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Dear Tom,

We hung out two days ago. You stayed with me at the library. We talked about our likes and our dislikes and we had a lot of fun. Have I ever told you that you're amazing? Because you truly are. Things were going great actually, until you mentioned Samantha. She was all you ever talked about after that. It hurt me, I'll admit. But you were so happy, your eyes sparkled at the mere thought of her. And that itself, is worth the pain. I'm still glad that we're friends now.


Leia once again, crumpled the letter that she wrote. This time not even bothering to toss it in the garbage can. It's been two day since Tom and her hung out at the library. She was beyond happy about the fact that Tom considered her as a friend now.

"we should exchange numbers! So you know.. we can talk and all that."

Leia recalled how Tom took her phone from her hand, even snapping a photo of himself to set as a contact photo. She smiled at the memory as if it happened so long ago.

The thing about Tom is, that he is just so out of the ordinary. He is always so bubbly and friendly in general. To think that he wasn't even famous at their school to begin with. He just happened to score the smartest, richest and even prettiest girl at their school. It was a miracle for a lot of people when they made it public. No one just ever saw it coming. Considering that Tom was a very awkward and nerdy person and Samantha was the complete opposite.

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now