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"What the hell happened to you earlier today?" Carmen glared at Leia once her eyes have laid on her, sitting on their usual table during lunch. "first, you didn't pick me up this morn-"

"I rode the bus to school today"

"-doesn't matter! You also missed our daily breakfast hangout! And now this?" she screamed though the cafeteria was loud, it muted her voice a little

"calm down. Your voice is really loud" Leia whisper-yelled, bringing her hands up to cover her face from any further embarrassments.

Bryan then came walking towards them and Leia released a relieved sigh, giving him a look that screams 'help' but he only shook his head.

"look who's finally here" Bryan teased Leia as he sat next to her, nudging her arm lightly.

"not you too, Bry. I just had matters to attend to. You guys are throwing things out of proportion" she frowned, upset about how her friends are acting

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll make it up to you guys. I promise" Leia smiled weakly, reaching her pinky out, her friends doing the same as the three of them pinky swore.

"Um hi. May I speak with Leia for a moment, please?" Their heads snap up to the direction of that voice. The voice that Leia knew a little too well.

"Since when were you and Holland on speaking terms?" Bryan spat, his tone venomous.

"Literally just awhile ago" "two days ago" Leia and Tom spoke at the same time with contrasting comments. The latter one coming from Tom, making Carmen and Bryan look at each other, confused.

"I honestly don't even remember" Leia blushed, hoping that Tom would just let this one go

"Well, may I? Speak to you?" Tom once again asked, this time looking directly into Leia's eyes, almost making her melt

"We actually have pla-"

"I guess so" Leia cut Bryan off immediately before getting up. "I'll see you guys later?" Carmen and Bryan gave her a cold curt nod before starting a conversation of their own.

"So.. Um.. What can I help you with? Another surprise plan perhaps?"

"No, Leia. I-"

"Did the plan not work? We didn't forget to reserve you guys a table for dinner right?"

"Leia, listen-"

"Did she not like the balloons? Or the flowers? Maybe she didn't-"

"No, Leia. I wanted to know how you are"

"M-me?" Leia stuttered, her cheeks blushing as she froze on her spot in the center of the empty hallway

"Well, y-yeah. You know.. After you um.. Left earlier. You didn't seem so well" Tom worried, a blushing mess himself.

"Oh. Yeah" she chuckled awkwardly, immediately regretting her actions from earlier that day. "It was. It was nothing" she sighed

"I was worried you know?"

"You were?" Leia asked, shocked.

"Of course I was, Leia. You're my friend. I'll always be worried about you" Tom admitted.

Leia was certain that her heart stopped for a moment. Her emotions once again overwhelming her. Unsure if she should be happy or upset.

"I'm sorry about Bryan. He's not usually that snappy. He's actually a really sweet guy" Leia apologized, she was confused herself as to why Bryan had been quite the gray cloud lately. She set a mental reminder for herself to ask Bryan about it soon.

"Nah, it's fine really." Tom shook his head, deep in thought. "So.. Is he your like.. Um.. Are you guys like a thing?"

"A thing!?" Leia exclaimed, blushing past the extremes. "No! We're really close friends though. For a very long time now" she laughed as Tom released a sigh of relief.

"Samantha wanted to thank you by the way, for helping me with the surprise"  Leia groaned internally as Samantha's name left Tom's mouth. Just as she had hoped that they would finally have a conversation without mentioning her.

"Yeah? It's nothing Tom, really. That's what friends do. Right?" She put on a half smile before rubbing her palms together, in hopes that she could calm her nerves down. "Listen, I have to go. I'll see you around?"

"Of course. I'll see you around"

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now