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The drive home was a quiet one, but none of them seemed to have a problem with that.

Although Tom would rather talk to Leia nonstop and listen to her voice the whole time, he knew that she had too much in mind to have a jolly conversation with him. So he let her stay quiet.

The moment they arrived and got out of the car, Tom stood in awe as he looked at the mansion before his eyes. He knew the house was big, but he had not expected it to be that big.

"I'll carry your things for you, Mr. Holland" Jimmy offered, taking Tom's bag out of his left hand— his right one clasped in Leia's.

"oh, no need, Jimmy. I can manage" he shook his head politely, not too comfortable.

"We'll be fine from here, Jim" Leia insisted as Jimmy was about to protest. "you should rest" She smiled

"thank you, Leia" He bowed his head out of habit, opening the door for the two exhausted teenagers

"Ooh, I didn't know you'd bring a man home" a chirpy voice filled the quiet living room, revealing Keliana, sat at the sofa with a book in her hands.

"you scared me" Leia gasped, clutching her chest, earning a chuckle from her sister

"well, introduce me to the lucky man" She smirked, making Tom blush as he awkwardly stood next to Leia, her hand still in his.

"right, sorry. I forgot that you two haven't met"

"I'm Tom, Leia's boyfriend" out of nowhere, Tom seemed to muster up a lot of confidence— Leia could tell by the sudden change of his voice.

"oooh so you're the boyfriend. A cute one, too. The accent is knee-weakening I tell ya" she teased, arching her brow at Leia, as if to prove that she's proud of her taste in men.

Keliana got up from her seat only to shake Tom's hand, before going back and cozying into her blanket and reopening the page she was reading

"we.. Uh- we're going to head upstairs and rest now.. Goodnight" Leia mumbled, a blushing mess.

She tugged at Tom's hand and led him towards the staircase, both pausing when Keliana called for them, saying- "remember not to be too loud! The children are sleeping!" making the two of exchange a look of embarrassment, both blushing profusely.

"so... where do I sleep?" Tom asked once they were stood by Leia's room, bags in hand.

"oh. I haven't actually thought about that. I thought we were going to share- I mean, only if you want to! Oh my god I didn't mean to sound so inconsiderate... I'm sorry.. I'll prepare the guest room if yo-"

"Leia, shut your mouth. Yes, I'll sleep in your room with you" Tom laughed, wiggling his eyebrows to further her embarrassment, making her palm her face with both her hands.

"oh my god, this is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me" she mumbled against her hands, Tom enveloping her in a hug, a huge smile on his face.

Leia didn't know what came through her mind, for sure if her mind was in a normal state, she'd ask Tom first before jumping into assumptions. But she was just was too comfortable with him that she didn't think he needed a different room, as bad as that sounded.

"don't be flustered, baby. If you wanted me in bed you could've just asked" Tom continued with the teasing as they entered the room, closing the door behind them.

"what? No! Tom! strictly no hanky panky" Leia shook her head too quickly, her cheeks a bright shade of red

"hanky panky? You're such a dork"

They set their things down on the floor by the corner, before Leia grabbed a towel with her, walking towards the bathroom.

"I'm going to take a shower. Um.. Feel at home?" she shrugged, closing the bathroom door once she entered.

She released a sigh of relief once she was inside, gulping and pulling at the roots of her hair.

"I can't believe I just assumed that he'd want to share a room" she muttered to herself, regretting everything that left her mouth the moment they arrived home.

Leia went on with her warm shower, leaving Tom to admire her big but simple room. That's one of the things that he admired most about Leia, she was the epitome of simplicity, yet she showcases so much class. It was as if she was a giant sparkling diamond ring, but you'd never find her overwhelming.

He took some clothes out of his travel bag, setting them down on the bed as he waited for Leia to finish.

Eventually, Leia came out of the bathroom, dressed and refreshed. Tom then took his time as he showered, enjoying the warm water, singing himself some bruno mars as he did so.

By the time they were both finished cleaning up, they settled themselves on the bed, Leia's head resting on Tom's chest.

"I still can't believe you flew all the way from New York just to be here with me" Leia sighed dreamily, "I'm so lucky to have you"

"you damn right you are" Tom joked, smiling at the sound of Leia's laughter.

"I love you" she smiled, looking deeply into Tom's eyes, luring him in.

"you have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now" Tom spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

Not bothering to come up with a response, Leia connected their lips in a soft kiss. No matter how many times the two of them have shared a kiss, they were both positive with one thing. It was never lust that pulled them together, it was always just pure unconditional love. A lot of people may disagree, but the two of them firmly believed that lust is cheap, and love would always win against it.

They kissed for what felt like forever, Tom flipped them over, his weight holding her in place. He brushed her hair away from her face. She never fails to blow him away.

"you're staring. It's making my tummy do a somersault inside" She blushed. Whenever she was with Tom, it felt like blushing was the only thing she's capable of doing.

"I'm not staring, I'm admiring" he whispered, bringing their lips together once again.

Their kiss remained sweet and loving, none of them thinking about stopping. That was until Leia's phone dinged— once, twice then thrice, making Tom groan as he pulled away.

"why must we always get interrupted?" he whined, genuinely bummed.

"stop being a baby" Leia chuckled, reaching out onto the bedside table for her phone, her jaw dropping as she read the text messages.

"it's dad... He stopped breathing"

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now