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"so I assume you won't make it to school tomorrow?" Bradley asked, standing by the door, on his way home.

Much to Leia's surprise, after an hour of awkward silence and unwelcoming glances between the two British men, they ended up being much more friendly towards each other. They talked civilly and had a very typical conversation about tea. She wasn't sure if it was sincere, but if in any case it wasn't, then they sure did a great job at pretending.

Matthew was still unconscious, though his heart rate was stable, he wasn't showing any signs of improvement during the past day spent at the hospital.

The doctors paid him a visit as well, but upon seeing no difference from when he was brought in, they suggested that they bring him into the ICU if he were still unconscious in the next few hours.

"yep. Gotta keep my man company" Leia let out a chuckle, glancing longingly at Tom, who was not so discreetly listening to their conversation with a scowl.

"of course. Well, I'll make sure to take some notes for you until everything's better. Wouldn't want Mr. Moore to find you a tutor for missing class" Bradley smiled softly at Leia, admiring her strength and beauty, pulling her in a hug so suddenly, catching Leia off-guard.

"oh" Leia gasped at the sudden contact, leaving her arms to awkwardly hang there as he wrapped his around her small frame. "right.. Thanks again for the cupcakes, and for checking on my dad"

"no problem. Be strong" he waved— Leia shut the door immediately as soon as he turned his back, giving Tom a wry smile.

"oh Leia, I like you a lot so I'll bring you cupcakes and hug you and bat my lashes at you" Tom scoffed, mimicking Brad's voice inaccurately, obviously quite bitter.

Leia laughed at the tone of his voice, finding it funny that he'd be jealous over someone that she'd just met when she's been pining over Tom for what felt like forever.

"I met him yesterday, Tom. Calm down" she teased, taking a seat back next to him.

"doesn't change the fact that he makes his liking towards you very noticeable" he rolled his eyes as Leia laid her head against his shoulder in attempt to lighten the mood.

"oh shut up" Leia laughed, not taking it too seriously

The two of them sat there in silence, but not the bad kind— for sure. More of a comforting one, if anything.

"so you're my boyfriend now?" Leia asked teasingly as she recalled Tom correcting Bradley for referring to him as her 'friend'

"hm.. seems like it" he shrugged, his tone still bitter

"well I don't recall you asking me to be your girlfriend. Is it like a one-sided relationship?"

Tom raised his eyebrow at Leia, not expecting her to react that way.

"I didn't think that I- I just.. I'm sorry I-"

"Tom, I'm joking. Yes I'll be your girlfriend" she booped his nose gently, falling deeper for him if it was even possible to fall anymore deeper than she already had.

Just as their lips were about to connect, another knock at the door ruined their moment once again, making Tom groan in frustration but quickly sit up when it opened, showcasing Matthew's wife— no longer accompanied by their children.

"Leia" she sent her a sweet but tired smile, before turning towards Tom "and friend"

"nice to meet you, I'm Tom" he stood up and shook her hand, as a sign of respect.

"I asked the kids to go home, they brought the take out with them. You should head home as well and get some rest." she instructed, but not in a menacing way— more like a mother's instinct kind of way.

"oh no need, Mrs.-"

"please, Leia. It's Winona." she let a small laugh escape her lips. "and you must. You haven't changed out of your uniform yet. Go get some rest"

"if you insist Mrs.- sorry, Winona. Are you sure you'll be fine?"

"a hundred percent. Tom, dear, you can stay at our home as long as you need. Jimmy will provide you with whatever you need" she stated as she put her things down on the bedside table, taking Matthew's hand in her own.

"Thank you, Winona. Give us a call if anything happens" Leia thanked her one last time before tugging at Tom's hand and pulling him towards the door.

"no problem, dear. Be safe"

Tom grabbed his Travel bag that he brought with him, one that wasn't so big as he only planned on staying for a few days, three at most.

"okay, is it just me or are her eyebrows like really thin?" Tom asked just as they left the room, earning him a slap on his arm and a stern look from Leia. "what? It's an honest observation" he laughed

They made their way to the elevator and luckily, it was empty.

"Why are you so far away?" Tom whined as Leia stood by the corner across him inside the elevator

"Tom, seriously? You are such a child today" Leia rolled her eyes at him, slightly getting annoyed "if this is still about Brad, I swear-"

"I said come here" Tom groaned, pulling Leia close to him, enveloping her in a tight embrace and resting his chin on her head

"why is this the longest elevator ride I've ever been to. You're so annoying" Tom laughed at Leia's odd complaint. As if on cue, the door opened, and they made their way out.

A smile made it's way onto Leia's face when Jimmy came into view. Despite not knowing him for too long, she grew quite a liking towards him. He talks to her and asks her how she is, he was a friend for sure.

"Leia" Jimmy bowed his head upon seeing Leia.

"Sir Jimmy" Leia curtsied. It's become an inside joke between the two. Originally, it was Leia's idea. She thought that since Jimmy was instructed to refer to everyone in the household as 'mr. and ms', it was only right that he got the same treatment.

"Jimmy, this is Tom"

"So you're the lucky boy that Leia writes to. I would know, I brought the letter to the postal office myself" Leia blushed at that, and surprisingly as she glanced up at Tom, he was also blushing

"Lucky is an understatement" he smiled, giving Leia a cheeky wink

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now