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"So you're telling me, you're sister only came back here to tell you that your dad's coming to get you?" Carmen asked, pissed and irritated at a certain Keliana Cravalho.

Leia had just finished telling Carmen everything that happened the day before and Carmen wasn't happy about it. She was the only person who knew everything that has happened to Leia and her family. She was the only person who Leia trusted with a hundred percent.

"Well, I wouldn't necessarily say that he's 'coming to get me'. But yeah, sort of like that." Leia shrugged as they neared their lockers.

"So what's your plan?" Carmen asks, the door of her locker blocking her face from Leia's sight.

"I'm not sure yet. I mean, of course I'm not going to let him take me." She chuckled nervously, closing and locking her locker at the process. "But I'm not too worried about it. So you shouldn't be too" she smiled as they made their way to their history class.

Carmen sat at her usual seat up at front and Leia made her way to the very back, putting her things down before taking here seat. They were earlier than usual and the classroom only had about three students, excluding Leia and Carmen.

Leia sat in her seat silently as she stared into the distance, not putting too much attention to the teacher and her classmates. She didn't even pay too much attention as Tom sat next to her, smiling.

Even though Leia had told Carmen that she wasn't worrying too much about the situation of her family, she was definitely lying about it. She was stressed and confused and upset. She was overwhelmed. She didn't know what to do or what to expect.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Tom put a piece of paper on her desk, making her read it. She glanced at Tom before looking at the paper.

'You okay?' She read, a smile creeping onto her face as she took hold of her pen, writing a reply neatly underneath Tom's handwriting.

'Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?' She wrote before handing it back to Tom with a grin. She looked away as Tom read it, writing his reply.

'Idk. You looked really upset :(' he wrote back, handing it once again to Leia.

Leia wore a massive smile on her face. Tom's small act of concern made her twice as better as anyone could do. She blushed as she wrote her reply, checking if the teacher had taken notice of the infamous 'note passing' moment going on between her and Tom.

'Did I really? I'm okay :) thanks for asking' she wrote back, handing it to Tom as she waited patiently for his reply.

'That's good. You know, I've been meaning to ask you something...' Leia's heart beat faster as she read it, her palms beginning to sweat as she wondered what he could be meaning to ask her.

'What have you been meaning to ask?' She wrote down.

'I was thinking that it'd be a great idea if we went out to eat later at 8 :)' Leia's toes curled as she read Tom's reply. She felt giddy and she was definitely blushing profusely.

'I think that'd be cool' she passed the note back to Tom, her hands shaking.

'Great! I'll take Samantha with me and you could take Carmen :))' Leia's smile disappeared almost immediately as she read the note, her hand gripping the pen tightly. But still she blamed her self completely for thinking that they were going on a date. She knew that Tom has a girlfriend so it was dumb of her to think that way.

'Yeah. Cool. We could do that.' She passed the note to Tom and he smiled widely at her after reading it, making her heart drop. How oblivious could he be? She thought.

The class ended later after the last note was written and Leia quickly walked towards Carmen.

"Cams! I need help" she held Carmen's hand as they walked outside of the classroom.

"What? If this is about Tom, I swear I don't want anything to do with it." Carmen shook her head

"How did you know?" Leia frowned

"What? You thought I didn't see your cheesy note passing moment back there? I mean, seriously Leia, you're only setting yourself up for heartbreak. You're smarter than this." She gave Leia a sidehug before combing Leia's long hair behind her ear. "I have class to get to. And you do too!" She waved before disappearing into the crowded hallway. Leaving Leia to her messed up self.

School ended quite fast. Leia was currently laying in her bed, her phone in her hands as she thought of a text to send Bryan. She only had two friends so if Carmen wasn't going with her then she had to text Bryan. Or just text Tom that she can't go but everyone knows that she'd never do that.

'Hi Bry :) dinner later at 8? -L'
Sent at 5:44 pm

'Yeah sure. I'll pick you up at 7' Leia's eyes went wide as she had not expected Bryan to say yes that easily. Leia decided that it'd be better if she didn't tell Bryan that Tom would be there, so she didn't.

She took the remaining time left to shower and get ready. She decided on leaving her hair down and her face makeupless. Not that she has anything against people who wear makeup, she just chooses not to wear any as it made her very uncomfortable.
She wore a cute and simple white dress that ended just above her knees.

The doorbell rang twice and Leia brushed her hair one last time before she ran downstairs to check if her mother was still sleeping. She left a note on her mother's bedside table saying that she prepared dinner for her and that she's going out with her friends.

"Hi Bryan" Leia smiled at a well dressed Bryan.

"I thought it'd be gentlemanly to bring you these." Bryan spoke, handing Leia a small bouquet of roses, making her blush.

"Gee, thanks Bry. You didn't have to" Leia chuckled. "Shall we?"

"Yeah sure. Let's go" the two walked towards Bryan's car before making their way to the restaurant that Tom had texted Leia.

Leia took a deep breath as she prepared herself for whatever was going to unfold

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now