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"where have you been, Leia?" Leia's mother asked as soon as Leia walked in the house at five passed ten.

"I was out with friends" was Leia's short response, which wasn't a lie. After Carmen had come clean and apologized, she, Leia and Samantha have been hanging out more often. In fact, it's been two days since then and they made plans on going to the mall everytime after school, which caused Leia to get home quite late.

"out with friends? Again? I cannot tolerate this behavior, young lady! You better behave yourself or so help me I'm going to-

"going to what? Kick me out of the house? Oh, wait.. You've already done that" Leia rolled her eyes before turning around and walking away

"you're seriously going to believe that I wanted you to leave? I had no choice, Leia!" her mother called behind her, making her turn around, angered and annoyed

"no choice? You expect me to believe that?" Leia retorted

"your father blackmailed me! He said if I didn't force you to live with him, he'd end my life! And you know your father, Leia! If he doesn't get what he wants, he'd actually do it-

"so you'd rather have him end mine?" Leia scoffed at her mother's excuse. Even if she was being intellectual with her decisions, it was still wrong to put her daughter inbetween a problem that she shouldn't be involved in to begin with.

"you don't understand, darling-

"don't call me that. And you're right, I don't understand. But I don't have to be a genius to see how selfish you are." she shook her head before heading upstairs towards her bedroom.

Leia had a day left before leaving, and with every second that went by, she felt more and more hopeless. What else was left for her to do?

Grabbing a piece of paper and a pen, she found herself writing a letter once again.

Dear Tom,

I had a talk with mom.. She said she's been blackmailed by my father into forcing me to go. But I don't understand why? What could he possibly gain from all of this ruckus that he's causing? He's been gone for so long and he's never said a word to us. Why so sudden does he want me to go and stay with him?

I know this is stupid, Tommy.. But my mom said that if I don't go, my father would do everything in his power to make her life miserable, and for some reason, I don't believe it. I just have a gut feeling, you know? But that's not the stupid part.. The stupid part is that I have the urge to find out why he's so desperate.

The thing is, my father is a jerk, But he's not an idiot. So if he's willing to seem this desperate just to get what he wants then there's probably another reason behind it. And I want to find out what it is.

It's stupid isn't it? But like I said, I have this gut feeling. And I trust my gut.. So I'll go. I've decided. It's final.

I'll write you letters, still.. Nothing will change.

You know? I used to believe that love was the answer to all the problems in this world, but the more I open my eyes, the more I start to question, is there even still love in this world?

I love you, Tommy. I always will.

Keep an eye out for my mom, mkay?

Take care of yourself


Folding the paper in three, she then taped it together, sealing the letter in place.

She knew that she'd regret her decision soon, probably sooner than she'll expect, but she knew something was odd, and she had to know what it was.

Leia packed her things later that evening, before calling Samantha and asking her to hand the letter to Tom herself. She trusted her. She just did.

Taking a deep breath, Leia closed her eyes and faded into deep slumber. Preparing herself for the big day ahead.



Sorry for the shit chapter, guys. My grandmother just passed away bc of breast cancer. She's been battling it for six years and it took her life. I loved her with all my heart. I would go there everyday and just spend the day with her, make her laugh and prepare her meals. She would call for me and just ask me to hold her hand. So it just really took a toll on me. Especially bc she passed away next to me, as I held her hand. My family and I are grieving. I hope you understand.

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now