the first to ask of that from me" he shook his head, guilty of saying too much

"you mean to say that they all wish you to call them mister and miss?" she asked through a whisper, afraid that someone might hear their unusual conversation

"apparently" he nodded slowly, still in shock because of Leia's humble heart.

"well, Jimmy, you don't have to worry about anything like that when it comes to me. Consider us as friends. Okay?" she grinned at the poor old man, reaching her hand out for him to shake, which he gracefully took.

"it's an honor to have met you, Leia. You've such a pure soul" Leia's heart felt warm after receiving that compliment, she's not used to getting much anyway.


Jimmy then left Leia to herself with a smile, and Leia was more than happy to be the cause of it.

She sat down on the king-sized bed she was provided with, still unable to absorb the information she was given about the family she were about to live with. How could someone think of himself so highly? She thought in disgust.

Grabbing the opportunity of being left alone, she took a piece of paper from one of the drawers and a pen, before beginning to jot down how her day went. Signing it with love. She folded the paper and hid it under her mattress, setting a mental reminder to ask Jimmy to send it to the nearby post office and have it sent to Tom. She would've done it herself, but she was quite aware that her father wouldn't be so appreciative of that behavior, especially so behind his back.

Settling down a bit, after unpacking, Leia decided to take a nap, which then turned into deep slumber. Finding herself dreaming of a certain boy from way back home.

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now