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The car ride home was excruciatingly painful for Leia, to say the least. With Tom sat next to her at the back seat of her father's limousine, and her father next to the driver, there wasn't much said.

Tom had been very persistent in going with Leia, claiming that there was no way- over his dead body, would he let Leia get through this on her own. To which Leia felt even more amorous towards him than she had before, considering that Tom had no idea as to what story lies behind Leia's family, nor has he even ever met her mother. It was a brave move of him to make, if only the situation weren't as serious as it was, Leia would have given him a hug or a high five, or an A for effort.

The smirk was not yet swept from her father's face since Leia had challenged him threateningly regarding her mother's opinion in all this drama. If she was confident before about her mother, she definitely wasn't no more.

Leia hadn't even noticed that her leg were bouncing restlessly against the car's carpet, anxiety once again taking over her. It was only then she realized when Tom's hand held her knee reassuringly, giving her a sympathetic forced smile.

Though Tom had no idea whatsoever of what to expect, he was nervous as well. He had a good grip when it came to reading people, and it was clear as crystal to him that this man- Leia's father, had no good intentions. He could see past his tough demeanor though, that behind all his luxury, pride was hidden. A huge amount of it as well. Seemed to him, that he only wanted to pursue Leia so badly for the purpose of showing his former wife that he would come up on top. But that was only how he saw it anyway.

"You're going to be fine, Leia" he would say repeatedly, every time the poor girl would subtly gasp for air from holding her breath for too long.

"It's not too late to drop out, tommy." Leia whispered cautiously, as if she didn't want her father to hear her as she spoke. "You're not obligated to do this"

Though her words said 'go', her eyes screamed 'stay'. She knew deep down that she needed someone by her side during this. As selfish as that sounded, she knew it were true.

"You're my best friend, I'm not going anywhere"

Leia felt bad for Tom. He was in no place deserving to see her family drama before him. It wasn't pleasing and it definitely wasn't a sight for sore eyes.

If Carmen and Bryan hadn't done her like they had, they would be the ones next to her instead of Tom. But the more Leia thought about it, the more she believed that it was probably better this way.

As the car pulled over at the Cravalho's residence, Leia's father's smirk grew wider, eventually turning into a grin as her mother came to view. For once well dressed, hair brushed and makeup applied neatly, as if she was prepared for this moment.

"Diana, always a pleasure seeing you" Leia's father greeted, throwing a glance towards Leia to see her reaction

"Matthew" Diana nodded, appreciating his presence. "Leia, darling. And company" she smiled sweetly towards Tom, not putting too much thought on him.

"Let's make this short, Diana. We have a plane to catch" Matthew spoke with power, as if everyone around him were bound to do as he says.

"You okay?" Tom asked Leia, concern laced on his face as she continued to remain silent. Speechless.

Not being able to form a coherent sentence, she gave him a curt nod, justifying that she wasn't, but she was trying to be.

They all entered the house, piling into the living room, each taking a seat at the sofa, Tom never once leaving Leia's side. To which she was grateful for. In times like these, the one thing she needed most would be a friend. And Tom was willing to be anything she needed him to be at the moment.

"So, Diana, let's save the small talk for another time. Leia here, wants to know your take on her going back with me to Australia." The way Matthew talked made Leia shiver, there was just so much power in him that it scared her.

"Well, Leia, me and your father had a talk over the phone last night" her mother started cautiously, expecting a negative reaction from her oblivious daughter. All this time, Leia had thought that her parents were no longer in contact with each other. "And, we thought it would be best if you went and lived with him." Diana smiled sweetly.

Leia stiffened at her seat, completely powerless and defenseless at the situation. Going against her father was one thing, but going against both her father and mother was another, especially when she thought her mother would be the last to turn her back on her.

"You agreed to this?" Leia asked her mother, still in a state of shock from how fast things were happening. "After all these years, I've fought for your battles. I've risked all I had just so I could be here to help you up whenever you fell because you were too drunk. I've sworn on my life that I'd never leave you, not knowing that you'd be the one to push me away" Leia shook her head in distress, nothing could possibly be more painful than having your own mother so easily give you up like Diana had done to Leia.

"I didn't have a choice, Leia! Your father is offering you the best life anyone has to offer! We negotiated-

"Negotiated!? What am I? An item? An object that you can just dispose of once you're tired of using?" Leia screamed, desperate for air. Tom held her hand once again, in attempt to calm her down. She was hyperventilating, Tom was afraid that if she didn't breathe normally in time, she'd end up in the hospital, with an oxygen tank next to her.

"I am not disposing you, Leia! I'm doing this for your own good-

"My own good is something that I decide on. Not you, not you- dad, not anyone else!" Leia's hand clasped her chest tightly as she spoke, her breath becoming more painful every time she took it.

"I-I think.. That Leia should be the one to decide" Tom spoke up suddenly, making Diana and Matthew look at him as if he grew a second pair of eyes. "She's entitled to her own decisions"

"I don't care what you think, son." Matthew smiled at Tom bitterly, disregarding his comment instantaneously. "I am the one to decide. And you, Leia, are coming with me. That is the last to this. Nothing, is going to change that"

Just as Tom were about to open his mouth to protest, Leia spoke up, loud and clear, saying the words that none of them were expecting to hear from her. Tom looking at her sceptically.

"Fine. Give me a week to pack my things, then I'll go. Without complications"

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now