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"Well? Aren't you going to nurse my wounds?" Tom chuckled lightly as he and Leia sat in awkward silence at the empty school's clinic.

Originally, Leia had planned to just survive through the day, ignoring everyone's judgemental stares, but apparently, Tom had other plans.

After their homeroom, Tom had grabbed Leia's hand and confidently walked through the hallways, pulling Leia behind him, sending death glares to anyone who sends her as much as a glance.

He took her to the clinic, assuming that they'd have a lot more privacy and a reasonable amount of time to talk as Leia nursed his wounds

"C'mere" he ordered, his accent ringing through the silent room. He tugged at Leia's wrist gently, closing the distance between them, placing Leia between his legs as he sat at the clinic bed.

"Look at me" he spoke sternly as Leia continued to avoid eye contact. "Hey" he calmed her as a tear rolled down her cheek, her emotions finally flooding out of her chest.

Tom was quick to wipe her tears, enveloping her in his warm embrace.

"Listen to me, love. We'll get through this. Okay? We'll find out who started this mess" he cooed, barely standing the sight of Leia in a vulnerable state.

"What happened to your face?" Leia finally spoke up, asking the very thing that clouded her thoughts, desperate to know which fool decided that it'd be a good idea to ruin Tom's angelic face.

Tom's mood changed in an instant as the topic was brought up. Almost as if he himself could not believe whatever happened had happened.

"Bryan" he mumbled, embarrassed at his recent behavior with the said boy.

The way Leia had reacted surprised Tom. Not because she reacted negatively, but because she reacted so nonchalantly. In fact, she made it seem like she was expecting him to say that.

"Why?" Was her timid response.

"That bast-.. That guy said some things he shouldn't have. He deserved what he got." He explained, anger laced his voice. Leia couldn't help but internally blush as Tom stopped himself from cursing in front of her. As if he knew that it would make her uncomfortable

"Tom..." She trailed, "what do you mean by 'he got what he deserved'?" Leia asked, concern suddenly rushing over her, also because she hasn't seen Bryan yet since their last encounter

"Leia, it's not even that bad. Seriously-"

"Tom, what did you do to him?" She interrogated him

"I kicked him in the balls. Quite hard that he'll probably need to get it checked. I might've made having children impossible for him" Tom spoke triumphantly, making Leia step away from him in disbelief, but proud of him for what he did anyway.

"What could he have possibly said about Samantha that ticked you off that much anyway?" Leia rolled her eyes, assuming that the only thing to have made Tom react that way would be his girlfriend.

"What?" Tom chuckled at Leia's assumptions. "Did you just assume that I got into this mess because he said something about Samantha?" He shook his head at the thought, not even the slightest bit sorry for admitting that he wouldn't have reacted the same way if Samantha were the one to be insulted.

"Well, she is your girlfriend after all" Leia shrugged bitterly, gently dabbing the soaked cotton over Tom's busted lip.

"I got in a fight because he called you a desperate slut, Leia." Setting all jokes aside, Tom grabbed Leia's hand, stopping her from nursing his lip, trying to prove to her that he was in fact being a hundred and one percent serious

Leia blushed at that, as much as she'd dreamed of this to happen, she'd never actually considered it to be the reason that Tom got into his first actual fist fight.

"I don't know what you're doing to me, but it's definitely making me feel things that I shouldn't be feeling. Not at this moment, at least." Tom whispered, staring deeply into Leia's eyes, then down to her lips. "You're making me want to do things that I know I shouldn't" Leia blushed even more at that, her knees going weak as Tom's voice suddenly got raspier.

"B-but.. Samantha" Leia stuttered, barely holding her composure.

"I don't know.. But I'm willing to set that aside and find out where your love is going to take me" Tom leaned in, not even trying to fight back his feelings anymore, knowing that no matter how hard he'd try, Leia will bring him to his knees in a snap of her fingers.

Butterflies errupted in both of their stomachs as they find themselves in a soft kiss, with Leia's arms around Tom's neck and Tom's hands on her waist.

Tom's wounds into consideration, Leia remained very gentle, barely even touching Tom's lips, making him want the kiss even more.

"I have to get to class, Tom" Leia spoke against Tom's lips, breaking the kiss was her definite intention. Despite wanting this more than anything, she couldn't do it. She couldn't do this to Tom, and she most definitely couldn't do this to Samantha. Even though she admittedly wasn't too fond of her, Samantha hasn't done anything wrong to her for her to ruin her like this. She just couldn't

Breaking their contact, Leia stepped away from Tom, dabbing the cotton one last time against his lips, as if it would clear off their kiss.

"I'll see you later?" She smiled halfheartedly. "Don't be a stranger" she chuckled before leaving him dumbfounded and alone at the clinic.

Right after Leia had left that room, walking towards her English class, she heard a voice calling behind her.

Recognizing that voice in an instance, she froze at her spot, her heart suddenly beating so hard.

"Leia?" The voice called once more, waiting for her to turn around.

Leia took one deep, shaky breath before turning around to meet eye to eye with whoever it was calling her name.

Confirming her assumptions, it was indeed who she thought it was.



Huge thanks to bravocados for the cover in the multimedia box. You're amazing x

LOVE, LEIA (letters to tom)  • Tom Holland au •Where stories live. Discover now