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It was half past eight in the morning and Leia had just finished doing rounds in the house, making sure that she didn't forget to pack anything important.

Her flight leaves at ten and she's running a little late especially when traffic gets involved, but she had to make sure that she packed everything she needs. Considering that her destination is quite a long way from home and running back to get something she forgot is already out of the options.

"Leia, are you done yet? We have to get going" Diana called from downstairs, patiently waiting for her only daughter left with her to finish packing. She wasn't rushing Leia at all if she were being honest, for she wanted to stall and treasure every minute they had left to spend together.

"yep" she answered, carefully walking down the staircase, suitcase in hand. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be" she muttered to herself, finding it hard to look at her mother straight in the eyes.

"great. Someone wants to drive you to the airport" her mother smiled weakly, leading her to the front door where an unfamiliar car was seen waiting.

"mom..." Leia worried, her heart beating faster as the window rolled down, slowly revealing whoever it was driving the range rover.

"hi, Leia" Leia's eyes widen at the sight before her, her knees suddenly getting weak. Her heart was beating so loud that she was certain it could be heard from afar

"Tom" she grinned, unable to hide her excitement upon seeing the man she adored the most, walking towards her "what are you doing here?"

"well, we haven't said our goodbyes yet, have we?" Leia's heart churned as Tom enveloped her in a tight embrace, as if he was afraid of letting her go.

"you guys better be off! You'll never make it to your flight if the two of you just stand there giggling" her mother warned them, but with a smile on her face.

"bye mom" if Leia were to be honest, she would've thought that she'd be mad at her mother before leaving, but as she laid in her bed the night before, she realized that her mother would never do anything to harm her.  She was the only person she had anyway. So despite the lack of explanation, Leia completely understood whatever reason it was— the real one at least —that her mother had for making her leave.

Her mother engulfed her in a hug without thinking twice, letting the tears fall from her eyes. "I'll keep in touch, baby" she cried, giving Leia one last kiss on the forehead before watching her and Tom get in the car, waving as they drove away.

"sorry for not saying goodbye, Tommy. I thought you'd be mad" Leia was the first to speak after a long amount of awkward silence, making Tom chuckle at her nervous state.

"you don't have to apologize, love. I mean, I was quite pissed when Samantha brought me that letter, but I'm alright now. I completely understand" He smiled understandingly at Leia, placing his hand on her knee, assuring her that he was, in fact, being a hundred percent honest with her.

"I know we kind of agreed that I would stay, but my mom said some things that made my mind go wonder. There are just so many loop holes, Tom. I feel like I need to know more" She tried to explain, not even coming close to the amount of thoughts she had.

Tom nodded at that, it upset him that she was leaving—sure, but he had to understand what she was going through as well. He knew that she grew up lacking a fatherly image, and that maybe she's still looking for that.  She was only seventeen after all, she had every right to feel that way.

"are you sure that this is what you want?" he asked one last time as they neared the airport, hoping that she'd change her mind during the last minute.

She nodded gently before continuing,  "I need to understand him, Tom. I guess, He's still my dad after all."

"I have something for you" Tom jumped slightly in his seat as he almost forgot the gift he'd gotten her. "it's not too much but I hope you'll like it" he smiled, handing Leia a small box. "wear it all the time for me, okay? It's a promise thing. You know? Something for you to hold on."

Leia opened the box gently, her eyes widening as the gift came into view. "Tom, you didn't have to." she felt her eyes tear up as she touched the beautiful bracelet that laid perfectly in the box. In fact, beautiful was as understatement. It was simple yet elegant, which was why Tom had gotten it in the first place, it reminded him of Leia.

Tom put it on her wrist, smiling to himself as the bracelet fit perfectly on her.

"thank you, Tom. Seriously, you mean so much to me" Leia cried as Tom took her in for another hug.

They spent their last few minutes together longingly, hoping that they had more to spare with every single one that went by. Their hands intertwined the whole time, and the smiles not once leaving their faces.

"So, I'll write you letters. I'll tell you how my day went and I'll ask you about yours." Leia laughed weakly as her flight was called to board, holding Tom's cheek one last time, staring deeply into his eyes as she tried to remember every speck of color in them.

"and I'll write you back" Tom rolled his eyes jokingly at Leia's claims that letters were very romantic. "even though we could just skype each other and make things ten times easier " he teased, nudging her gently with his elbow.

"I'll miss you" Leia cried as Tom hugged her for the last time before she leaves, making it feel like he wasn't ever going to let her go

"I love you" Tom whispered, kissing Leia for a few seconds on her forehead, every second spent of them saying goodbye hurt excruciatingly for them.

"I'll see you soon" she whispered to herself as she walked away. They waved for what felt like forever before Leia disappeared into the crowd of people trying to board the same flight.

"I'll see you soon" She whispered to herself once again, as if she were trying to convince herself to believe it.

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now