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"What the fuck, Leia?" Tom asked, unable to hide his irritation. Tom had kept his opinions to himself as they waited patiently for Leia's father to leave after coming in terms with Leia's decision.

Not too long after he'd left, Tom grabbed Leia's hand, bidding his goodbye to Diana. He insisted on going on a walk to the park with Leia, claiming that they needed to talk, and that it was urgent.

"I thought we were going to stand our ground on this one? That's why I came with you in the first place! So you wouldn't have to fight on your own. But it almost felt like you didn't even try" Leia frowned at his choice of words. She did try, but she knew it was hopeless. She was thankful nonetheless for having Tom by her side though, and for having him consider this as 'their' fight, even though he had nothing to do with it.

"I did try, Tom. It was pointless anyway. The only reason I'm staying here is my mom, but now that she said so herself, that I should go and live the man who abandoned us, there's no reason at all to fight." She sighed, too emotionally drained to even cry.

"You have me, Leia! What about me? You're just going to leave me here? Just like that?" Leia blushed at that, she didn't even think that Tom would be affected if she ever left. She knew they were friends, but she just didn't think that he cared for her to that extent.

"I don't know, Tom.. You have Samantha and-

"You're going to keep bringing her up aren't you?" Tom was annoyed, Leia couldn't tell if he was annoyed at her or at the situation or at himself. The whole situation was emotionally stressful.

"Well, you're still with her aren't you?" Leia retorted, getting annoyed as well.

Leia's words shut them both up. The two of them releasing a sigh of exhaustion. They were so deep into their conversation that they both hadn't realized that they've walked quite far from where they came from, finding themselves at the lonely side of the park, the lake into view.

"What are we, Tom?" Leia asked suddenly, looking at Tom expectantly. She's been wondering for way too long and she thinks that if she's going to leave, she might as well know if there's something worth fighting for.

"I-I... I don't know" Tom shook his head, he- himself didn't know what he and Leia were. Were they just friends? Was that only what they were?

Tom's uncertainty brought Leia to snap out of her oblivion. She knew she was dumb to think that they had something special. Sure, they shared a kiss or two, but she never got the confirmation from Tom that he actually meant to kiss her. She kept thinking that maybe, just maybe, he'd only done that because it was a 'heat of the moment' thing.

She grabbed Tom's hand, stopping them on their tracks, "Listen, Tom.. I love you. I've always loved you. You already knew that." Leia cupped his cheek, giving him a weary smile, as if she wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing. "But you love Samantha.. A-and, I don't want to get in the way of your relationship." She paused for a moment, desperate to receive a reaction from Tom. But he only shook his head, turning his head away, avoiding eye contact.

Leia didn't know though, that Tom wasn't even sure if he in fact, loved Samantha. He cared for her, sure, but love is a deep, deep word. And one does not simply just feel 'love'. He felt like crying, which was why he couldn't look her in the eyes.

"Cherish your relationship, Tommy. She loves you. I'm sure she does. You're going to be together for as long as you can think of and you're going to celebrate anniversaries, you're going to plan more surprises for her. You can give me a call so I can help plan it! Just like before. Nothing's going to change" Leia's eyes were becoming teary, but she didn't even care anymore. Leaving meant that she was going to cry. It was bound to happen anyway.

"That's not true.." Tom shook his head once again in disagreement. "Everything's going to change, Leia. You're not going to be here anymore.. Can't you see how that's going to affect everything? How that's going to affect me?"

"I'll write you letters.. There's nothing to worry about. You're going to graduate and fulfill your dreams. For me.. For the people you love-

"Letters? What is this? The seventies?" Tom chuckled bitterly, he just couldn't stand how stubborn she was being. couldn't she see that he didn't want her to leave?

"It's sweet, and sentimental" she smiled at him, a genuine one.

"Just stay, Leia.. There's no point in leaving-

"There's no point in staying either is there?" Leia protested, stubbornly insistent.

"There is! I care for you, Leia.. I don't know.. Maybe I.. I.. I think I love you already! Is that not enough?" Tom palmed his face, rubbing his temples.

Leia was not expecting him to say that. In fact, she was mad that he said that. It was unfair of him to say that. It was unfair of him to say that he loved her a few days before she's scheduled to leave. It was just so unfair to her.

"No, Tom... Don't say that. You don't.. You can't-

Leia wasn't even able to finish her sentence, Tom once again had connected their lips, setting the butterflies in their stomachs free. In fact, it didn't feel like butterflies anymore. It felt like a damn zoo in their stomachs. Both of their hearts felt like exploding out of their chests

The feeling was mutual, there was no denying to it anymore.


This chapter is dedicated to a birthday baby!!! lowkeyprincipessa you're a gem x happy birthday

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now