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"Bryan!!! You son of a dirty worm!! Open this door!" Leia demanded as she slammed her fists against Bryan's front door. Bryan's parents we're always on a business trip so they were basically never home. Which gives Leia the upper hand in this situation because she can slam her fists against the door as long and as loud as she wants.

"What the fuck, Leia? It's like eleven in the evening" Bryan's choice of words made Leia wince, but she regained her composure quickly, trying her best to appear somewhat intimidating.

Leia didn't even have second thoughts as soon as her phone call with Tom had ended. She grabbed her coat and drove directly to Bryan's house. She convinced herself that she had the whole 'intimidating' thing planned, but as she's standing in front of her best friend, it seemed like she doesn't even remember why she's there in the first place.

"Move aside, cockroach" Leia internally cringed at her attempts at insulting her friend as she pushed him aside and stormed inside his house.

She's been to Bryan's house so many times that if feels like she's at her own when she sat on the expensive leather sofa. She crossed her arms against her chest as she glared intensely at Bryan's sleepy state, dressed in nothing but his boxers.

"You told him" a frown then replaced Leia's glare and Bryan immediately knew what she was there for.

"That bastard. He told you didn't he? I swear I'm gonna punch him-"

"Shut up Bryan! You know what? Right now? You're the 'B' word." Leia pointed her finger towards Bryan aggressively. "I trusted you"

"I did it for you, Leia-"

"How could that have been done for me? It makes no sense, Bryan!" Leia screamed, exasperated. She could not be more confused as she was then. Everything Bryan claims to be a 'good thing' was anything but. And that made Leia extremely upset.

"He was leading you on! And you're out here thinking that you have even the slightest bit of chance with him just because he offered you his juice box! How much of a whore could you possibly be?" Bryan regretted everything that came out of his mouth as soon as he had finished saying it. Remorse came flooding his insides as he stared into Leia's glossy eyes. He could see that she so badly wanted to cry. Anyone in her place would.

"I-I.. I don't even know you anymore" Leia held in her tears

"What is all the screaming about" a voice chimed in and Leia's jaw dropped to the ground in shock as she saw Carmen walking towards them in just her matching lingerie.

"Oh great. Just who I wanted to see" Carmen rolled her eyes at the sight of Leia crying.

"Y-you guys.. Are you?.. What" Leia stuttered, still in a state of shock and disbelief

"Carmen, go back in there" Bryan ordered, looking expectantly at her

"No! I'm not going to do that! It's about time you get over this bitch, Bryan!" Carmen protested, pointing towards Leia with so much hatred in her eyes.

"Don't call her that" Bryan warned, grabbing Leia's arm protectively

"Then what do I call her, Bryan? You tell me! Weren't you just saying to me last night how much of a bitch she is for choosing Tom over your sorry ass?" Carmen argued. Despite all of the mess going on, Leia stood there I'm silence. She couldn't believe anything that was happening. In fact, she couldn't believe anything that has been happening to her ever since she and Tom had become friends. It seemed as if her life was less stressful when she kept to herself.

"How could you both be so cruel?" Leia asked, despair straining her voice. "How?" She asked once again, hoping anyone could just explain to her why people were so cruel.

"Friends aren't suppose to sabotage each other out of jealousy. I don't even know what to say" Leia wiped the tear that rolled down her cheek before she left Bryan's house in so much sadness.

Leia drove back home crying. The entire drive she kept asking the question 'why'. All this time she had been believing that despite all the hatred in the world, there is always love. But for some reason, she didn't feel any. Not anymore.

She parked her car at an empty parking lot at a 24 hour diner, and she found herself dialling the phone number that seems to be the only number she ever calls.

Normally, she would contemplate, but at that very moment, she didn't even care anymore. For once, she wanted to put herself first.

"Hello? Leia?" Tom's voice filled Leia's ear, and she felt it soothing her down already.

"T-tom? Could you come meet me?" She sniffled, accidentally making it too obvious that she had been crying.

"Are you crying? Leia? Are you okay? Where are you?" Concern coated Tom's voice and she could hear him shuffling on the other line.

"I'm at Fred's" she stated, her voice hoarse from all the crying she's been doing.

"Stay there. Leia? I mean it. Stay there. Don't end the call. I'll be right there" Tom quickly ordered as he stumbled on some clothes on his bedroom floor. He grabbed his keys and rushed towards his car, phone still against his ear

He drove quickly towards Leia's destination, not once forgetting to ask her if she was okay from time to time. His heart beat so loudly due to worry. Different questions kept running through his head.

But despite all the confusion, he was sure of one thing. He was sure that he wanted to be there for Leia.

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now