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"w-what?" Tom's eyes widen upon reading Leia's letter, hurt visible through his glossy eyes.

Right after Leia had asked Samantha to give the letter to Tom, she asked her to give him a hug for her, specifically stating that he was probably going to say something vulgar or curse profusely, which was why she should hug him and calm him down.

"I'm sorry, Tom" Samantha frowned at the sight of Tom in pain, giving him a comforting hug, doing just as Leia had asked.

"she can't leave, Sam.. I can't let her" Tom shook his head, calming down a bit, thanks to Samantha's warm embrace.

"Tom, you read the letter, she said she wants to know more about her father. This is her family we're talki-

"yeah, right" Tom scoffed, pulling away from Samantha. "her family's been nothing but shit to her. She doesn't deserve anymore pain than she's already enduring"

Ignoring Samantha's words of advice, Tom got up and started packing his clothes, insistent that he follows Leia to wherever she decided on going, without being logical about his decisions.

"Tom!" Samantha cried, gripping the shirt in Tom's hand away from him, desperately tugging at his wrists to stop him from his stupidity. "you're not thinking straight! You can't just leave! Please, stop!" she begged as Tom continued on ignoring her, his pace quickening

"what time is her flight?" Tom asked, annoyance obvious in his tone

"I-I.. I don't know, Tom" Samantha stuttered, caught off-guard at Tom's sudden change of mood

"bullshit, Samantha! She must've said something to you.. S-she must've told someone.. anyone" Samantha flinched at the loudness of Tom's voice, this wasn't the same Tom she knew, this Tom was wild. But she understood his frantic state anyway.

"I swear on my life, Tommy.. I don't know" that nickname he thought. He didn't mean to be bitter when Samantha called him that, but ever since Leia began to call him that, it never sounded the same coming from anyone that wasn't her.

Closing his eyes and rubbing his temples, Tom sat down once again on his beanbag chair, the letter crumpled unintentionally in his hand. He had to calm down, he knew that he had to. But being brought the news so suddenly, he found it hard to do just that. Throughout the week, he had thought that Leia wasn't going to push through with her father's plans, he thought that they both came into terms of agreement. So her suddenly claiming that she's leaving was a surprise to him once more.

"think this through, Tom. You barely even knew Leia.." Samantha put a hand on Tom's shoulder, careful not to nag him too much. "maybe this is for the best? I mean, you've only been talking for a few weeks, a month maybe.. And she's already got you wrapped around her finger, not in a good way as well. Don't you think it's a little forced that you feel this way?"

Tom only shook his head upon hearing Samantha's attempt at helping him. It pissed him off. She pissed him off. Not only because her advices were probably one-side, but because she had the audacity to tell him off when she had no idea about what he was feeling.

"you don't understand, Samantha." he pushed her hand off his shoulder, looking away from her heated stare.

"then help me understand, Tom.. Because you're not the only one who's hurting. Did you forget how easily you put me to the side just because you were having so called feelings for Leia? I'm in pain as well, but if you let me understand, I'm willing to disregard the way I feel for you" at the thought of delivering the letter to Tom, Samantha hadn't expected that she would end up crying. She knew that Tom cared for Leia, but she still found it hard to believe that he loved her. She was in denial.

"I don't know, Sam" Tom sighed, finding it hard to put into words the way he felt about Leia. "you're right. I barely know her, but there's something about her, there's just something about her that makes me feel so special. She makes me feel so loved" Samantha frowned at his words. She couldn't help but get hurt the more she listened. Did she not make him feel loved when they were dating? Had she been a terrible girlfriend?

"not that you didn't!" Tom panicked as he realized that he was expressing his feelings for another girl to his ex-girlfriend. None of the things that were happening was right. Everything felt like jumbled emotions. "you were amazing to me, Sam.. It's just.. I don't know how it happened, I didn't want us to end that way. But I'd rather be truthful than dishonest. And I couldn't stand kissing you with Leia on my mind instead. It wasn't right. I'm sorry" he wiped Samantha's tears dry, even though he and Samantha were no longer a thing, he still cared about her, and seeing her cry still hurt him, especially so if he was the reason of it.

With the former couple hugging, Leia's intentions slowly became more understandable, it became more clear to them that maybe the reason she asked Samantha to deliver the letter was because she knew that she and Tom lacked closure. She wanted them to talk about everything. She wanted them to see things clearer. Because she knew for a fact that before leaving, everything had to be right

- - -


Merry Christmas, my loves. I will be updating every Wednesday and Saturday again starting tomorrow.

Also, On a scale of 1-10, how terribly written is this book?

Have a great Christmas. Ily all xx

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now